T.I.M.E to help you develop
Learner Handbook
Welcome to Cleveland Fire Support Network (CFSN). You have an exciting and rewarding journey ahead of you and we are proud to say, you’re in safe hands.
You have signed up to an e-learning volunteer induction programme which has been funded by the European Social Fund, in partnership with County Durham Community Foundation.
We are here to support you every step of the way.
We will help you to develop your skills, your knowledge and your abilities and help you realise and reach your goals.
We promise to put you first.
We are led by our values of putting you, the learner first, by delivering a high quality learning in a fair, transparent and respectful manner.
We have developed this handbook to be a useful tool for you throughout your learning journey. It’s got everything you need, from the details of your Assessor, to our recommended most useful contacts. So keep it safe!
Good luck with your learning
Heather Whyman
Chief Executive Officer
Getting started …….
You’ll be assigned an assessor for the duration of your learning. So, whether you need to talk to someone about your qualification progress, or you want to discuss your options when your qualification is complete, your Assessor is your regular point of contact throughout your training.
Your assessor is: Nadia Gibany
Telephone number: 01642 288009
At CFSN we promise to:
- provide one-to-one advice and guidance which is impartial, confidential and focused on you to help you make the right choices
- always treat you with respect and support you in achieving your goals in the best way’s that meets your needs
- work with you to develop your individual learning plan, this will help you to work towards your full potential whilst recognising each step along the way
- provide a cutting edge way of learning which allows you to complete your qualification online
- guide you through the next steps of your journey to continue your career development and volunteer roles
We ask that you:
- meet with your Assessor if and when required
- take ownership and responsibility for your qualification
- undertake tests to assess skills levels as required
- respect others at all times and do not participate in any form of discrimination, harassment or bullying and report any concerns immediately
- provide feedback on your experience to help us to continuously improve what we do at CFSN
- comply and follow any relevant procedures in your workplace
- tell us how we can improve the quality of your experience. If you are ever unhappy with any aspect of your learning, let us know so that we can put it right. Sooner rather than later.
If something is working really well for you please tell us that too…..everyone likes compliments.
Our commitment is to treat every complaint seriously and deal with it sympathetically and confidentially. We will always do all we can to sort out the issues fairly and to your satisfaction, although there may be times when we cannot do exactly what you want. If you are not satisfied with any aspect of the service or support you get from us, please:
- Tell your personal assessor
- Write, call or email us using the contact details in this handbook
- Explain what has gone wrong and why you are not satisfied
- Say what you would like us to do
We have formal arrangements to investigate problems and commit to confirming we have registered your issue and start investigating within 48 hours. If we cannot put things right within 14 working days we will tell you how to contact Senior Management. The complaint will then be reviewed and, within another 10 working days, Senior Management will let you know what can be done to put the situation right.
To ensure that every learner receives a consistently high quality programme we have in place a set of policies and procedures:
- Access to Fair Assessment Policy
- Disability Equality Policy
- Discipline and Grievance Procedure
- Enquiries and Appeals Policy
- Equality and Diversity Policy
- Health and Safety at Work
- Information Security
- Malpractice and Maladministration Policy
All policies and procedures are available as a paper copy in the office or to download from
Your Qualification
Learning Support
Policy and Guidelines
The Learning Support Policy and Guidelines applies to all CFSN learners who are enrolled on a qualification whether within the CFSN offices or other premises including at home.
The purpose of learning support is to help individuals to meet their individual learning needs and to raise levels of motivation and achievement by promoting the development of self-esteem and building planning and reviewing skills.
The Learning Support Policy and Guidelines is the responsibility of Cleveland Fire Support Network.
Policy Statement
It is an objective of CFSN to create a high quality learning environment with learning programmes designed to meet the personal development and goals of each individual.
Learners are entitled to a range of learning opportunities and this includes the support they need to access and make the most of these opportunities. Learning support is designed to improve the success and retention rates by supporting individuals towards their goals.
A learner requires additional supported learning if he/she has greater difficulty in learning than the majority of persons of a similar age or has a disability that either prevents or hinders them from making use of the facilities that are generally provided.
It includes:
- All learners with learning difficulties and disabilities;
- Learners with physical disabilities and sensory impairment
- Learners with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties that restrict their learning
Additional Support
Additional support is provided wherever possible for learners identified as needing it, whether temporarily or more permanently. Learners’ needs are established through Information, advice and guidance before joining a programme of learning, self-referral or facilitator referral.
