Syllabus – ITALIAN 104

Fall 2017

Instructor: Claudia Pessarelli

Office: CRT 795

Phone: 229-5058

Department phone: 229-4382


1)Meeting times and location: Class will meet 4 times a week for 50 minutes beginning at 11:00AM M-T-W-TH in Lubar Hall S231

2)Office Hours:

Wednesdays 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM or

by appointment. In addition questions can be posted on D2L in the discussions tab in the forum named: La Piazza Italianafor answers

3)Required Texts: (1) Prego! (2) A Workbook for Prego! (all 8th edition): textbooks need to be brought to class every F2F meeting with a notebook and pen to take notes.

4)Course objectives and methodology

During this course we will complete 7 Chapters of Prego! fromCapitolo 7 to Capitolo13, and we will learn forms of Passatoremoto from Capitolo 15,approximately one chapter every two weeks.

Students can expect to improve their oral and reading comprehension, speaking and writing skills through in-class activities and written assignments. Consequently, the instructor will expect each student to attend class and to make contributions on a regular basis.

NO English will be used in class, only Italian. There will be plenty of opportunities for the students to understand the new language spoken through similar words, gestures and mimics. The use of only Italian in class will be reinforced from the first day.

The students need to come to the F2F meetings already prepared, knowing the new material we will practice together in class that day.

Written homework will consist of short exercises from the workbook and short reading assignments from the text. These readings will prepare students for the next class meeting and will be necessary to complete in order to do the workbook assignments.

D2L is the home of the online portion of the course, where you can check your attendance and exams’ grades. Check d2l news page before every meeting for important messages

5)Determination of Final Grade:

a) Class Participation, Preparation and Attendance25%

Attendance is mandatory. The letter grade will go down by 1/3 for every 3 full absences (three full classes missed), from an A to an A-, from an A- to a B+, etc. When supported by written documentation, absences can be excused for a family emergency, illness, or a professional/ jury duty obligation. In case of special situations please do go and see your instructor.

b) Oral Skills25%

This consists of comprehension of spoken Italian and the ability to use language constructions and vocabulary practiced and demonstrated in class discussion and via oral presentation. In addition to two graded dictations, an oral interview with the instructor and a partner will be administered during the last 2 weeks of the semester. There will be no make-ups for missed interviews


Late homework will not be accepted for credit. Homework will be collected every in class meeting and it has to be hand written on a notebook not on the workbook

d)Exams 25%

A 50 minutes exam will be given at the end of each chapter (one exam every 2 weeks). Other announced quizzes on individual vocabulary or grammar items will constitute an additional exam.You will take 7 chapters exams, but only the highest 6 will be counted in your final grade. No make-up exams will be given. If you should miss an exam, that will be the score that is dropped.

The departmental grievance policy is posted in the main office, Curtin 772.

Tentative calendar dates and exams:

September 5th -13thCapitolo7

September 14thEsame 1

September 18th-27thCapitolo8

September 28thEsame 2

October 2nd- 11thCapitolo9

October 12thEsame 3

October 16th -25thCapitolo10

October 26thEsame 4

October 30th- November 8th Capitolo11

November 9thEsame 5

November 13th -29thCapitolo12( Thanksgiving break and Italian Movie showing will happen during this period)

November 30th Esame 6

December 4th – December 13thCapitolo13

December 14thEsame 7

Grading scale












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