Evaluation form
Date, place
Project code*Table 1. General information about the Evaluator
NameScientific degree
Institution, full work address
e-mail address
Table 2. Evaluation of methodology and statistical analysis (these are excluding criteria)
Item is scored as correct if: / Correct / IncorrectScientific methodology / The study design supports proposed hypothesis.
Scientific methodology / Type of study and study design are clearly defined.
Statistical analysis / Appropriate data analysis is planned (regarding the type of the study question, sample size, number of groups, causality...).
Table 3. Evaluation form for the proposal
Max number of points / Maximum number of points is granted if:Relevance of the proposed topic / 10 / It is evident from the proposal that the topic generates new knowledge in the field of laboratory medicine.
Healthcare benefits / 10 / It is evident from the proposal that study results will affect the patient care in lowering risk of harm, improving patient safety or improving prevention, diagnosis or monitoring of diseases.
Financial plan / 10 / It is evident that required funds are going to allow completion of the project. If additional funds are needed, a letter of support from the laboratory Head should be provided. Allocated funds should not be used for other purposes.
Max / 30
Table 4. Evaluation form for the applicant
Max number of points / Maximum number of points is granted if:CSMBLM activity of the applicant* / 10 / the applicant is active in five different CSMBLM activities within the last five years for at least 2 years (2 points per each)
Publications / 10 / the applicant has 5 previous publications as a first author in journals indexed in Medline listed in the Table 2 (2 for each published article)
Max / 20
*CSMBLM secretary fills this item
All proposals are reviewed by three independent international reviewers.
Reviewing panel is proposed by the CSMBLM President and approved by the CSMBLM Executive Board.