The procedure for additional support follows three phases: identification of need, assessment of need and planned additional support.
Identification of need
All learners will receive Initial Advice and Guidance prior to enrolling on a course. This gives you an opportunity to discuss any additional support needs you may have with your assessor. However, this form of self and assessor referral is not the only method available to identify additional support requirements. A range of skills for life and other screening tools, which can assess levels of numeracy and literacy and can be indicators of whether you have the required skills to complete a programme of learning, are available. In addition, once you are enrolled on a programme of learning your assessor will monitor and review your progress and may subsequently determine that you have an additional support requirement.
Assessment of need
Once you have been identified as having an additional support need, you will be contacted directly to discuss your individual requirements. The suitability of the programme will be assessed and support will be identified for you to undertake this learning. The nature of this support will be individual to you and is provided by a range of suitably qualified staff and can include, but is not limited to:
- Sessions supported by suitably qualified staff
- Additional tutorial/assignment support
- Reader/writer for assignments
- Differentiation of material as appropriate
- Access to specialist equipment
- Access to specialist Assessors
- Additional assessment times for tests
Once your additional support requirements have been identified you and the specialist assessor will draw up an action plan, which identifies how CFSN can assist you throughout your learning. This will identify the nature and level of support you will receive and will be monitored throughout your learning experience.
Whilst the specialist Assessors are highly experienced at determining additional support requirements they have a range of specialist contacts for whom they can go for advice. These organisations, both locally and nationally, are able to offer specialist advice, help and support to either CFSN staff or yourself directly.
In addition, where it is appropriate for your requirements, they may refer you to a training provider who is more able to give you the support you require. No contact with a third party will be made without your express permission.
Referral is when a facilitator or member of CFSN staff provides information, advice and guidance, or is aware of another organisation or provider who can more closely match the learners’ needs. Staff will, when necessary, direct learners to the CFSN contact. The referral must adhere to the following guidelines:
- Staff will determine in conjunction with the learner whether a referral is appropriate and explain to the learner the reason for the referral, who they intend to refer the person to, and how the procedure of the referral will work.
- It must be explained to the learner that they can contact the CFSN contact directly (either by telephone, email, letter or in person), or if they prefer, the CFSN training contact will contact them by their chosen method.
- Whichever method is chosen, a note of the referral must be made on learner records and written confirmation given to the learner. The referring staff member must also make a note of the referral on the learners learning plan.
The information should include:
- Name of the organisation/provider
- Location details
- A contact telephone number and/or email address
- A contact name (where possible)
- What the agency offers
- What advance preparation is required by the client (if any)
When a referral is made to an organisation/agency, information on the client will not be passed to them without the permission of the client, in line with the Date Protection Acts of 1984 and 1998. Any referral forms must be completed and signed by the client. Staff must also comply with:
- Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974
- Disability Discrimination Act
- Equal Opportunities Act
Monitoring of Additional Support
Once an Additional Support Action Plan has been drawn up for your programme, CFSN will ensure that you continually receive the appropriate additional support through monthly monitoring of the support you receive and the progress you make on your learning programme.
Complaints and Appeals Procedure
If you are a learner and feel you have cause for complaint about the way in which you have been treated with regard to an additional support need, you should complain in the first instance to the Assessor. If your complaint cannot be resolved immediately then you will be advised on how to proceed. CFSN will ensure that you receive a response to your complaint within one week. However, if you feel that your complaint has not been adequately resolved you may make a formal complaint and details of how to do this is contained within CFSN complaints procedure which can found on the website or a paper copy can be gained from:
Cleveland Fire Support Network
1 Bickley Way
Coulby Newham
TS8 9NW.
Health and Safety Policy (Abridged version)
Cleveland Fire Support Network is committed to achieving so far as is reasonably practicable, the highest standards of health, safety and welfare for learners who may be affected by the activities of the charity.
The charity acknowledges that where learning activity takes place on other premises then that site’s Health and Safety policy and procedures take precedence.
CFSN will inspect that charity’s policy to ensure that it is sufficient in relation to the health and safety of CFSN staff and learners.
CFSN will ensure that:
- A safe learning environment is provided and maintained with provision of safe means to access and egress.
- A safe learning environment with adequate welfare facilities provided.
- Comprehensive information, instruction and supervision is provided to enable every learner to contribute to their own and others safety at the learning place, and to fully co-operate with the implementation of this policy.
