Sydney Central Regional Weeds Committee

Meeting No 2014.1

Tues 6th May 2014

Woollahra Council Chambers


Present / Apologies
Leanne Bunn (Randwick)
Mel Hall (NSW NPWS)
Jeff Hill (Woollahra)
Alex McKenzie (Strathfield)
Kerrie Davies (Auburn)
Sue Stevens (Waverley)
Adam Smith (Rockdale)
Anne Duncan (EO Sydney Weeds) / Paul Ibbetson (NSW NPWS)
Lana McGee (Rockdale)

1. Welcome

Jeff Hill welcomed all participants to the meeting.

Members present declared any pecuniary interests: NSW NPWS and WaverleyCouncil indicated that they received WAP funds.

2. Actions arising

1. Confirmation of previous minutes (Meeting of 21st March 2013):

Moved: Mr Jeff Hill

Seconded: Ms Leanne Bunn

2. Matters arising from the previous minutes:

  • Ligustrumundulatum DPI biosecurity assessment. Action 2.2.1.
  • Status of Weed Risk Assessments for corky passionflower and wild onion–both completed. Noted that corky passionflower was widespread in the region already and that the cost of eradication was very high, higher than indicated in the WRA. Action 2.2.2.
  • Collation of information on weeds in garden centres – important to note that this is important going forward with DPI focus on prevention via inspections.
  • Boneseed in rail corridors – Any member on trains should note locations and forward information to Rail Corps contact. It was queried whether the committee contactwas current (Pete Semple). It was noted that boneseed was observed in Botany Council area and it was questionedhow aware they were ofthe regional priority for addressing this weed was raised. It was suggested that it may be timely for a letter to be sent to all member Councils reminding them of the priority of boneseed.The letter could refer to the legislative obligations under Noxious Weed Act (Class 1 weed) as well as the opportunities for funding action on the weed as part of the Weed Action Program, either on their own behalf or in partnership with other authorities.Action 2.2.3 and 2.2.4.
  • Sickle thorn – Asparagus falcatus(Strathfield Council)
  • Weed of National Significance. It was also noted that Pittwater in the northern region have an infestation.
  • Good videos are available on U-tube about how to identify and control - the video presented at the recent SWC Weeds Forum. (Videos made by “Eco warriors” John and Lynn Illingsworth). It was noted that these were a good resource and worth using in community and Council capacity building.
  • Order 30 now complete.

Action 2.2.1 Follow up with Rosanna/DPI re issue of biosecurity risk of Ligustrumundulatumby next meeting (EO).

Action 2.2.2. Note that Corky passionflower is a high priority for SWC and all members should be vigilant in looking out for it and addressing quickly to prevent problem (All).

Action 2.2.3. Check the contacts for railways and other public authorities for all regional weed committees (EO).

Action 2.2.4. Suggest to Steering Group that aletter be drafted from SWC reminding Councils (including Botany) of boneseed priority for region.

3. New Incursions

  • Chinese knot weed, Persecariachinensis, reported by Adam Smith (Rockdale)
  • Found on the north side of the market gardens near Scarborough ponds. Not as bad as the Japanese variety – not as tall – only growing to 1.5m. However it still outcompeted Lantana, although it sprayed out well. As far as he was aware there has only been one other outbreak in NSW. Action 3.1.
  • Mel Hall also provided a reportfrom Sydney North RWC.
  • a few familiar speciesare on the rise again (they may have slipped off the radar for control?): e.g. pampas, cats claw, corky passionflower.
  • Ming asparagus – Asparagus retrofractus has been reported– in 3 unrelated locations. It has also been located on a footpath in Leichhardt.(Outside 3 May St Rozelle).
  • Pittwater had found another location of Horsetail. The SN RWC decided to keep GIS data on locations and monitor only (as none were spreading at present) as research on control needed (DPI assistance necessary to progress that).
  • observationat West Head post fire that Solanum natives were easily confused with tropical Soda apple. It was noted that it was difficult to identify sometimes, and that if in doubt send to RBG to check as they are quite interested.

Action 3.1. Provide new incursion report to EO, including location (Adam Smith)

4. WONS update

Recent additions to Weeds of National Significance were noted for information: Madeira vine, Cats claw, Fireweed, Asparagus weeds, water hyacinth etc. List can be checked at

It was reported that Weeds of National Significance still exists as a register and category, and is still relevant in terms of preparation of funding applications. However there will no longer be funded coordinators. Extension materials will be available on-line rather than hard copy. The usefulness of these materials was noted.Hillary Cherry (NSW NPWS) will continue to work on WoNSin the short term, and is wrapping up the Broom manual, which will be an on-line product.

5. WAP projects 14-15

The status report on WAP (from A. Schofield) was circulated (document attached) and the opportunity for additional funding for year 5 (notifications had been circulated to members) due 9th May was noted.

All members agreed that there was a continuing regional priority for inspections of the Sydney flower markets and agreed to support a WAP application by Strathfield Council. Several members raised incidents of concern - e.g. weeds such as privet and turkey rhubarb had been seen in markets, florists or bouquets. Action 5.1.

The committee also noted that for WAP Stage 2 mapping of weeds/inspections will be a priority, plus capacity building (rather than control of widespread weeds).

