ProMix Easy - System Idle

System Idle is only available on ProMix Easy systems that use an Air Flow Switch.

Only ProMix Easy systems that have at least 1 meter, use an Air Flow Switch.

  • The system will enter idle mode if there isn’t any Air Flow Switch signal and no meter pulses / Pump travel, for 4 minutes.
  • When the system is in idle mode, the green “Start” button will still be on, but the little green “A” & “B” indicator lights on the easy key display, and the Dispense valves will be off.
  • To exit the idle mode, the operator can trigger the gun, to activate the AFS signal, or press the START button.


Pump based systems that do not use a fluid flow meter on either the "A" or the "B" side, do not have an Air Flow Switch, and do not use System Idle.

While in “Mix” mode the unit goes into system Idle, while I’m spraying.

The only way I can get it to start back up is to press the green “Start” button.

If you go into system Idle while you are spraying, two things have to happen, to create the failure that you are describing.

1)Your air Flow Switch (AFS) is not being used in your application (For example Airless spraying).

Or your AFS is not being tripped "on" when the gun is triggered.

2) Your gear meter is not sending meter pulses back to the system (no fluid flow, stuck meter, etc.) Or you pump (If you have 1 pump in the system) has stalled out (Sticking packings, Pump out of cal. Not enough air pressure going to the pump, etc.).

I know your AFS is not tripping "on" or not being used, because if it was "on" and your gear meter or pump stopped sending flow information back to the main system, while in "Mix" (Green “Start” light is on) you would be getting a dose time alarm (E24 or E25) with in 40 seconds.

You can test this by putting the dial to mix, press the green start button & then pull the trigger just enough to let air out of the gun but not fluid. Do this for a least 40 -45 seconds and you will alarm out if the AFS is being tripped "on" by the air flow. If it does not alarm out and you continue this for 4 minutes the ProMix Easy will go into system Idle (As described above)