Sydney Howland and Connor McKhann
Math 49S: Game Theory and Democracy
Survey 3 Results
September 25, 2011
In our previous survey, we gathered general information about how American teenagers place themselves on the political spectrum. Our results revealed that the majority of our survey responders consider themselves Moderate, and unsurprisingly they get most of their information regarding politics on the Internet. This information led us to the basis for our third survey regarding where and how our generation gets this information on the Internet.
The first question we posed was: From what source do you get the most of your political news? The options were the New York Times, CNN, Yahoo, the Wall Street Journal, MSNBC, ABC, USA Today, NPR, and the Huffington Post. Yahoo won the plurality vote, but over the New York Times was the Condorcet winner. For the second question, the results were more varied. We asked how often responders check their source of choice. The options they had to answer were: Daily, 2-3 times a week, less than a month, once a month, 2-3 times a month. Daily won the plurality vote and the instant run off vote. 2-3 times a week was all other categories and was the Condorcet winner. The third and final question was asked was: Which section do you pay most attention to? The options were the front page, world report, local news, politics, business, style, and horoscopes/comics. Front page won for all categories and was the Condorcet winner.
Preferential_Ballots =
Columns 1 through 9
[Inf] [ 1] [2] [ 2] [3] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf]
[Inf] [Inf] [1] [ 3] [2] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf]
[Inf] [Inf] [3] [Inf] [4] [ 1] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf]
[Inf] [Inf] [4] [Inf] [1] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf]
[Inf] [ 2] [5] [ 1] [5] [ 3] [Inf] [Inf] [ 1]
[Inf] [Inf] [6] [ 4] [8] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf]
[Inf] [ 3] [7] [Inf] [6] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [ 2]
[Inf] [Inf] [8] [Inf] [7] [ 2] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf]
[Inf] [Inf] [9] [Inf] [9] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf]
Columns 10 through 18
[8] [Inf] [Inf] [ 1] [Inf] [6] [ 1] [Inf] [ 3]
[5] [Inf] [ 1] [Inf] [Inf] [1] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf]
[1] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [2] [Inf] [Inf] [ 2]
[3] [ 1] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [7] [Inf] [Inf] [ 1]
[9] [Inf] [ 2] [Inf] [Inf] [4] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf]
[4] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [9] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf]
[7] [Inf] [Inf] [ 2] [Inf] [8] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf]
[6] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [3] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf]
[2] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [5] [ 2] [Inf] [Inf]
Columns 19 through 26
[Inf] [ 1] [Inf] [ 2] [Inf] [ 1] [Inf] [Inf]
[ 1] [ 6] [Inf] [ 1] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf]
[Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [ 7] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf]
[Inf] [ 2] [Inf] [ 3] [ 3] [ 3] [Inf] [Inf]
[Inf] [ 4] [Inf] [ 6] [ 1] [ 2] [Inf] [Inf]
[Inf] [ 3] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf]
[Inf] [ 5] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf]
[Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [ 4] [ 2] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf]
[Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [ 5] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf]
Columns 27 through 35
[4] [ 1] [ 4] [Inf] [ 3] [1] [ 2] [1] [Inf]
[5] [Inf] [ 2] [Inf] [ 1] [2] [Inf] [8] [Inf]
[1] [ 5] [ 5] [Inf] [Inf] [3] [ 5] [4] [Inf]
[3] [ 2] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [4] [ 4] [9] [ 3]
[2] [ 4] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [5] [ 3] [2] [ 2]
[6] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [6] [ 6] [7] [Inf]
[9] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [7] [ 1] [6] [Inf]
[7] [ 6] [ 1] [Inf] [Inf] [8] [Inf] [5] [ 1]
[8] [ 3] [ 3] [Inf] [ 2] [9] [Inf] [3] [Inf]
Columns 36 through 42
[Inf] [Inf] [ 3] [Inf] [Inf] [3] [Inf]
[ 1] [Inf] [ 1] [Inf] [ 2] [7] [Inf]
[Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [6] [Inf]
[Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [4] [ 1]
[Inf] [Inf] [ 2] [Inf] [ 1] [2] [Inf]
[Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [9] [Inf]
[Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [8] [Inf]
[Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [5] [Inf]
[Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [1] [Inf]
Columns 43 through 44
'New York Times'[6]
'Yahoo' [3]
'MSNBC' [7]
'Wall Street Journal' [8]
'CNN' [5]
'Huffington Post' [1]
'NPR' [2]
'ABC' [4]
'USA Today' [9]
Instant_Runoff_Voting_results =
Columns 1 through 9
[8] [8] [8] [9] [9] [9] [10] [13] [21]
[8] [8] [8] [8] [9] [9] [11] [12] []
[3] [3] [3] [3] [3][] [] [] []
[4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [5] [] [] []
[4] [4] [5] [5] [6] [8] [ 8] [] []
[0][][][][][] [] [] []
[1] [1] [1][][][] [] [] []
[2] [2] [2] [2][][] [] [] []
[1] [1][][][][] [] [] []
Column 10
'New York Times'
'Wall Street Journal'
'Huffington Post'
'USA Today'
Winners =
'Plurality Winner''Yahoo'
'Top Two Runoff Winner' 'New York Times'
'IRV Winner''New York Times'
'Borda Count Winner''New York Times'
'Least Worst Defeat Winner' 'New York Times'
'Ranked Pairs Winner' 'New York Times'
New York Times is the Condorcet winner.
Margin_of_Victory_Matrix =
Columns 1 through 8
[ 0] [ 1] [ 12] [ 9] [ 5] [19] [16] [12]
[ -1] [ 0] [ 6] [ 0] [ -2] [11] [10] [ 8]
[-12] [ -6] [ 0] [ -4] [ -6] [12] [ 8] [ 6]
[ -9] [ 0] [ 4] [ 0] [ -5] [15] [11] [ 8]
[ -5] [ 2] [ 6] [ 5] [ 0] [18] [17] [11]
[-19] [-11] [-12] [-15] [-18] [ 0] [-2] [-3]
[-16] [-10] [ -8] [-11] [-17] [ 2] [ 0] [-3]
[-12] [ -8] [ -6] [ -8] [-11] [ 3] [ 3] [ 0]
[-11] [-10] [ -2] [ -7] [-11] [ 2] [ 2] [-4]
Columns 9 through 12
[11] 'New York Times'[ 85] [ 0]
[10] 'Yahoo' [ 42] [ -2]
[ 2] 'MSNBC' [ 0] [-12]
[ 7] 'Wall Street Journal' [ 31] [ -9]
[11] 'CNN' [ 65] [ -5]
[-2] 'Huffington Post' [-82] [-19]
[-2] 'NPR' [-65] [-17]
[ 4] 'ABC' [-35] [-12]
[ 0] 'USA Today' [-41] [-11]
RP_Sorted_Margin_of_Victory_Matrix =
Columns 1 through 8
[ 0] [ 5] [ 1] [ 9] [ 12] [12] [11] [16]
[ -5] [ 0] [ 2] [ 5] [ 6] [11] [11] [17]
[ -1] [ -2] [ 0] [ 0] [ 6] [ 8] [10] [10]
[ -9] [ -5] [ 0] [ 0] [ 4] [ 8] [ 7] [11]
[-12] [ -6] [ -6] [ -4] [ 0] [ 6] [ 2] [ 8]
[-12] [-11] [ -8] [ -8] [ -6] [ 0] [ 4] [ 3]
[-11] [-11] [-10] [ -7] [ -2] [-4] [ 0] [ 2]
[-16] [-17] [-10] [-11] [ -8] [-3] [-2] [ 0]
[-19] [-18] [-11] [-15] [-12] [-3] [-2] [-2]
Columns 9 through 12
[19] 'New York Times'[ 85] [ 0]
[18] 'CNN' [ 65] [ -5]
[11] 'Yahoo' [ 42] [ -2]
[15] 'Wall Street Journal' [ 31] [ -9]
[12] 'MSNBC' [ 0] [-12]
[ 3] 'ABC' [-35] [-12]
[ 2] 'USA Today' [-41] [-11]
[ 2] 'NPR' [-65] [-17]
[ 0] 'Huffington Post' [-82] [-19]
All 36 pairwise matchups respect the above Ranked Pairs ordering.