Action 5.1Liaise asap with WAP Project Officer, Anthony Schofield to develop a WAP application for market inspector project, for consideration as part of the allocation for 2014-15 (Chair, Strathfield)

6. Weed control Order 30

This has now been finalised by DPI. The Chairdrew attention to the Class 4 listing of Celtissinensis, and howin Woollahra this meant that it was now an option to control on private land (as it was exempt from Tree Preservation Orders) – suggested that perhaps others might like to investigate their situation.It was also noted that the presence of the Hackberry Woolly Aphid was having a major impact on Celtis in southern region (Wollondilly). While it did not kill the plant it knocked it around and resulted in presence of SAP and provided reason to remove.

7. SWC activities for 14-15


Mel Hall (organising committee) reported on the forum.

There were 135 attendees – mostly government but also 14 contractors, 11 volunteers, 5 students. The feedback through the evaluation forms was very positive – overall experience was very good, most presentations very useful, and good value for money.

Committee feedback:

  • more volunteers should be encouraged.
  • a panel discussion was also suggested to engage the audience more actively in participation.

There was discussion about whether this kind of event should happen every year, or whether there are other formats that could be considered, with this kind of formal forum every second year. It was agreed that further consideration of future options would be worthwhile, and this could occur as part of overall SWC event planning. Action 7.1.

Community Based Social Marketing for weed management

Mel also reported that part of the evaluation responses had been to inform another state-wide project, which both she and Anthony were involved in – the use of Community Based Social Marketing for weed management. This project is based on a system developed by Doug McKenzie – Mohr, and the aims are to work out how to “market” ideas for social change, and how to measure community engagement more effectively, in order to achieve the behaviour change that is desirable. The last question in the Forum survey had been aimed to discover what ideas people had about what the actual behaviour change was that was required, to succeed in managing weeds - the survey responses will be used to inform the project.

SWC Activities for 2014-15

The activities for 2014-15 will be documented in a business plan, which will be developed by the EO.

Potential activities currently on the agenda include:

  • Survey of training needs via survey monkey to find out how SWC can best support member training.
  • Survey of weed expenditure. Members noted that last survey was criticised by DPI as being exaggerated and suggested that more specificity was required (e.g. How many noxious weeds officers?). Action 7.2.
  • Brochure updates – regional – these will be sent out asking members to identify required changes. Action 7.3
  • Website review – review use (numbers etc).
  • Look-learn-act website noted. EO will investigate incorporating this into SWC website. Action 7.4.
  • ideas/ comments welcome. Action 7.5.
  • Weed app – query whether this was being done at state level by DPI. Action 7.6.
  • GIS – mapping of new incursions/emerging weeds. WAP funds will be sought.
  • Other grants / funding opportunities

General discussion about ideas for SWC to consider in future:

  • SWC needs to engage broader range of people/organisations – this may mean considering change in membership structure.
  • Policy issues to address - Where do inspections / garden centres fit into policies?
  • SWC website could provide more resources (examples of best practice) for members i.e. good strategies/policies/ plans / letters. Action 7.7.

Action 7.1.Facilitate further consideration of format of future forum as part of SWC event planning (EO).

Action 7.2.Liaise with DPI re the weed expenditure survey (EO).

Action 7.3. Respond to request re updates required to regional weed brochures (All).

Action 7.4. Further investigate Look-Learn-Act website (EO).

Action 7.5.Provide feedback/comments and ideas on website to inform review (All).

Action 7.6.Seek more detail on weed app being developed by DPI (EO).

Action 7.7. Discuss committee ideas with steering group in context of business plan(EO).

8. Other business

Weeds review of NRC

The NRC weed review and potential implications was discussed. The Chair noted that it supported a tenure-neutral, risk-based approach.

9. General business – roundtable

It was noted that Local Land Services are engaging and capacity building with Private golf courses in the region.

9. Next meeting and host.

Host: Auburn

Date: To be determined but, as it would involve election of new sub-committee office bearers, will be planned to be one month before the AGM.

EO indicated intention to lock in all dates for the whole year. Action 9.1.

Action 9.1. Send out email re 2014-15 meeting dates (EO).

Sydney CentralRWC Meeting 6th May2014

Actions Arising

Agenda Item / Action No. / Person(s) responsible / Action / Due Date
2 / 2.2.1
2.2.4 / EO
All members
Chair/EO / Follow up with Rosanna/DPI re biosecurity risk of Ligustrumundulatumby next meeting.
Note that Corky passionflower is a high priority for SWC,be vigilant in looking out for it and address quickly.
Check the contacts for railways and other public authorities for all regional weed committees.
Raise with SG the suggestion thata letter be sent from SWC reminding Councils of boneseed priority for region. / Next mtg
Next mtg
3 / 3.1 / Adam Smith / Provide new incursion reportform to EO. / Completed
5 / 5.1 / Jeff Hill,
Alex McKenzie / Liaise with Anthony Schofield to develop a WAP project application for inspections at Flemington markets, for consideration as part of the allocations for 2014-15. / Completed
7 / 7.1
7.7 / EO
All members
All members
EO / Facilitate further consideration of format of future forum as part of SWC event planning.
Liaise with DPI re the weed expenditure survey.
Consider what revisions neededto regional weed brochures and respond.
Further investigate Look-Learn-Act website as part of website review.
Comments and ideas on website to inform review.
Seek more detail on weed app being developed by DPI.
Raise ideas from members with steering group in context of business plan. / Ongoing
Next FY
Respond to request
Next FY
Next mtg
9 / 9.1 / EO / Email re 2014-15 meeting dates. / Completed