Energy – Wind Energy
Designing A Wind Turbine
Earth and Human Activity / # of Class Periods
2 or 3 -30 minute class periods
Small DC toy motor
Cardboard, tag board and paper
Cylinder-shaped corks
Paper clips For the entire class:
Scotch tape 1 or 2 small electric fans
Clay DC voltmeter
Students Who Demonstrate Understanding Can…
Design and construct a wind turbine that utilizes the materials provided.
Obtain and combine information to describe that energy and fuels are derived from natural resources.Apply scientific ideas to design, test, and refine a device that converts energy from one form to another. Students will record their observations on the wind turbine worksheet. Students will explain the energy conversion in their device.
Disciplinary Core Ideas
PS3.B: Conservation of Energy and Energy Transfer
ESS3.A: Natural Resources / Cross Cutting
- Patterns
- Cause & Effect
- Systems & Models
- Energy & Matter
- Structure & Function
- Questioning & Defining Problems
- Developing & Using models
- Planning & Carrying out investigations
- Construct Explanations & Designing Solutions
Ask the following questions:
-Have you ever felt a really strong wind?
-Have you ever felt blown around by the wind?
-Can wind so work for us? How? (answers may include moving papers which we do not like and moving energy to generate electricity which is favorable for us)
-Show pictures or video of different wind turbine, which will guide them on how to construct their own wind turbine.
Before the Activity:
•It is helpful to build and test a wind turbine in advance.
• Gather materials and make copies of the wind turbine worksheet.
• Set up a measuring station, with a voltmeter and wind source (fan), for student teams to take turns measuring the output of their wind turbine generator.
• Test to make sure the motors and voltmeters are working accurately.
With the Students:
- Divide the class into teams of two/three students each. Provide each team with materials and a work space.
- Emphasize safety precautions. Students should never touch any bare or exposed metal in a circuit that is generating electricity.
- With the use of the materials provided, have the students design and construct their own wind turbine. Do not show students the setup. Let them learn through trial and error.
- Students should have 15-20 minutes to design their wind turbine.
- Set up should look similar shown below:(for teacher use)
- After 15-20 minutes, in teams, have the students bring their wind turbine to the measuring station.
- For one team at a time, attach free end of wires to a DC voltmeter. While waiting, have other teams work on the wind turbine worksheet.
- Turn on the wind source and measure the voltage produced. Record on the wind turbine worksheet.
- Repeat steps 7 and 8 using different wind speed.
- Have student team members work together to complete the worksheet.
-Each team will present their findings. They will video their lesson with the SloMo app on the IPad and show and present their results to the class.
-How are you going to make variations in your wind turbine design to produce more voltage or electricity? (possible answers could be varying the size, shape, material and the number of blades).
- Draw/diagram the energy flow/conversion in your wind turbine to the voltmeter. This could be a part of the Wind Turbine Worksheet.
- Write a story from a perspective of a bird flying by a wind turbine.
- A wind farm is proposed near your grandparent’s farm. Write a letter explaining why/why not you would want the wind farm on their property.