------QUESTION 1 SUMMARY ------
[1x86 char]
There were 42 voters and 9 choices for this question.
Winners =
'Plurality Winner''Yahoo'
'Top Two Runoff Winner' 'New York Times'
'IRV Winner''New York Times'
'Borda Count Winner''New York Times'
'Least Worst Defeat Winner' 'New York Times'
'Ranked Pairs Winner' 'New York Times'
New York Times is the Condorcet winner.
The Ranked Pairs ordering is shown below.
The Borda Count (1st column), Least Worst Defeat (2nd column), and Ranked Pairs Score (3rd column) are shown to the left of each choice.
The kth number to the right of each choice is the margin of victory of that choice over the choice listed k spots below it.
(Most of the numbers on the right should be positive - negative numbers imply cycles in the aggregrate preferences of the voters.)
Summary =
Columns 1 through 7
[ 85] [ 0] [25] 'New York Times'[5] [1] [9]
[ 65] [ -5] [20] 'CNN' [2] [5] [6]
[ 42] [ -2] [18] 'Yahoo' [0] [6] [8]
[ 31] [ -9] [18] 'Wall Street Journal' [4] [8] [7]
[ 0] [-12] [14] 'MSNBC' [6] [2] [8]
[-35] [-12] [ 8] 'ABC' [4] [3] [3]
[-41] [-11] [ 4] 'USA Today' [2] [2][]
[-65] [-17] [ 2] 'NPR' [2][][]
[-82] [-19] [ 0] 'Huffington Post'[][][]
Columns 8 through 12
[12] [12] [11] [16] [19]
[11] [11] [17] [18] []
[10] [10] [11] [] []
[11] [15] [] [] []
[12] [] [] [] []
[] [] [] [] []
[] [] [] [] []
[] [] [] [] []
[] [] [] [] []
------QUESTION 2 ------
'How often do you check your news website of choice?'
Preferential_Ballots =
Columns 1 through 9
[Inf] [Inf] [6] [Inf] [3] [Inf] [6] [Inf] [3]
[Inf] [Inf] [5] [Inf] [5] [ 3] [5] [Inf] [4]
[Inf] [Inf] [4] [Inf] [6] [ 2] [4] [Inf] [5]
[Inf] [Inf] [3] [Inf] [1] [ 1] [3] [ 1] [6]
[Inf] [Inf] [1] [Inf] [2] [ 4] [2] [Inf] [2]
[Inf] [ 1] [2] [ 1] [4] [Inf] [1] [Inf] [1]
Columns 10 through 18
[6] [5] [Inf] [Inf] [3] [6] [Inf] [3] [6]
[5] [4] [Inf] [Inf] [2] [5] [Inf] [2] [5]
[4] [3] [Inf] [ 1] [4] [4] [Inf] [1] [4]
[1] [1] [Inf] [Inf] [1] [2] [Inf] [4] [3]
[2] [2] [Inf] [Inf] [5] [1] [Inf] [5] [2]
[3] [6] [Inf] [Inf] [6] [3] [ 1] [6] [1]
Columns 19 through 26
[ 1] [Inf] [Inf] [6] [ 3] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf]
[Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [5] [ 2] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf]
[Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [4] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf]
[Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [2] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf]
[Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [3] [ 1] [ 1] [Inf] [Inf]
[Inf] [ 1] [Inf] [1] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf]
Columns 27 through 35
[2] [Inf] [5] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [6] [6] [ 1]
[3] [Inf] [6] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [5] [5] [ 2]
[4] [ 1] [4] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [4] [4] [Inf]
[1] [Inf] [3] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [3] [3] [Inf]
