NATA Aircraft Maintenance &
System Technology Committee
Teleconference Meeting
January 20, 2010
At 12:02 p.m. (ET), due to time constraints on these meeting participants, Committee Liaison Eric Byer turned the floor over to Carol Giles, manager, aircraft maintenance division, FAA Flight Standards Service (AFS-300) and, subsequently, Teri Gehringer, transportation security specialist, TSA, to provide updates to the members on the agencies’ activities.
I. FAA Update
Airworthiness Directive Aviation Rulemaking Committee (AD ARC)
FAA Flight Standards Service Aircraft Maintenance Division Manager Carol Giles provided the committee with an update on the AD ARC that was created by the FAA in 2008. Giles will provide pertinent ARC materials to Byer who will then forward these items on to the committee. The ARC kicked off last month and industry representatives are on each of the working groups. The FAA is expected to produce a report within the next 18-months.
Part 145 Rule Update
Giles reported that the Part 145 internal rulemaking process is moving along quickly. Two briefings have been presented to Peggy Gilligan, and it is now being vetted by John Allen and his staff. Giles anticipates that an NPRM will be released this summer.
Pilot Fatigue
Giles told the group that last February’s Colgan crash from has placed intense scrutiny not only on pilot fatigue but also on maintenance. NTSB recommendations from the crash could force the FAA to spend a great deal of time looking into improving human factors training for maintenance providers.
II. TSA Update
TSA Transportation Security Specialist Teri Gehringer briefed the group on the Repair Station Security Rule, saying that the comment period had been extended 30 days until February 19, 2010. The agency has received over 100 comments. The TSA plans to take a risk-based approach, including the repair station’s proximity to the airport, on the development of the program. Repair stations on TSA-regulated airports are already generally in compliance. Gehringer could not give many other details because the NPRM is still out for comment.
Members asked Gehringer for a procedure to deal with aggressive field inspectors. Gehringer suggested they start with communication with the representatives of the TSA’s local area oversight office or call her to get to the assistant secretary of inspections. Byer will provide Gehringer’s contact information to the group.
III. Welcome
Chairman Tony Costa formally called the NATA Aircraft Maintenance & System Technology Committee meeting to order at 12:30 p.m. (ET) and welcomed participating members.
Meeting participants included:
· Anthony Costa, Chairman, Gulfstream Aerospace
· William Hoddenbach, Vice Chairman, Million Air – Salt Lake City
· Robert Miller, Standard Aero
· Michael Mertens, Duncan Aviation
· Dave Smith, Midcoast Aviation
· Lee Thomas, Dassault Falcon Jet Corp.
· Wilbur O’Connor, NetJets
· David Tarullo, NetJets
Staff participants included:
· Eric Byer, NATA
· Mike France, NATA
· Alison McHugh, NATA
Guests included:
· Carol Giles, Federal Aviation Administration
· Teri Gehringer, Transportation Security Administration
IV. Approval of September 29, 2009 Committee Meeting Minutes
Chairman Tony Costa asked for approval of the September 29, 2009 NATA Aircraft Maintenance & System Technology Committee teleconference Minutes. The committee unanimously agreed.
V. Security Update
Byer reminded the group that NATA had created a Membership Comment Tool for the Proposed Part 145 Repair Station Security Rule. All members are strongly encouraged to reference this tool and submit comments accordingly by February 19, the new due date. NATA Director of Regulatory Affairs Mike France is working on comments that will be forwarded to the committee upon completion.
Byer also informed the committee that he believes the revised Large Aircraft Security Program proposed rule will take the better part of the year for a rewrite of the rule to be completed.
VI. GAO Standardization Review Update
Byer provided members with an update on the Government Accountability Office’s (GAO) continuing work on their standardization review of FAA regulations. Byer told the group that he had met with John Allen of FAA Flight Standards and that progress is being made within the FAA to improve the Customer Service Initiative to make it more user friendly for the industry without fear of retribution from the inspector workforce.
VII. AMT Awards Program Alternative Update
Byer told the group that the NATA’s proposed alternative to the current FAA AMT Awards program is ready for roll-out and may be found on NATA’s Web site beginning the first week in February. It was generally agreed that the FAA training is valuable but the award program is too expensive.
VIII. 2009 Industry Excellence Awards Nominations
Byer reminded the group that NATA is accepting nominations for the 2009 Industry Excellence Awards. To date, no nominations for the ATP/NATA General Aviation Service Technician Award have been received. Byer asked for committee participation in submitting nominations for this award. The deadline for nominations submission is February 26, 2010. A copy of the nomination form can be downloaded by clicking here or contact Celeste Clark for a form.
IX. 2010 Committee Schedule
Committee members were reminded of the upcoming April 21 Day on the Hill event and the April 22 committee meeting. The full schedule is available for member review by clicking here.
X. New Business
Dave Smith indicated that he had some pertinent material for the Part 145 rulemaking process that might be worth reviewing and sending to the FAA. Byer asked Smith to send it to him for review.
Byer asked the committee members to send him their wish lists for committee meeting speakers. During a brief discussion, suggestions included John Allen, Carol Giles, Chris Carter, Karen Lucke, Ralph Meyer, Jim Ballough and the TSA representatives.
XI. Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting concluded at 1:04 p.m. (ET).