Sample <30 years
Table 1. Baseline characteristics of subjects according to BMI status
Underweight or normal(n =248) / Overweight or obese
(n = 134) /
P value
Mean / SD / Mean / SD
Energy intake (kcal) / 2326.5 / 945.8 / 2321.3 / 984.1 / 0.99
Carbohydrate intake (g) / 350.9 / 151.4 / 348.0 / 144.7 / 0.83
Energy from carbohydrate (%) / 60.8% / 9.6% / 61.1% / 9.3% / 0.87
Glycemic index / 82.3 / 52.7 / 82.3 / 60.2 / 0.33
Glycemic load / 240.7 / 95.3 / 228.1 / 93.6 / 0.18
BMI: Body Mass Index. SD: Standard deviation
Table 2. Baseline characteristics of subjects by glucose intolerance
Normaln=359 / IGT
n=9 / DM
n=0 / P value
Fasting blood sugar (mg/dl) / 77.0±9.3 / 89.8±15.8 / - / 0.01
Postprandial blood sugar (mg/dl) / 84.3±14.9 / 156.7±20.51 / - / 0.001
Adjusted glycemic index
(mean ±SD)1 / 54.6±71.7 / 24.3±19.45 / - / 0.08
Adjusted glycemic load
(mean ±SD) 1 / 126.5±91.5 / 82.8±45.22 / - / 0.12
BMI (kg.m-2. mean ±SD) / 24.2±4.8 / 25.3±3.6 / - / 0.33
Age (years. mean ±SD) / 23.9±3.8 / 24. 8±3.0 / - / 0.43
Smoking (%)
Non smokers / 12.0%
88.0% / 11.1%
88.8% / - / 0.001
Family history of diabetes (%)
Yes / 96.9%
3.1% / 100%
0% / - / 0.26
Energy intake (kcal. mean ±SD) / 2313.4±963.5 / 2726.4±872.9 / - / 0.17
Energy from carbohydrate (%±SD) / 60.9±9.6 / 59.5±6.5 / - / 0.67
BMI: Body Mass Index; IGT: Impaired Glucose Tolerance; DM: Diabetes Mellitus; SD: Standard Deviation
1 Glycemic index and glycemic load were adjusted for total energy intake
Table 3. Baseline characteristics of subjects by quintiles of energy adjusted glycemic index
Quintiles glycemic index1 / P value1 (n=77) / 2 (n=76) / 3(n=75) / 4(n=77) / 5 (n=76)
Glycemic Index / 9.4±3.1 / 18.7±3.1 / 31.3±4.1 / 50.8±8.9 / 156.5±100.2 / <0.001
Fasting blood sugar (mg/dl) / 81.7±33.9 / 78.8±14.0 / 76.6±11.3 / 78.9±9.4 / 77.9±11.2 / 0.41
Postprandial blood sugar
(mg/dl) (mg/dl) / 89.7±23.7 / 89.4±22.2 / 85.9±17.4 / 84.0±16.7 / 84.7±17.1 / 0.44
Age (years) / 23.3±3.8 / 24.9±3.7 / 23.4±3.8 / 24.1±3.8 / 23.3±3.9 / 0.04
BMI (kg.m-2) / 23.4±6.0 / 24.7±4.5 / 23.1±4.4 / 24.1±4.1 / 23.8±4.0 / 0.05
Current smokers
(%) / 6.5±2.8 / 11.7±3.7 / 11.7±3.7 / 20.8±4.7 / 11.5±3.6 / 0.11
Family history of diabetes (%) / 4.0±2.3 / 1.3±1.3 / 2.7±1.9 / 3.9±2.2 / 2.6±1.8 / 0.86
Energy (kcal) / 3621.2±726.1 / 2734.2±531.6 / 2193.5±387.0. / 1873.9±391.4 / 1198.5±347.6 / <0.001
1 The glycemic index was adjusted for total energy intake
Table 4. Baseline characteristics of subjects by quintiles of energy adjusted glycemic load
Quintiles Glycemic Load1 / P value1 (n=77) / 2 (n=77) / 3 (n=77) / 4 (n=77) / 5 (n=78)
Glycemic Load / 46.3±12.0 / 72.3±6.5 / 101.9±10.04 / 139.8±14.4 / 264.7±101.0 / <0.001
Fasting blood sugar (mg/dl) / 81.3±34.6 / 78.7±10.6 / 77.5±12.3 / 78.0±11.3 / 78.4±11.1 / 0.83
