Composition 1ATeague 1

Syllabus for Composition 1A

Mrs. Teague

Welcome to Incarnate Word Academy! I am very happy to have you in my class this semester.

A little about Mrs. Teague:

I’m originally from just outside of Little Rock, Arkansas, where I attended the only all girls Catholic school in the state, Mount Saint Mary Academy. My family still lives in Little Rock, so I visit them fairly often. I graduated in 2005 from Saint Louis University with a B.A. in Education and an additional major in English, and I decided that I liked it so much in St. Louis that I would stay here. Later, I earned a Master of Arts in Teaching in Secondary Communication Arts at Webster University in 2008. This is my seventh year of teaching at IWA, and before coming to Incarnate Word Academy, I taught freshman and sophomore Language Arts for two years at Eureka High School. My husband, my one year old daughter (Lizzy), and I live in St. Charles with our two pets, a parakeet named Eddie and a dog named Daisy. My hobbies include reading, listening to music, photography, dancing, singing, sewing, and traveling. I’m very excited to be teaching you this year! I hope to teach you a lot throughout this class while still having some fun and helping you to become better and more confident writers.


Writing, like all communication, is essential in our society. There are very few things that you will go on to do in your life that will not involve writing in some form or fashion. With that in mind, the purpose of this class is to set you up for success at Incarnate Word.

In this class we will be polishing our writing and grammar skills. We will be building paragraphs from the ground up by studying grammar, sentence structure, organization, and by writing different types of paragraphs. Additionally, we’ll be exercising our oral communication skills through a speech later on in the semester. In all, my philosophy on writing and speaking skills is simple—anyone can become a good writer or speaker through practice! If you don’t take the course seriously and use it to your benefit, however, the result is simple—you will not improve as much as you could.

What is the purpose of all of this work? The point of this class is to make you into a more confident and competent writer who can write a variety of different types of paragraphs. These skills will be built upon as you progress through the English curriculum at IWA.

Progression of Composition Courses at IWA (so you’ll know what you’re in for!)

Goals per class level in non-Honors classes—

9th:1.Introduction to the Writing Process,

2.Master the paragraph form

3.Introduction to resource material and Library,

4.Learn speech giving standards.

10th: 1.Introduction to the traditional five paragraph essay.

2.Write a Research Paper and a Persuasive Paper.

11th:1.Learn Argumentative and Literary Analysis essays (review others),

2.Focus on transitions and MLA requirements for essays.

12th:1.Learn college-type essays.

2.Refine essay skills.

All class levels study vocabulary improvement both semesters.

Course Goals

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Comprehend and utilize the Writing Process
  • Develop revision and proofreading skills necessary for producing clear, coherent, and interesting writing.
  • Write effective sentences - clear, varied, and coherent
  • Master paragraph structure, including several types of paragraph writing
  • Analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information
  • Use word processing software and other software programs to develop manuscript quality papers and adhere to MLA guidelines.
  • Effectively present written material by means of an oral presentation (both formally and informally).
  • Improve your grammatical skills.
  • Expand your vocabulary.

Course Overview

Five LAPs (Learning Activity Packets). All LAPs include vocabulary, grammar and usage exercises, Open Lab activities, and formal written assignments.

LAP 1: Quiz about The Secret Life of Bees from summer reading.

Paragraph about The Secret Life of Bees

In-class journaling

Parts of Speech review and test

LAP 2:Chapter 1 in text—Writing Process

Understanding the Importance of Audience

Methods of Organization


Chapter 11—Sentence Structure

Sentence types

How to follow MLA standards for typed assignments

“Writing Process” Paragraph Assignment #1

LAP 3:Writing with Sophistication:

Voice and Tone



Effective Sentence Structure

Narrative, Descriptive, and Cause and Effect Paragraphs

Paragraph Assignment #2: Choose your best paragraph, and create a more sophisticated style of writing by putting the various sentence combining techniques and phrases into practice. Also will learn how to insert text boxes into documents and change text color.

LAP 4: Paragraph Workshop:


Sentence Types—simple, compound, complex, compound/complex

Three other types of paragraphs: Evaluative, Classification, and Compare and Contrast

Paragraph Assignment #3: Choose your best paragraph writing sample, revise and polish it, and insert clauses into it.

LAP 5: Incorporating Research:

Library research skills, including databases

Internet Evaluation

An in-class speech

Written Assignment #4: A formal short essay that contains an introduction, a well-developed body paragraph, and a conclusion.