[5] [Inf] [2] [Inf] [ 2] [Inf] [2] [1] [Inf]
[6] [Inf] [1] [Inf] [ 1] [ 1] [1] [2] [Inf]
Columns 36 through 42
[ 5] [Inf] [Inf] [ 1] [Inf] [ 1] [6]
[ 4] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [ 2] [5]
[ 3] [Inf] [ 1] [Inf] [Inf] [ 3] [4]
[ 2] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [3]
[ 1] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [ 1] [Inf] [2]
[Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [1]
Columns 43 through 44
'Less than Once a Mo' [2]
'Once a Month'[5]
'2-3 Times a Month' [6]
'Once a Week' [4]
'2-3 Times a Week'[1]
'Daily' [3]
Instant_Runoff_Voting_results =
[ 4] [ 4] [ 5] [] [] [] 'Less than Once a Mo'
[ 0] [] [] [] [] [] 'Once a Month'
[ 4] [ 4] [] [] [] [] '2-3 Times a Month'
[ 7] [ 7] [ 7] [ 8] [10] [] 'Once a Week'
[ 7] [ 7] [ 7] [ 7] [] [] '2-3 Times a Week'
[13] [13] [13] [13] [15] [22] 'Daily'
Winners =
'Plurality Winner''Daily'
'Top Two Runoff Winner' '2-3 Times a Week'
'IRV Winner''Daily'
'Borda Count Winner''2-3 Times a Week'
'Least Worst Defeat Winner' '2-3 Times a Week'
'Ranked Pairs Winner' '2-3 Times a Week'
2-3 Times a Week is the Condorcet winner.
Margin_of_Victory_Matrix =
Columns 1 through 7
[ 0] [-7] [ -8] [-10] [-12] [-6] 'Less than Once a Mo'
[ 7] [ 0] [-10] [-12] [-12] [-9] 'Once a Month'
[ 8] [10] [ 0] [-11] [-10] [-8] '2-3 Times a Month'
[10] [12] [ 11] [ 0] [ -5] [-5] 'Once a Week'
[12] [12] [ 10] [ 5] [ 0] [ 1] '2-3 Times a Week'
[ 6] [ 9] [ 8] [ 5] [ -1] [ 0] 'Daily'
Columns 8 through 9
[-43] [-12]
[-36] [-12]
[-11] [-11]
[ 23] [ -5]
[ 40] [ 0]
[ 27] [ -1]
RP_Sorted_Margin_of_Victory_Matrix =
Columns 1 through 7
[ 0] [ 1] [ 5] [ 10] [12] [12] '2-3 Times a Week'
[ -1] [ 0] [ 5] [ 8] [ 9] [ 6] 'Daily'
[ -5] [-5] [ 0] [ 11] [12] [10] 'Once a Week'
[-10] [-8] [-11] [ 0] [10] [ 8] '2-3 Times a Month'
[-12] [-9] [-12] [-10] [ 0] [ 7] 'Once a Month'
[-12] [-6] [-10] [ -8] [-7] [ 0] 'Less than Once a Mo'
Columns 8 through 9
[ 40] [ 0]
[ 27] [ -1]
[ 23] [ -5]
[-11] [-11]
[-36] [-12]
[-43] [-12]
All 15 pairwise matchups respect the above Ranked Pairs ordering.
------QUESTION 2 SUMMARY ------
'How often do you check your news website of choice?'
There were 42 voters and 6 choices for this question.
Winners =
'Plurality Winner''Daily'
'Top Two Runoff Winner' '2-3 Times a Week'
'IRV Winner''Daily'
'Borda Count Winner''2-3 Times a Week'
'Least Worst Defeat Winner' '2-3 Times a Week'
'Ranked Pairs Winner' '2-3 Times a Week'
2-3 Times a Week is the Condorcet winner.
The Ranked Pairs ordering is shown below.
The Borda Count (1st column), Least Worst Defeat (2nd column), and Ranked Pairs Score (3rd column) are shown to the left of each choice.
The kth number to the right of each choice is the margin of victory of that choice over the choice listed k spots below it.
(Most of the numbers on the right should be positive - negative numbers imply cycles in the aggregrate preferences of the voters.)
