Unit 1 – Alphabet

  • Teach the alphabet and vowel sounds page 12

Assessment:*Spelling bee

*Oral quiz

*Each student chooses letter of the alphabet to create an 8x11 visual.

Unit 2- Greetings

  • Greetings pages 2 and 4
  • ¿Cómo te llamas? Page 13
  • Tú vs. Ud. page 5.

Assessment:*skit with greetings, demonstrating understanding of Tú vs. Ud.


Unit 3-Time, Calendar, and Weather

Learn numbers page 7

  • Time page 8
  • Months and days page 14
  • Weather page 18, 19, 21

Assessment:*Calendar project

*Weather project


Unit 4- Classroom supplies and commands

  • Classroom supplies page 10
  • Definite articles (el, la, los, las) page 11
  • Classroom commands page 6

Assessment *written quiz

*Oral quiz-“Simon dice” with commands

* En Mi Mochila Tengo Project (oral component)

Unit 5-Body and Colors

  • Body parts page 9
  • Colors page 294 and 273
  • Masculine & Feminine Word- endings

Assessment:*written quiz

*Oral quiz

*Mi Monstruo project

Unit 6-Chapter 1A pages 25-46

  • Infinitives of “AR”, “ER”, and “IR” verbs
  • Cognates
  • Me gusta(n), no me gusta (n)
  • Vocabulario page 4
  • Assessment:*“A mí me gusta mucho” project (oral component)


Unit 7- Subject Pronouns and Question Words

  • Subject Pronouns page 82
  • Question Words page 184

*Reading Fondo cultural page 86

Asessment:*written quizzes

*Question word poster

Unit 8- Chapter 1B

  • Adjectives page 155 (add plurals page 156)
  • The verb “SER” page 158
  • Word order page 62

Assessment:Diamond Poem act 14 page 59


Unit 9- The verb Tener

The Verb Tener page 228

Expressions with verbo Tener

  • Family vocabulary page 222, 224

Assessment : *Quiz

*Family Tree Project (oral component)

* Tener visual

Unit 10- Articles and Word Order

  • Review definite articles page 60
  • Indefinite articles (singular and plural page 60 and 110
  • Review Word ending (masculine-feminine+ plural and singular)

Assessment:*Written quiz

Unit 11- Present Tense Verbs

  • “AR” verbs page 84
  • “ER” verbs
  • “IR” verbs

Assessment:*Written quizzes

* Verbs visual

* Story book Project (Animoto)(common assessment)

Unit 12-Food Vocabulary and Healthy Lifestyle

  • Mix 3A and 3B vocabulary page 144 and 168
  • “ER” & “IR” verbs page 132
  • Talk about Hispanic foods


*Nutritionist activity

Unit 13- Restaurant Vocabulary

  • Vocabulary page 268
  • Learn about restaurant visits

Assessment: *write menu

*Restaurant skit

Unit 14-Classroom vocabulary

  • Mix chapters 2A and 2B vocabulary
  • “Estar”
  • Prepositions
  • Work on questions words

Assessment:*Classroom map with sentences


Unit 15- Places in the City

  • The verb “ IR” page 180
  • “IR” + A page 206
  • City Vocabulary page 194

Assessment:*Story Book

*Animoto Project


Unit 16- Steam –changing Verbs

  • Jugar page 208
  • Vocabulary page 218
  • Dormir page 284

Assessment:*Booth visual

*Hispanic Athletes


Unit 19- Ser vs. Estar

  • Ser vs. Estar page 258


*Project with verbs Ser, Estar, and Gustar (oral component) Power Point Presentation (common assessment)

Holidays to Celebrate and Study in Spanish

  • Día de los Muertos (November)
  • La Navidad (December)
  • El día de San Valentín (February)
  • La Pascua en Semana Santa (April)
  • El cinco de mayo (May)