
T.N.G. SIGNS OF THE TIMES - N.M. September 27, 2000 (#87)

Greetings from Russell's Remnant: www.geocities.com/dkone_us

Russell Whitesell’s Teacher suggested that the T.N.G. (Tuesday Night Group) study Secrets of the Soil by Peter Tompkins & Christopher Bird. It had to do with rock dust, especially volcanic rock dust, and vortices. We have extracted some of those statements so as to give our readers a small glimpse of their importance in our lives:

Alex Podalinsky mixes a pound of the 500 preparation into 50 gallons of water. Stir under an open sky so that during the stirring a suctional force is created in the vat by the whirlpool-like vortex, which Alex explains as drawing in "cosmic power." As soon as a good vortex is created, the machine abruptly reverses itself creating choas. The chaos between the alternating vortices was an important factor. Every creative artist is in a state of chaos before he brings his creation into existence. p. 56+

There are certain things beyond predictability. An important one is a vortex. All weather works in vortices. It's recently been confirmed in physics that vortices are not predictable. p. 64

Some of the healthiest, happiest mortals inhabit the kingdom of Hunza, legally a constituent of Pakistan. Visitors tell of seeing no cripples. Wounds are said to heal with remarkable speed, seldom becoming infected if rubbed with local soil, rich in minerals. The secret of Hunza health lies in the finely powdered rock made by the massive glaciers grinding down the raw mountains to produce silt containing all the mineral elements required by plants. The silt mixed with organic compost provides plant, animal and human with every element they need for life. p. 91+

In the mid 1970's Senator Charles Percy visited Hunza to note the absence of heart attacks, cancer, and neurosis. The Hunza's water's life-giving qualities vindicate Steiner's vision of the function of the vortex and the intervening chaos in the life-giving stirring of his biodynamic preps, designed to revitalize a dying soil. p. 98

Vortex of Life: The secret to the Hunza longevity and health was hidden in the water they drink so freely. p. 99

Hunza water also revealed, through spectrum analysis, to contain almost every known mineral element, with an especially high content of silver. The work implied that antibodies in the immune system can function even when the solution they are in is so diluted that no antibody molecules are left in it. p. 103+

A 13 year old dog drank nothing but Hunza water. Within three weeks, the enfeebled dog was able to leap over logs which previously he could not. A stallion was so old his breeding rate was only 30%. Soon after putting the horse on the water, the horse, whose coat went from dull to shiny, was impregnating all his mares without a miss. Given the same water, the mares had such easy births that often the stable men would arrive to find the foals on their feet, though no signs of labor had been evident in their dams the previous evening. Race horses known as bleeders showed no more signs of bleeding after a regime on Hunza-like water. p. 111

Rudolf Steiner believed that eggs and other ovoid forms such as walnuts or pecans are receptacles for the life energy suggested by Reich. Steiner, with his vortex, his chaos, and his stirring, may well have been toying with the vortical and ellipsoidal sources of life. p. 112+ (Note: When Russell Whitesell was seriously ill with mercury poisoning, he recovered while eating pecans.)

Dust of Life: John Hamaker, a seventy year old engineer, farmer and climate theoretician suggested soil remedy is quick, easy and relatively cheap. It requires a massive program of world wide remineralization and reforestation. He wants to grind up glacial gravel (which contains all the required elements, and of which there is an almost inexhaustible supply at an economical price), spread the dust far and wide, then plant trees as if there were no tomorrow. p. 187

According to theosophist Annie Besant, the prana of the Hindus builds up in minerals. p. 193

Schindele recommended a daily intake of two spoonfuls of finely ground rock dust, explaining that its high content of silica, aluminum, potassium, iron, magnesium, and other trace minerals are essential to health, that vitamins taken in the form of supplements are without effect unless trace elements are provided with them as co-factors. The University of Vienna found that Schindele's rock dust worked against radioactivity - a claim confirmed by the Soviet Atomic Physics Institute. p. 209+

In a narrow valley south of Salt Lake City Rollin Anderson found a special montmorillonite clay (Azomite).