Summary =
Columns 1 through 7
[ 40] [ 0] [34] '2-3 Times a Week'[ 1] [ 5] [10]
[ 27] [ -1] [33] 'Daily' [ 5] [ 8] [ 9]
[ 23] [ -5] [28] 'Once a Week' [11] [12] [10]
[-11] [-11] [17] '2-3 Times a Month' [10] [ 8] []
[-36] [-12] [ 7] 'Once a Month'[ 7] [] []
[-43] [-12] [ 0] 'Less than Once a Mo' [] [] []
Columns 8 through 9
[12] [12]
[ 6] []
[] []
[] []
[] []
[] []
------QUESTION 3 ------
'What section of news are you most interested in?'
Preferential_Ballots =
Columns 1 through 9
[Inf] [ 1] [ 2] [ 1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [ 2]
[Inf] [ 2] [ 3] [ 2] [2] [2] [7] [5] [Inf]
[Inf] [ 3] [ 4] [Inf] [4] [6] [4] [7] [ 1]
[Inf] [Inf] [ 5] [ 4] [3] [7] [6] [6] [Inf]
[Inf] [Inf] [ 1] [Inf] [5] [3] [2] [2] [Inf]
[Inf] [ 4] [Inf] [ 3] [6] [4] [5] [4] [Inf]
[Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [7] [5] [3] [3] [Inf]
Columns 10 through 18
[1] [Inf] [ 1] [1] [3] [1] [Inf] [Inf] [ 1]
[5] [Inf] [Inf] [7] [1] [3] [ 1] [Inf] [ 4]
[3] [Inf] [Inf] [4] [5] [4] [Inf] [Inf] [ 3]
[4] [Inf] [ 2] [2] [6] [5] [Inf] [Inf] [ 2]
[2] [Inf] [ 4] [5] [4] [6] [Inf] [Inf] [ 5]
[6] [Inf] [ 3] [3] [7] [2] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf]
[7] [Inf] [Inf] [6] [2] [7] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf]
Columns 19 through 26
[ 1] [Inf] [Inf] [ 2] [ 1] [ 1] [Inf] [ 1]
[Inf] [ 2] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [ 5] [Inf] [Inf]
[Inf] [ 1] [Inf] [ 4] [Inf] [ 4] [Inf] [Inf]
[Inf] [ 3] [Inf] [ 5] [ 2] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf]
[Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [ 1] [ 3] [ 3] [Inf] [Inf]
[Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [ 6] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf]
[Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [ 3] [Inf] [ 2] [Inf] [Inf]
Columns 27 through 35
[1] [ 1] [ 1] [1] [1] [1] [ 1] [1] [ 3]
[3] [ 3] [Inf] [6] [3] [2] [ 2] [2] [ 2]
[6] [ 4] [Inf] [7] [5] [3] [ 3] [3] [ 1]
[5] [ 2] [ 2] [5] [6] [4] [Inf] [6] [Inf]
[2] [ 6] [ 3] [3] [4] [5] [ 4] [4] [Inf]
[7] [Inf] [Inf] [4] [7] [6] [Inf] [5] [Inf]
[4] [ 5] [Inf] [2] [2] [7] [Inf] [7] [Inf]
Columns 36 through 42
[Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [1] [ 3] [Inf]
[Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [2] [ 1] [ 3]
[Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [5] [ 4] [ 2]
[Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [6] [ 5] [ 1]
[Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [7] [ 2] [Inf]
[Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [4] [Inf] [Inf]
[Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [Inf] [3] [Inf] [Inf]
Columns 43 through 44
'Front page'[7]
'world report'[1]
'Local News'[4]
'Style' [3]
'Horoscopes/ Comics/' [5]
Instant_Runoff_Voting_results =
Columns 1 through 7
[24] [24] [24] [24] [26] [28] [30]
[ 3] [ 3] [ 3] [ 3] [ 3] [] []
[ 3] [ 3] [ 3] [ 4] [ 4] [ 4] []
[ 1] [ 1] [ 1] [] [] [] []
[ 2] [ 2] [ 2] [ 2] [] [] []
[ 0] [ 0] [] [] [] [] []
[ 0] [] [] [] [] [] []
Column 8
'Front page'
'world report'
'Local News'
'Horoscopes/ Comics/'
Winners =
'Plurality Winner''Front page'
'Top Two Runoff Winner' 'Front page'
'IRV Winner''Front page'
'Borda Count Winner''Front page'
'Least Worst Defeat Winner' 'Front page'
'Ranked Pairs Winner' 'Front page'
Front page is the Condorcet winner.