Materials Needed


  • English Workshop, Third Course (Holt, Reinhart and Winston, ISBN 0030971764)
  • Wordly Wise 3000, Book 9, ISBN 0838824390


  • 1” Binder where you can keep and access this syllabus, all current and past LAPs, handouts, etc. Do not throw anything out—you will need it for your final. I recommend that you have a section for notes, a section for homework, and a section for journals.
  • Pens—black or blue for assignments, and colored ones for editing and correcting.
  • Looseleaf paper (all assignments turned in to me must be done on looseleaf or typing paper) goes in the binder to be used for class notes, homework, quizzes, etc.

Student Expectations

  • 1. Be respectful of your teacher, your classmates, the classroom, and of yourselves. Treat others the way you’d want to be treated and create a positive learning environment.
  • 2. Come to class on time and prepared. If you are late and don’t have a pass, even if you were going to your locker, to the bathroom, or to the water fountain, you will receive a demerit. If you are not prepared for class (like do not have your book), you will receive a demerit.
  • 3. The better you behave in class, the more your teacher trusts you, so the more fun, interactive activities we’ll have.
  • 4. No food or drink in class other than water.
  • 5. Do not pack up or talk during prayer at the end of mods 15/16. You may pack up during the afternoon announcements but still may not talk.
  • 6. Turn in only your own work. If you are caught representing someone else’s work as your own, whether it’s another classmate’s or something from the internet, it will be turned into Mr. Johnson, and you will face the consequences listed in the IWA Student Handbook.
  • 7. Laptop / Tablet– IWA is fully implementing the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) program this year. Besides using a laptop/tablet to complete coursework outside of class, a laptop/tablet is also allowed in-class. Therefore, you are encouraged to bring a fully-charged laptop or tablet to every class and be prepared to use it. While a device is not required, it is recommended. Class activities and assignments can be accomplished without a device, and devices will not necessarily be used every day. However, access to a device will enhance the in-class learning experience. If you bring a device to class, you are also responsible for:
  • a. Having the laptop/tablet ready for use at the beginning of each class (working properly).
  • b. Any problems that occur to the device.
  • c. Using the device in a school-appropriate manner, meaning using it only at the designated times in class and open lab and only using it for the current activity.
  • d. Using only the IWA network.
  • e. Obeying directions immediately, such as “screens down” or “hands up.”
  • If you do not have access to a device (laptop or tablet) for every class, school laptops are available for your use. These school laptops are distributed on a first-come-first serve basis.
  • 8. Cell phones may not be used within this classroom without Mrs. Teague’s permission.

Late Work and Absences:

  • To ensure accurate reporting in grades, all teachers at IWA will categorize assignments and assessments into two categories: Formative and Summative. You will distinguish between the two because all Summative Assessments will be designated as so in the teacher’s grade books.
  • Formative assessmentsare on-going assessments in a classroom and can include homework, open lab activities, quizzes, and class work. Teachers use formative assessment to improve instructional methods and student feedback throughout the teaching and learning process.
  • Summative assessmentsare typically used to evaluate the effectiveness of instructional programsand services at the end of an academic year or at a pre-determined time, such as at the end of each LAP. Summative assessments would be considered LAP tests, culminating projects, presentations, tests, and exams. The goal of summative assessments is to make a judgment of student competency after an instructional phase is complete. Summative evaluations are used to determine if students have mastered specific competencies and to identify instructional areas that need additional. On Summative assignments no student can earn lower than 50%.
  • All Formative assessments will be treated with the following policy:
  • ·During the course of each LAP, a student will have one NLP (No Late Penalty) assignment. When the late assignment is turned in, no late points will be deducted. If multiple assignments are missing and then turned in late, the NLP will be given to the assignment worth the most points.
  • ·Any formative assignment not turned in will always be due by the end of next LAP for partial credit.
  • ·If work is turned in late, 50% is the only grade a student can receive.
  • ·After “2nd” LAP ends, assignments not turned in will be given a zero and will no longer be able to be turned in for credit.
  • For grammar assignments, a stamp sheet is used for each LAP to track whether homework assignments were completed. Students will receive a stamp for each completed assignment, and at the end of the LAP, points will be given for each stamp. The late policy will apply to each individual homework assignment.
  • When we go over homework in class, you should use a correcting pen of a different color ink than what you completed your work in. Don’t lose points by not doing homework-- it will kill your grade.
  • All Summative assessments will be treated with the following policy:
  • ·If all the summative assessments are not completed, the student will not earn credit for the course.
  • ·If a student misses a summative assessment (it will be identified on each LAP), it is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher to make arrangements to reschedule.
  • ·However, once the Summative Assessment is missed, the grade will become an “LATE” for late, which is tied to a zero, and the cumulative grade will become an “I” for Incomplete.
  • ·The “I” is being used because no student will be allowed to earn credit or finish the course without the completion of all Summative Assessments
  • Generally, students have the number of days they were absent to make up work. Absent students are expected to e-mail me while they are absent and to see me during open lab or after school when they return.
  • Test and quiz retakes will only be given on a case by case basis and may, in some instances, be required.
  • If there is a snow day, be sure to check your school e-mail address.

