Mr. Gene Tanaka

T BAILEY Heavy Industrial Development Project

July 9, 2002

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July 9, 2002

To:Mr. Gene Tanaka



From:Sherman Goong, P.E.

Project Manager

Perteet Engineering, Inc.

Subject:T BAILEY Heavy Industrial Development

Supplemental Traffic Analysis

Perteet Engineering Project No. 02T15-00

This memorandum addresses the traffic concerns associated with the construction phase of the proposed development. As requested by the Port of Anacortes, a review of the construction traffic, particularly, truck traffic need to excavate the site should be documented for the proposed project.

The T BAILEY project site is planning to remove approximately 480,000 cubic yards of excavated material from the site to make room for the proposed buildings and manufacturing/lay down areas. The trucks planned for the removal will carry approximately 30 cubic yards of material on each trip. The trucks are anticipated to operate primarily during the daylight hours with an average of 10 hors of operation per day but will cease prior to the p.m. peak hour. The excavation schedule is planned for completion in approximately 120 days.

Based on the above assumptions, the construction phase of the T BAILEY development may have temporary traffic impacts to the adjacent roadway system resulting in and average trip generation of approximately 13 trucks (i.e., round trips) or 26 truck trips per hour to and from the project site. The estimated truck traffic will generate approximately on trip every five minutes if the truck headways are evenly spaced throughout the hour. Truck loading could also produce up to three loads trucks at a time exiting the site as a worst-case scenario.

The truck trips generated by the construction of the development may result in a minor increase in vehicular delay to the adjacent intersections; however, the delays would be temporary and should be evaluated following construction start up to identify specific traffic mitigation measures associated with the construction traffic if need. In general, there will be no adverse level of service impacts to adjacent arterial intersections except for a potential minor increase in overall vehicle delay. No mitigation measures are recommended at this time to improve the intersection delay during the construction phase of the project.

There are currently four destinations identified for the removed material. The first site is located adjacent to the Swinomish Casino that would require trucks to travel primarily on South March Point Road only to the east from the project site. The second site is located across SR-20. The remaining two sites are east of the project site towards I-5. Access to those sites would also require trucks to use Reservation Road and SR-20 as the designated truck routes. Based on these anticipated truck routes, the focus of traffic impacts, if any, would most likely occur at the intersection of Reservation Road with South March Point Road and SR-20. Only the SR-20 intersection is signalized.

We trust that this supplemental information will provide you with adequate information for the Port’s SEPA review of traffic conditions associated with the proposed T BAILEY Heavy Industrial Development Project. Please fell free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns regarding the information and analysis documented herein.

Cc: Ms. Ann Farr, Port of Anacortes