Postprandial blood sugar (mg/dl) / 89.5±23.5 / 88.6±20.8 / 86.7±18.8 / 84.4±17.6 / 84.6±17.1 / 0.43
Age (years) / 24.3±3.8 / 24.9±3.7 / 23.6±3.8 / 24.1±3.8 / 23.2±4.0 / 0.04
BMI (kg.m-2) / 25.1±5.0 / 24.9±5.8 / 23.4±3.9 / 23.9±4.2 / 23.7±4.1 / 0.24
Current smokers
(%) / 5.2±2.5 / 14.3±4.0 / 10.4±3.5 / 16.7±4.3 / 15.4±4.1 / 0.18
Family history of diabetes (%) / 5.3±2.6 / 1.3±1.3 / 1.4±1.4 / 4.0±2.2 / 2.6±1.8 / 0.54
Energy (kcal) / 3239.5±900.7 / 2836.9±776.4 / 2313.7±673.1 / 1869.3±451.7 / 1359.7±527.6 / <0.001
1 The glycemic load was adjusted for total energy intake
Logistic regressions
OR of being IGT for Glycemic index OR=0.98 P=0.13
OR of being Diabetic for glycemic index: no diabetics under age 30
OR for being IGT for Glycemic load OR=0.99 P=0.35
OR for being Diabetes for Glycemic load no diabetics under age 30
OR of being IGT for total carbohydrates OR=1.00 P=0.30
OR of being Diabetic for total carbohydrates: no diabetics under age 30
OR for being IGT or diabetes combined for Glycemic index as there are no diabetics. see IGT results
OR for being IGT or diabetes combined for Glycemic load as there are no diabetics. see IGT results
OR for being IGT & diabetes combined for Glycemic index as there are no diabetics. see IGT results
OR for being IGT & diabetes combined for Glycemic load as there are no diabetics. see IGT results
Sample > 30 years
Table 1. Baseline characteristics of subjects according to BMI status
Underweight or normal(n = 202) / Overweight or obese
(n = 371) /
P value
Mean / SD / Mean / SD
Energy intake (kcal) / 2276 / 893.8 / 2285.0 / 909.1 / 0.84
Carbohydrate intake (g) / 347.0 / 134.6 / 349.4 / 141.9 / 0.92
Energy from carbohydrate (%) / 62.3 / 10.7 / 62.0 / 10.7 / 0.76
Glycemic Index / 69.7 / 48.0 / 68.4 / 50.2 / 0.61
Glycemic Load / 201.5 / 82.1 / 198.3 / 87.2 / 0.41
BMI: Body Mass Index. SD: Standard deviation
Table 2. Baseline characteristics of subjects by glucose intolerance
Normaln=486 / IGT
n=25 / DM
n=26 / P value
Fasting blood sugar (mg/dl) / 80.0±9.8 / 96.5±15.2 / 183.2±38.6 / <0.001
Postprandial blood sugar (mg/dl) / 91.0±16.9 / 164.1±17.6 / 287.3±54.0 / <0.001
Adjusted glycemic index
(mean ±SD)1 / 47.1±71.7 / 45.7±45.4 / 34.9±39.0 / 0.52
Adjusted glycemic load
(mean ±SD) 1 / 107.3±77.1 / 105.8±58.7 / 90.8±51.3 / 0.64
BMI (kg.m-2. mean ±SD) / 26.7±4.4 / 27.2±3.9 / 29.3±4.4 / 0.01
Age (years. mean ±SD) / 47.5±12.6 / 46.7±10.3 / 56.0±12.0 / 0.003
Smoking (%)
Non smokers / 87.5±1.5
12.6±1.5 / 95.7±4.3
4.3±4.3 / 92.3±5.7
8.0±5.7 / 0.35
Family history of diabetes (%)
Yes / 97.9±0.7
2.1±0.7 / 100%
0% / 95.9±4.2
4.2±4.2 / 0.61
Energy intake (kcal. mean ±SD) / 2294.5±917.6 / 2044.0±852.2 / 2277.1±858±9 / 0.41