Margin_of_Victory_Matrix =
Columns 1 through 7
[ 0] [ 21] [ 24] [28] [ 24] [30] [28]
[-21] [ 0] [ 8] [ 8] [ 6] [14] [13]
[-24] [ -8] [ 0] [ 6] [ -1] [12] [ 6]
[-28] [ -8] [ -6] [ 0] [ -1] [ 8] [ 6]
[-24] [ -6] [ 1] [ 1] [ 0] [14] [12]
[-30] [-14] [-12] [-8] [-14] [ 0] [ 0]
[-28] [-13] [ -6] [-6] [-12] [ 0] [ 0]
Columns 8 through 10
'Front page'[155] [ 0]
'world report'[ 28] [-21]
'Politics'[ -9] [-24]
'Business'[-29] [-28]
'Local News'[ -2] [-24]
'Style' [-78] [-30]
'Horoscopes/ Comics/' [-65] [-28]
RP_Sorted_Margin_of_Victory_Matrix =
Columns 1 through 7
[ 0] [ 21] [ 24] [ 24] [28] [30] [28]
[-21] [ 0] [ 6] [ 8] [ 8] [14] [13]
[-24] [ -6] [ 0] [ 1] [ 1] [14] [12]
[-24] [ -8] [ -1] [ 0] [ 6] [12] [ 6]
[-28] [ -8] [ -1] [ -6] [ 0] [ 8] [ 6]
[-30] [-14] [-14] [-12] [-8] [ 0] [ 0]
[-28] [-13] [-12] [ -6] [-6] [ 0] [ 0]
Columns 8 through 10
'Front page'[155] [ 0]
'world report'[ 28] [-21]
'Local News'[ -2] [-24]
'Politics'[ -9] [-24]
'Business'[-29] [-28]
'Style' [-78] [-30]
'Horoscopes/ Comics/' [-65] [-28]
All 21 pairwise matchups respect the above Ranked Pairs ordering.
------QUESTION 3 SUMMARY ------
'What section of news are you most interested in?'
There were 42 voters and 7 choices for this question.
Winners =
'Plurality Winner''Front page'
'Top Two Runoff Winner' 'Front page'
'IRV Winner''Front page'
'Borda Count Winner''Front page'
'Least Worst Defeat Winner' 'Front page'
'Ranked Pairs Winner' 'Front page'
Front page is the Condorcet winner.
The Ranked Pairs ordering is shown below.
The Borda Count (1st column), Least Worst Defeat (2nd column), and Ranked Pairs Score (3rd column) are shown to the left of each choice.
The kth number to the right of each choice is the margin of victory of that choice over the choice listed k spots below it.
(Most of the numbers on the right should be positive - negative numbers imply cycles in the aggregrate preferences of the voters.)
Summary =
Columns 1 through 7
[155] [ 0] [42] 'Front page'[21] [24] [24]
[ 28] [-21] [21] 'world report'[ 6] [ 8] [ 8]
[ -2] [-24] [15] 'Local News'[ 1] [ 1] [14]
[ -9] [-24] [14] 'Politics'[ 6] [12] [ 6]
[-29] [-28] [ 8] 'Business'[ 8] [ 6] []
[-78] [-30] [ 0] 'Style' [ 0] [] []
[-65] [-28] [ 0] 'Horoscopes/ Comics/' [] [] []
Columns 8 through 10
[28] [30] [28]
[14] [13] []
[12] [] []
[] [] []
[] [] []
[] [] []
[] [] []