Open Lab Information

. will have time to meet with you, and it will cost you points on your paragraphin advance, she cannot guarantee that she—if you do not sign up You must edit each of your paragraphs with Mrs. Teague in Open Lab. She will show you how to sign up for an Open Lab appointment. Do not wait until the last minuteYou need to manage your time wisely and schedule your attendance in Open Lab so that you can complete required activities by the announced deadlines or get assistance from me regarding other LAP assignments. The better you become at these skills, the more successful you will be throughout your days at Incarnate. If you have general English questions and I am not open, you may attend another English teacher’s Open Lab to get help. to assure your attendance. y require you to be structuredFailure to attend Open Lab ma per cycle. s Open Labtwoleast at to attend your responsibility that you attend Open Lab, as it is a requirement for the course. It is interaction with me. It is vitalOpen Labs are a unique and important part of IWA’s modular system. Since you do not meet in class everyday, certain assignments get completed in Open Lab instead. Open Lab also gives you more opportunities for one-on-one

Here is a list of the other English teachers and their room #s:

Mr. Villmer – Room C006 (Teaches Honors Comp. 1B)

Mrs. James – Room C007 (Teaches Comp. 1B)

Mr. Barrett – Room C004

Students attend Open Lab to:

  • conference with me about an assignment
  • participate in peer editing
  • complete and correct Open Lab assignments
  • work on LAP assignments
  • complete and check vocabulary assignments

Open Lab Expectations

  • You will arrive on time, prepared with necessary materials.
  • You MUST sign in to every Open Lab, indicating on the sign-in sheet what you are intending to accomplish.
  • All students are welcome; however, you may only work on English course work in this Open Lab (alternate lunch mod is the only exception).
  • Work quietly whether you work alone or with others. Working with others is restricted to reviewing for tests, peer editing, discussion of reading assignments, and group projects.
  • I will have advance sign-ups available for conferences. Sign up sheets are available on the table at the back of the room. Sign-ups are first-come, first served. If I have additional time I will work with other students who sign up on my board on a first-come, first served basis—just write your name down on the board.


Your grade will be based on total points earned for the following:

Quizzes 5-30 points each

Objective tests (including final exam) 25-120 points each

Writing assignments 25 to 150 points each

Independent exercises5- 10 points each

Open Lab activities5-30 points each

Homework2-10 points each


  • Parents and students - Be sure to check PowerSchool on a regular basis to keep up with your performance! If you have any questions about your grade, be sure to talk to me before or after class.
  • Keep in mind that on PowerSchool, if there is a blank space for a particular assignment or task, it means I have not graded it yet; however, if there is a zero entered, it means the assignment was not completed or given credit for. Extra credit will be out of zero points, so if you got 10 points of extra credit, it will appear as 10/0 (a percentage will not be displayed for this since that is a mathematical impossibility).
  • All LAPs, this syllabus, and other items that relate to class are available on the class website at

These are the terms that will be used for grades posted on PowerSchool.

  • Absent: This means that the student was absent the day the activity was due. (This counts as a zero until the assignment is turned in.)
  • Late: This means that the student was in school the day the activity was due, but did not turn in the assignment. (This counts as a zero until the assignment is turned in.)
  • Excused: This means that the student has been excused from completing this assignment. (This has no effect on the grade.)
  • Turned in Not Graded (TING): This means the assignment has been received by the teacher and is in the process of being graded. This acronym (TING) will only be used for large term papers or projects that will require a lengthy grading process. It will not be used for daily assignments.
  • No Late Penalty (NLP): This acronym will be marked alongside assignments that were submitted late but were not penalized with late points. The students will receive one NLP on a missing assignment per LAP.

Hello, Parents! If you need to contact me, please feel free to call or e-mail me. I look forward to meeting you sometime soon!

Incarnate Word Academy English Department—Leslie Teague

Phone: 314-725-5850

Extension 155


Parent– student syllabus signature

Please sign and return this sheet and hand it in by Day 3 of LAP 1 to receive 3 points. If it is not handed in by Day 3, you do not receive the points, but this sheet MUST still be returned!

By signing this form, I know that you and your parents have read and understood my policies and expectations for this course.

Student’s Printed Name:______

Student’s Signature:______

Parent’s Signature:______(only one is necessary)

Please also provide a phone number/s where you can be reached during the day, as

well as an e-mail address:______