Azomite is a natural colloidal silicate with 25 or more mineral and trace elements. Colloids are the pantry in which plant food is kept and gradually released as needed. None of the mineralogists seemed to know what this volcanic rock was. It was good old montmorillonite, an aluminum silicate clay admixed with various minerals, rare in the U.S., and even in the world, but greatly prized by medicine men of Indian tribes. Now geologists consider Azomite to be an ancient oceanic deposit brought to the surface by volcanic action, a form of heavy sedimentation on the sea floor, a mixture of mineral elements and marine life such as seaweed, shrimp and algae. The clay contains all the essential mineral trace elements in a balanced ratio, as laid down by nature. In this form the minerals are naturally chelated, as in plants and animals, in an organic, easily assimilable form. p. 213+

Dr. Melchior Dikkers of Loyola University was so struck by the properties of Azomite clay - claiming it to be one of the most amazing and unusual materials he had ever been fortunate to come in contact with - he launched an extensive research program. Years of intensive study convinced him that trace elements were the key to all living organisms, essential to the structure of certain complex chemical compounds that influence the course of metabolism, a vital factor in the health of every living being. Metabolism, the sum total of all chemical reactions in every cell, is what keeps us alive. p. 220

In each cell, the process by which foodstuffs are synthesized into complex elements is carried out by enzymes. Trace elements were essential to the creation of these enzymes. Several experts believe the majority of all diseases may be enzymatic in origin. They assert that metabolism is synonymous with enzyme activity, an activity dependent on the presence of trace minerals. Breakdown of the enzyme system results in disease or death of the cell. p. 220+

We now know that the synthesis of all known natural mineral elements is the secret of the harmonious synergetic function that forms the basis of healthy living matter. Azomite is a complex compound of natural colloidal silicate minerals and trace elements. Some 32 trace elements occur in such minute quantities they must be measured in parts per million, yet they appear to be basic in the complex chemical and electrical mechanism that makes up the human body. p. 222

Trace elements function as activators, as catalysts, within the living cell, be it plant, animal, or human; and they are the root of all living processes, with an influence out of all proportion to their size. p. 222

Fine dust mineral particles pass into the colloidal state of fineness upon reaching a critical size when their activity prevents them from settling out as molecules of their particular inorganic element. By colloidal, we mean that those materials which readily crystallize and have the vital function of diffusing readily through animal membranes. And here may lie the explanation for the extraordinary vitality of colloids, as well as for the surprising facts of homeopathy, in which the smaller the dose, the more powerful the effect. p. 223

By the laws of physics, the smaller an element is divided, the larger is the area of surface exposed by all the pieces. A one inch cube has a surface area of six square inches; the same cube divided into eight cubelets have exactly twice the surface area. By the time the cubelets or particles become microscopic, their cumulative surface is enormously increased. And the larger the surface exposed, the larger the particle's potential to be charged with energy. As electrical charge tends to repel particles from each other, colloidal particles are kept separate, in suspension, retaining their vitality. p. 223

Notes from Remineralize The Earth Newsletter by Joanna Campe

Living rock dust is completely non-toxic. A homeopathic physician In Ashville, NC, feeds it to cancer patients. Apparently it has a purifying nature.

EarthRise Company produces algae which can purify both water and air. Pure water, sunlight, glacial silt and volcanic rock dust are the keys to the Klamath Lake algae. Over 80 different minerals and trace minerals have been found in the lake bed.

Trace minerals commonly are critical ingredients in enzymes Some enzymes are needed to counteract specific stresses. These living rock dusts are one of the best enzymes. Enzymes are organic substances which cause change in other substances by catalytic action. These living rock dusts are the channels for these forces or enzymes. These forces are capable of causing wonderful changes in the soil, in animals and in us. They carry trace minerals, so important to our health. I put rock dust in my own baked bread and cooked cereal. John Hamaker took some to see if it would relieve his constipation. It did.

Harvey Lisle on rock dust for human nutrition: We can heal ourselves. We have an excellent tool, "living rock dust," which taken internally will go a long way towards healing ourselves. The living rock dusts channel forces from the Cosmic. I like the living rock dusts as health insurance for my body. At the very least, I am going to have strong bones and a healthy skin. The dusts I suggest are: Azomite, Elemite or Pascalite.