Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane

Fall 2003

Syllabus, CSC 3326: Database Systems

Instructor: Hachim HaddoutiOffice: Building 7, Room 16

Class hours : TR Section 1 11:00-12:20 Section 2 12:30-13:50 in B 5 R 106

Lab Hours: in B 5 Lab 13

Office Hours: MW3:00-5:00 Phone: 2111

TR 9-11:00 amEmail: h.haddouti

Course Objective:

Upon sucessful completion of this course, a student will

1. know strengths and weaknesses of the major conceptual and implementation models for databases

2. know current trends in databases

Student will be able to

3. produce good relational database design

4. use SQL to build and query a database

5. implement a database using a commercial DBMS

Student will be also able to

6. match the general DBMS concepts with the internals of a commercial DBMS (Oracle, SQL Server)

7. to easily use the main components of a commercial DBMS (in case of SQL Server: Query Analyser, Enterprise manager, Service Manager, Import and Export Utilities, etc. )

8. connect a commercial DBMS to the Web using ASP.

Textbook: Database Systems: Design, Implementation and Management, 5th edition, by P. Rob and C. Coronel, Int’l Thomson Publishing, 2002.

Course Requirements: Student grades will be based on a midterm and a final exam, homework assignments, projects/Labs, and participation & attendance & punctuality, according to the following grading policy:

Midterm exam 25 %, final exam 30, homework assignments 10 (including oral test which will confirm or decrease your assignment grade), project 30, and participation & attendance & punctuality 5 %.


The following grading scale will be applied:

A [90..100], B[80..90[,C [70..80[, D [60..70[, F [00..60[

Tests: Tests and exams will be given in-class. No academic material is allowed during exams and nothing could be shared. An excused absence for a test will allow the student to take a makeup for that test during the final week of class. Expect makeup tests to be more difficult than the original test.


In your term project, you will bring together concepts and tools, in order to develop a complete database application. The project consists of (see Project Guidelines document for more details):

  • your project proposal (1. deliverable);
  • a second deliverable including your project proposal, your E-R diagram, along with an implementation of the normalized tables in MS SQL Server;
  • a third deliverable, consisting of your complete application using desktop GUI or web capabilities; and a final report and demo.

There are lab sessions to assist you in getting familiar with SQL, in preparing your assignments and in developing your project application.

Table and Schedule of Content

Week of / Topic(s) / Chapter(s)
1/9 / Syllabus and preliminaries
File Systems and Databases / 1
8/9 / The Relational Model / 2
15/9 / Entity-Relationship Modelling / 3
22/9 / SQL / 5
6/10 / SQL
Normalization / 5
13/10 / Review / Mid Exam
MIDEXAM ON October 15
19:30-21:00 in B7 Room 1
20/10 / Database Design / 6
27/10 / Implementation of the Database Design Concepts: A Case Study / 7
3/11 / Transaction Management and Concurrency Control / 9
10/11 / Object-Oriented Databases / 11
17/11 / Client/Server and Web databases / 12, 15
24/11 / Data Warehouse / 13
1/12 / Student Presentations
8/12 / Review
17/12 / Final Exam

Course Philosophy:

The professor will present course material in a variety of ways, including lecture, extended examples, assignments, labs and review of projects. It is your responsibility to keep up with course material and to ask questions when concepts are unclear during class, during office hours or during other individually scheduled times.


  • This syllabus is tentative and subject to change, according to verbal notice during class meetings.
  • 3 lates (2 min) means unexcused absence
  • No mobile Phone.