Syllabus Outline for American Government
Timeline:1st/3rd Quarter
Unit 1People, Government, and Origins of American Government (Chapter1/2)
1Principles of GovernmentTextbook: 5-11/ Notes
2Constitutions and GovernmentsTextbook: 13-15/Notes
CLASS: “Iroquois vs. US Constitution” Worksheet
3Types/ Systems of GovernmentsTextbook: 12, 18-20/Notes
CLASS: “Forms of Government” Worksheet
4DemocracyTextbook: 20-24/Notes
CLASS: “Limited or Absolute” Worksheet
5The Colonial PeriodTextbook: 35-38/Notes
CLASS: “Principles and Rights” Worksheet
6Uniting for IndependenceTextbook: 39-47/Notes
CLASS: “The Mayflower Compact” Worksheet
7Articles of ConfederationTextbook: 48-52/Notes
CLASS: “A Less Perfect Union” Worksheet
8The Constitutional ConventionTextbook: 53-58/Notes
CLASS: “Constitutional Debate” Worksheet
9WORK DAY (Classwork and/or Project)
Class Activities and Notes(50 Points)
During class, we will often complete readings and/or activities. These will be collected at the end of the unit and graded for completion. If you miss class or are unable to complete these activities in class, you must complete these on your own time. If you are absent, there will be copies for you in the folders.
At the end of the unit, you will be asked to turn in your notes from your text reading and from class. This will check to see if you are reading and also taking notes in class.
Project: (30 Points)
At the end of the unit, you will be asked to turn in a project. This will check for your understanding of the material. Choose ONE of the following.
a. Write an opinion essay (2 to 2 ½ pages typed and double-spaced) about what is the United States Government’s role in the 21st century concerning one or both of the related issues of inequality among nations and the growing interdependence of the world. Please state a clear opinion and use examples to support your thoughts! When you use someone else’s thoughts, please cite with in-text citations. Attach copies of at least one “outside” source that you use.
b. Draw and illustrate two political cartoons detailing opposing sides in a key event during the period of time from Colonial America through the Constitutional Convention. Add captions to your cartoon. Then, with each corresponding cartoon, you are to write a letter to the editor that expresses a personal opinion about the event depicted. Each cartoon should be detailed (i.e. color, captions, etc.). Your letters to the editor should be typed and approximately 1 page in length. Be sure to use factual information from the day as well as opinion in your letters.