Syllabus: 8th Grade Science

Dear Parent/Guardians,

Welcome to the world of investigative science!

STEMscopes:OHMS is proud to announce that we will be rolling out a brand new curriculum called STEMscopes that will strengthen student use of technology and engineering in the classroom.

This online program will also enable you as a parent or guardian to interact with your learner through the website at home.STEMscopes will help answer the age old question all parents/guardians have when their student comes home from school: "What did you learn today?"

Please feel free to find out information about me and our class by accessing my school website and also my google classroom website resource. Both websites will contain the login address for STEMscopes that your student will use throughout the school year. If you have any questions of concerns, please feel free to contact me.

Office Hours: from 2:30-3:30 Tuesday-Friday, during which time I offer student tutoring and conferencing (please email to schedule an appointment if you prefer a private conference). You can also contact me by email at or by phone at 360-279-9349. Below is a copy of the course description, grade break down, student contract and lab safety contract which will need to be signed and returned by Friday. Here’s to a wonderful school year!

/ Ms. Carlie Miller
OHMS – Science
Email address:
Follow us on !

Course Description:Science is a process; a set of tools used to discover, create, and imagine. Science is not a set of facts to be memorized; instead, students will use the scientific method to solve problems. Not only will they know the “what” and the “how” (what is observed, and how does it work happen?), they will know the “why” (why did this work/and why is it important to learn?).

Topics to be investigated:

Characteristics of Chemical Reactions
Modeling Conservation of Matter
Energy in Chemical Reactions
Kinetic Energy
Potential Energy
Thermal Energy Transfer
Heat and Matter
Energy Transfer in Motion
Energy Transfer Temperature
Energy Transfer Optimization
Energy Transfer Between Objects
Newton's Third Law of Motion
Changes in Motion, Force, and Direction
Electromagnetic Forces
Gravitational Forces
Force Forces
Introduction to Properties of Waves
Modeling Waves through Various Mediums
Digital vs. Analog Signals
Properties of Visible Light
Modeling Electromagnetic Waves
Introduction to Fusion

Mission Statement:

As an educator, it is my responsibility to create an environment that is comforting, fair, and mentally stimulating for all students; motivate students to create and reach goals; keep involved and updated with current issues which will be brought into the classroom; and teach students the twenty-first century skills that they will need for their future.

Classroom Rules:

This year we will be continuously working towards creating a collaborative learning environment in which everyone works together as a team in order to go deeper into the knowledge and understanding of science.

Although every classroom has many daily procedures and policies, there are only a few basic rules that your child needs to remember and follow:

Be RespectfulBe HonestBe AccountableBe Prepared

Discipline Matrix:

Warning: A verbal/nonverbal cue of caution will be given to the student if they are off task or misbehaving.

Loss of Participation: After one warning the student will then be asked to remove themselves from the group or away to the back of the room where they will work on another activity alone.

Time-Out/Parent Phone Call Home:If the problem persists then the student will need to go to another room to fill out a problem solving form. It is at this time that they will also be making a parent phone call home to explain why they are in trouble and what they should have done instead.

Lunch Detention (3): Only one time-out will be permitted per quarter. After the time-out the student will receive a lunch detention. The detention is to be served whenever the next lunch occurs and the student will call home once again.

After-School Detention: After the student has had three lunch detentions in a single quarter and the problem continues, the student will call home and receive an after-school detention to be served on the same day as the problem behavior.

Referral to Office: Only one after-school detention a quarter will be assigned. The final step for classroom behavior is an office referral and discipline will be dealt with by the office. Each problem behavior has a specific consequence. These can be found in your child’s school planner.

**Although this is a progressive discipline matrix, I reserve the right to jump higher on the matrix if the discipline is more immediate. For example: a student’s behavior harms another student an office referral


Composition BookColored Pencils Pencils (at least 3 at ALL times)


My website can be accessed from the OHMS main page. Click on teachers under the Staff heading, and then scroll down to my name. Here you will find a link to an assignment calendar and resources. Remember, the best source for information (especially assignments and due dates) is your student’s agenda!

Grading Policy:

10% Daily Work30% Projects30% Labs30% Assessments

***Please check Family Access regularly to stay current on your student’s progress. Please note a star indicates a grade that has not yet been entered; therefore, it does not yet count against the student’s grade. A link for Family Access can be found on the school’s web page.

Level GradePercent Description Points

4A100 Advanced10/10

3B 85 Proficient8.5/10

2C 75 Basic7.5/10

1D 65 Below Basic6.5/10

0Inc* 0 Not Attempted 0/10

* Inc = incomplete/not attempted. The asterisk will be changed to a ‘0’ at the end of that week.

Late Work and Redo Policy:

The theory behind incorporating a late work and redo policy is for students to meet the required grade level standards. We not only allow, but encourage students to spend time reviewing a particular skill on which they are not proficient. As a department and a school, we wish to ensure that all students complete all work required of them for those standards to be met. Please understand, however, that the following policies are upheld at the discretion of the teacher.

Late Work:

-Students have until the day before the end of unit test to show they have completed any missing or incomplete practice.

- Projects not handed in due to an excused absence will be accepted upon return without a penalty.


-Students must fill out a redo form, complete extra practice, and schedule a redo date with the teacher at the teacher’s convenience.

-Redos must be done within two weeks of the scores being entered in the gradebook.

Rules and Procedures are meant to be easy to remember and should be followed at all times. They are meant to ensure that everyone in the class has access to an exceptional education. With that being said here is my pledge:

As your child’s teacher, I must:

  • Provide a variety of learning opportunities through guided and inquiry based instruction and constructive feedback for your student, assess and report progress in a timely manner, and with you, communicate via skyward (email when necessary), to strive to support your student.

Your child must:

  • Attend class regularly, show up prepared, have a positive attitude, be willing to participate and complete all assignments.

You must:

  • Support you child by assuring regular on-time attendance, talking with your child about school, being aware of assignments both in-class and homework, making schoolwork a non-optional priority, providing consequences for quitting and intrinsic reward for success. Above all, be involved and be a positive role model for your child.

It is only when the teacher/school, student, and parents work together that the system can function effectively. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Also, this copy of the syllabus is for you to keep. Return only the signature page signed by you and your child by the end of the week.

Warm regards,

Ms. Carlie Miller

Oak Harbor Middle School

Signature page please detach and return promptly!

Teacher: ______


Student: ______Date______

Printed name



Parent: ______Date______

Printed name

