Synod Young Adult Forum
Who is Young Adult Forum for? / Anyone aged 18-25 involved in the URC or an organisation associated with URC.How much will it cost? / Nothing. Synod will meet the cost of the event, your accommodation and food. We hope that you will be able to travel with other people from your church who are coming to Synod or together, but we will also meet the cost of your travel.
Where is it? / Tulliallan Police College, Kincardine.
When is it? / Synod Young Adult Forum takes place from 6pm on Friday 20th March until lunchtime on Sunday 22th March.
When do I have to book? / Bookings MUST be received by 6th March. NO BOOKINGS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THIS DATE. You must return the booking form and a completed consent form for every participant to the URC Synod of Scotland, Young Adult Forum, 113 West Regent Street, Glasgow. G2 2RU
Where will I sleep? / All young people will share a twin room. All rooms have en suite toilet and showers. Leaders will be accommodated in their own rooms in the same corridor as the young people.
What should I bring? / Clothes, toiletries (you don’t need a towel or bedding), some money for the vending machines. Don’t bring anything you wouldn’t want lost or stolen.
What will happen? / Lots of things. Too many to list here, but games, discussions, worship, crafts… You will also have the chance to tell Synod what you think about some things and to listen to what they think to. Our theme this year isTreasures: Gifts From God.
Where can I get more information? / From the Synod Youth & Children’s Work Development Officer, Stewart Cutler
Synod Young Adult Forum
Booking Form
Please complete this form with information for all young people and leaders and return with completed consent forms for ALL participants
Return to: URC Synod Of Scotland, Young Adult Forum, 113 West Regent Street, Glasgow. G2 2RU
ChurchParticipant Information
Post Code
Male / Female
Consent Form Enclosed
(please tick) / Age
Synod of Scotland Young Adult Forum
20-22 March 2015
Consent & Medical Information Form
Please read this form very carefully and complete it all.
Your Information
NameDate of Birth
Home Address
Post Code
Health Information
All the information you give will be treated in the strictest confidence.
National Health NumberAllergies (eg. penicillin) / plasters / soaps
face paints / medication
animals / food/drink
wasp/bees/insects / other (please tell us what below)
Allergy details
ANY illness or condition (eg Asthma)
Please tell us if you are on any medication (including eczema cream or asthma inhalers) what it is, what it is for and when you have to take it.
In the event of accidents.
Which, if any, of the following can be used on you?
Please tick all that you are happy with. (please tick)
Antiseptic wipes / Saline eye washAntiseptic creams / Calamine lotion
Hypo-allergenic plasters
E45 cream
Food & Diet
Does you require a special diet? Please tell us about it.Emergency Contacts
We need to know how to get in touch with you from 20-22 March 2015. Please give details of where you will be for that period if you will be away from home.
Relationship to Young Person
Post Code
Phone Number
Mobile Phone Number
We will try to contact you in an emergency. If we can’t get in contact with you who else should we try next?
Alternative Contact’s DetailsName
Relationship to Young Person
Post Code
Phone Number
Mobile Phone Number
I understand that in the unlikely event of an emergency involving hospital treatment the group leaders will attempt to contact the people listed above. If neither of them can be contacted, I give permission for the group leader to act on my behalf in my best interest.
Signature / DatePhotography
As part of the programme we may be taking video footage of the participants. This will be used to feed back views to the rest of the Synod gathering and the wider church.
We will also take photographs as a record of the event and these may be published or used in publicity for future events. This may include the Synod website, the URC website, FURY website and any other Synod website which may be created. You will not be identified by name in any publicity or on any website and no identifying information will be used.
If you do not want to be filmed or photographed that may mean that you are not able to participate in some of the activities.
Please sign below to indicate your consent.
Signature / DateSynod Young Adult Forum 18-25s