- All measures necessary are taken to minimise the risks to young person’s whilst learning (i.e. persons of school leaving age but under 18 years of age).
CFSN has a duty not to expose its learners to risks to their health and safety, so far as is reasonably practicable.
Where learning takes place on non CFSN premises then that client company has a duty so far as is reasonably practicable to ensure the health, safety and welfare of the learner, whether the learner be an employee of that company or not.
CFSN staff and learners have a duty to take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their actions. They must co-operate with CFSN and any partner in complying with the legal duties.
Consumption of alcohol on any CFSN premises or during learning sessions at any other premises is not permitted unless specifically authorised by the Chief Executive Officer.
Fire Safety
The Assessors will ensure that they are aware of the evacuation procedures of CFSN and this information will be passed onto other learners.
Learners must make sure that they fully understand what action to take in the event of a fire.
Learners should know:
- Where to go when the fire alarm sounds
- Where the exits are
- How to raise the alarm
- Where the assembly point is
No smoking rules must be obeyed at all times.
The Assessors will ensure that fire exits and escape routes are defined and clearly marked and that the fire exit route is kept clear and free from obstruction.
Any deficiencies found will be reported to the company at whose premises the learning activity is to take place.
Should the fire alarm sound then all persons must leave the building and assemble at the designated Fire assembly point and follow appropriate procedures.
Learners must:
- Make proper use of all equipment and facilities provided to control working conditions and to ensure a safe and tidy work place.
- Keep staircases, passageways and work areas clear and in a clean and tidy condition.
- Dispose of all rubbish, waste materials using the waste facilities provided.
- Use the correct methods when removing any articles or waste for disposal.
- Clear up spillages in the correct manner.
- Keep fire exits clear and unobstructed at all times.
Personal protective equipment/clothing (P.P.E)
Learners must use any personal protective equipment/clothing provided where the Assessor deems necessary.
Safeguarding Learners at Risk Policy
CFSN is committed to providing a safe and supportive learning environment that promotes well-being and security for all learners and staff. Through this policy CFSN also recognises its particular contribution to safeguarding ‘learners at risk’ and protecting them from abuse.
The policy informs CFSN staff and management of their responsibilities towards safeguarding learners.
‘Learners at risk’ replaces the previously used concept of vulnerable learners. The ‘learner at risk’ may have a physical impairment, a sensory loss, or a learning disability, perhaps present from birth or due to advancing age, chronic illness or injury. He or she might self-harm, be dependent upon or misuse substances such as alcohol or drugs, or experience physical or mental ill-health.
Abuse – the misuse of power by one person over another has a large impact on the person’s independence.
Neglect – can prevent a person, who is dependent on others for their basic needs, from exercising choice and control over the fundamental aspects of their life and can cause humiliation and loss of dignity.
- Is a violation of an individual’s human and civil rights.
- May consist of single or repeated acts.
- May be deliberate or unintentional.
- May cause harm temporarily or over a period of time.
- Can occur when there is an imbalance of power or control.
People who abuse:
- Are often well known to their victims but can at times be complete strangers.
- Might be a relative, partner, friend or neighbour, a paid or voluntary care worker, or a health or social care worker.
- Could be another vulnerable learner or volunteer.
- May not realise they are abusing and can sometimes act out of character and abuse because of the stress of caring.
Types of abuse:
Abuse of a person often includes behaviour that is abusive in one or more of the categories described below. Many or all of these types of abuse may be the result of deliberate intent, negligence or ignorance.
- Psychological abuse
- Physical abuse
- Sexual abuse
- Financial and material abuse
- Neglect and acts of omission
- Discriminatory abuse
- Multiple or institutional abuse
- Domestic violence
- Forced marriage
CFSN aims to:
Safeguard learners by:
- Ensuring adequate DBS checks for all staff that may interface with learners.
- Raising awareness of safeguarding issues amongst learners and staff.
- Ensuring a robust approach to the safe recruitment of staff that incorporates current guidance and legislation.
- Having effective arrangements in place to promote and maintain a safe learning environment.
- Ensuring that learners at risk know how to gain information on safety from abuse and violence, and know that they can approach and talk about any concerns.
- Implementing procedures to identify and report cases, or suspected cases of abuse, which reflect accepted guidelines.
- Providing information and training for staff on safeguarding and working with learners at risk.
- Ensuring arrangements are in place to monitor and review safeguarding issues and procedures.