Professeur: Dr. Laure Hartman

Salle de classe: 139. Bureau: salle 136.

Téléphone: 314-854-6055


Site web:

Course Description

This course is designed to acquaint the student with a working knowledge of the sounds, spelling, vocabulary, and structure of the French language. Speaking is emphasized as students learn to carry on simple conversations about a variety of everyday topics such as shopping, school, leisure-time activities, and food. Students learn to relate events and express opinions in the present and the future. The language lab is used to help with pronunciation. Students get an introduction to the diversity of the Francophone world, and discover Paris. Reading and writing activities will be introduced along with the study of basic French grammar. The course requires daily homework, class participation, oral and written quizzes, unit tests, and various projects for cultural enrichment.

This course is organized in 9 units:

Ongoing unit Paris: A portal to French culture

Unit 1 Chapter 1Salut, les copains!

Unit 2Chapter 2Qu'est-ce qui teplaît?

Unit 3Chapter 3Comment est ta famille?

Unit 4Chapter 4Mon annéescolaire

Unit 5Chapter 5Le temps libre

Unit 6Chapter 6Bon appétit!

Unit 7Chapter 7On fait les magasins?

Unit 8Chapter 8À la maison

Required materials and resources

-Textbook: Bien Dit, French 1, and the associated website:

-1 inch binder with paperor a one-subject notebook with pockets to organize notes, handouts, practice activities, assessments.

-pens, pencils, planner

Students are expected to bring ALL their materials everyday to class.


  • Make several positive contributions to class each day.
  • Keep an open mind and stay positive.
  • Come to class prepared and ready to start.
  • Complete all the assignments with care, neatness, accuracy and on time. Practice your French everyday.
  • If absent, make up work in a timely manner.
  • Show respect to everyone in the class, be kind.
  • Arrive to class on time; an afterschool detention will be assigned on the 3rd tardy and every tardy thereafter (each quarter).
  • Respect the classroom rules: cell phones off and in your bag, no food, gum and drinks in class, except for water. No bathroom breaks.


Quarter Grade

Daily work (homework, lab, classwork)30%

Assessments (weekly quizzes and chapter exams, oral and written) 40%

Participation (punctuality, materials, volunteering, use of French) 15%

Projects and Presentations15%

Semester Grade

First quarter 45%

Second quarter 45%

Final exam 10%

Note: There are no retake for unit exams. I generally offer retakes of quizzes. If you do poorly on a quiz or assessment, you should check with me to find out whether you can do a retake. I will average the retake with the original grade.


  • All homework will be posted on the board and the class website ( and it is the responsibility of the student to write it in his/her planner. All work should be your own. Using an online translator is considered cheating. Students who study notes, vocabulary, and grammar daily will experience success in this course.
  • Homework is due at the beginning of each class. It can be written, or oral practice. Each homework is generally worth 5 points. Students will be assigned a 0 for missing homework. Students who have an excused absence will have extra time to complete the work.

Attendance / Absences

  • Regularly daily attendance is imperative in order to make the necessary progress for the rigors of this course. Please abide by the attendance rules of the school.
  • Ask a classmate, or use the class website to find out the work that was missed as the result of an absence, and make arrangements to catch up.


If you need extra help, you should see me in my classroom or office after school. It is preferable to give me a heads-up on when you intend to come.

Je voussouhaiteuneexcellenteannée au lycée!