Energy from carbohydrate (%±SD) / 61.9±10.9 / 64.3±10.5 / 65.9±8.2 / 0.10
BMI: Body Mass Index; IGT: Impaired Glucose Tolerance; DM: Diabetes Mellitus; SD: Standard Deviation
1 Glycemic index and glycemic load were adjusted for total energy intake
Table 3. Baseline characteristics of subjects by quintiles of energy adjusted glycemic index
Quintiles glycemic index1 / P value1 (n=114) / 2 (n=115) / 3(n=115) / 4(n=115) / 5 (n=115)
Glycemic Index / 8.3±2.4 / 16.1±2.4 / 25.3±3.6 / 43.3±7.1 / 134.7±110.2 / <0.001
Fasting blood sugar (mg/dl) / 88.4±27.6 / 90.9±33.0 / 88.0±27.7 / 85.9±26.1 / 86.2±27.5 / 0.51
Postprandial blood sugar
(mg/dl) (mg/dl) / 109.6±57.7 / 115.73±93.5 / 104.3±48.0 / 110.1±73.9 / 101.6±49.7 / 0.24
Age (years) / 48.3±12.5 / 47.9±12.3 / 48.8±13.2 / 47.9±12.4 / 46.6±12.5 / 0.77
BMI (kg.m-2) / 27.4±3.9 / 26.8±4.9 / 26.6±4.1 / 26.9±4.1 / 26.6±4.9 / 0.57
Current smokers
(%) / 6.1±2.2 / 10.4±2.8 / 13.9±3.2 / 13.0±3.2 / 16.5±3.5 / 0.15
Family history of diabetes (%) / 3.6±1.8 / 0.9±0.9 / 1.8±1.3 / 4.4±1.9 / 3.6±1.8 / 0.49
Energy (kcal) / 3402.5±688.7 / 2670.0±625.7 / 2288.5±422 / 1799.5±416.1 / 1254.6±416.0 / <0.001
1 The glycemic index was adjusted for total energy intake
Table 4. Baseline characteristics of subjects by quintiles of energy adjusted glycemic Load
Quintiles Glycemic Load1 / P value1 (n=114) / 2 (n=115) / 3(n=115) / 4(n=115) / 5(n=115) (n=115)
Glycemic load / 38.1±9.5 / 63.5±5.9 / 85.4±7.3 / 118.9±15.2 / 221.7±81.5 / <0.001
Fasting blood sugar (mg/dl) / 87.2±21.8 / 92.5±35.3 / 88.1±31.2 / 86.2±21.9 / 85.6±29.4 / 0.230
Postprandial blood sugar (mg/dl) / 108.4±52.0 / 113.63±63.8 / 111.2±91.2 / 108.8±68.6 / 99.9±50.1 / 0.03
Age (years) / 48.9±12.6 / 50.0±13.0 / 47.9±12.3 / 45.6±11.5 / 47.1±13.2 / 0.11
BMI (kg.m-2) / 27.4±3.9 / 26.7±4.5 / 27.4±4.6 / 26.6±4.2 / 26.4±4.7 / 0.26
Current smokers (%) / 5.3±2.1 / 9.6±2.8 / 13.9±3.2 / 16.5±3.4 / 14.8±3.3 / 0.06
Family history of diabetes (%) / 3.7±1.8 / 0 / 3.6±1.8 / 3.5±1.7 / 3.6±1.7 / 0.38
Energy (kcal) / 3070.5±869.1 / 2670.3±771.0 / 2312.9±686.6 / 1989.8 / 1368.8±525.4 / <0.001
1 The glycemic load was adjusted for total energy intake
Logistic regressions
OR of being IGT for Glycemic index OR=0.98 P=0.66
OR of being Diabetic for glycemic index: OR=0.99 P=0.20
OR for being IGT for Glycemic load OR=0.99 P=0.36
OR for being Diabetes for Glycemic load OR=1.01 P=0.24
OR of being IGT for total carbohydrates OR=0.99 P=0.35
OR of being Diabetic for total carbohydrates: OR=1.01 P=0.03
OR for being IGT or diabetes combined for Glycemic index OR=0.98 P=0.19
OR for being IGT or diabetes combined for Glycemic load OR=0.99 P=0.30
OR for being IGT & diabetes combined for Glycemic index OR=0.99 P=0.04
OR for being IGT & diabetes combined for Glycemic load OR=0.99 P=0.17