Greenwich Children & Young People’s Forum

Weds 26th Feb, 11 – 1pm

YMCA Woolwich



Name / Organisation
Dawn Hooper-Hays / Abundant Community Creations
Josephine Mayendesa / AFC Lewisham
Isaac Attram / Ark of Christ International Trust
Matt Horne P / CACT
Jennifer Umusu / Character Well
Lloyd Mitchell / Children's Society
Precious Tanmino / COLIM
Dupe Makinde / Daylight Academy
Jack Joslin P / GAVS
Adel Khaireh / Greenwich Islamic Centre
Joanne Delap / Greenwich Parent Voice
Helen Maunsell / Greenwich Toy and Leisure Library
Kusum Kalia / Home-Start Greenwich
Sarah Peace / Listening Ears
Toyin Ogunbanjo / Listening Ears
Carmel Britto / LPF Kiddies Club CIC
Julie Raven P / National Autistic Society
Liz Cutjar / Neutral Ground Contact Centre
Sarah Doherty / Pathway Sport
Annabel Leaver / Social Arts for Education (SAFE)
Said Mohamed P / Somali Parents Network
Mohamed Hersi / Somali Teaching Group
Alice Baird / Superkidz Community Trust
Ella Carr / Under 5's Project
Nicola Holder / Welcare in Greenwich
Florence Emakpose / World of Hope
Mickey Jules C P / YMCA Thames Gateway

P – Presentation

C - Chair

1. / Welcome, introductions and minutes of the last meeting
Chair welcomed all and introductions were made.
2. / Presentation: Introducing the themes & examples of good project planning: Said Mohammad SPN, Matt Horne CACT, Julie Raven NAS, Mickey Jules YMCA
Working with Parents: SM – Introduced the Somali Parent Network and the work they do with parents. He gave examples of how they address issues that parents have and how this improves the lives of CYP. He outlined specific local issues affecting Somali YP in Greenwich and how they planned to work in partnership with other organisations to tackle these issues.
Sport and Education: MH Introduced how CACT work with Young People and engage them through sport. The trust started by using football as a hook to engage CYP. They now deliver a range of different education programmes and have evolved their service through effective partnership working. MH gave some examples of how they have partnered with schools and youth organisations to deliver effective programmes.
Working with children with disabilities: JR from NAS introduced some national themes. She mentioned the Children and Family Bill was currently at the Amendment stage and that it would be good to have an awareness of the outcome of the bill. The Education and Health Care plan which will be coming in will be raising the age threshold from 18 to 25 and there may be difficulties with how it will work. Things to look at locally are the LA Disabled Children Charter, Greenwich Pathfinder for the CYP Bill and Greenwich Short breaks.
Youth: MJ Introduced the YMCA street work project that he has worked on and been awarded funding for. The project will work with vulnerable, disadvantaged and hard to reach young people who would not normally access youth provision. The project is a partnership between different YMCA’s around the country and an example of how working together can bring in more resources to tackle a well targeted need.
3. / Activity: Thematic Group Work
What makes a successful Project – abbreviated feedback attached.
4. / Break
5. / Presentation: Writing Successful Funding Applications : Jack Joslin, Development Officer GAVS
JJ gave a presentation about the steps to take while planning a project to ensure you can write a successful funding application. He covered points about what a funder looks for using previous experience as an assessor for BBC Children in Need.
Presentation included. Please email for further information.
7. / AOB:
Nothing to add
·  TBC


CACT – Charlton Athletic Community Trust

NAS – National Autistic Society

GAVS – Greenwich Action for Voluntary Service

SPN – Somali Parents Network