Southill Primary School

Sycamore Road, Southill, Weymouth, Dorset DT4 9UF

Tel: 01305 773144

Headteacher: Mr P Mason B.Ed.(Hons) NPQH

3rd July 2017

Dear Parents/Carers

Arts Enrichment Week – Monday 10th to Friday 14th July 2017 – Pop Art

Next week we will be holding our annual arts enrichment week. The aim of this week is for children to learn about and experience a variety of artistic styles and approaches. We will be off-timetable for the whole week which will enable us to devote enough time to study some works in depth and to allow the children space and freedom to experiment with lots of different media and explore a variety of artistic techniques, something we don’t always have time for in our busy curriculum. 2017 is the 30th anniversary of the death of Andy Warhol. Inspired by this, the theme we have chosen this year is Pop Art.

During the week children will be finding out about Andy Warhol and other pop artists. They’ll be taking part in lots of imaginative and arty activities and creating an assortment of artwork inspired by different artists. We expect that it could get quite messy and so we are asking that children come to school in old clothesall week that won’t matter if they get spoiled.

We are very pleased and excited to welcome Darrell Wakelam to school on Tuesday and Wednesday. All pupils in Years R to 5 will get to work with Darrell on a collaborative pop art project.

We will be inviting all children to select their favourite piece to show in our Summer Exhibition on Friday. The exhibition will be open to parents from 2.00pm until 4.00pm on Friday afternoon and you are invited to visit the exhibition with your children. There will be refreshments available and you may take your children home with you after you have visited the exhibition.

We would be very grateful of donations of empty cereal boxes, shoe boxes, odds and ends of any kind of paper, ribbons, wool, buttons or sequins.

A reminder that next Monday afternoon is Open Afternoon. Parents are welcome to come in to school from 1.15pm. Children will be able to share their learning with you and you will be able to look at their books. You will also be given your child’s end of year report to take home. If you would like to take your child home early that day you may do so. Please let your child’s teacher know if you wish to take them early.

Year 6are out at their secondary schools on Tuesday of that week and should wear their school uniform for this. They are also out at Primary College on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. They do not need to wear their uniforms on these days. Unfortunately, because of these prior commitments Year 6 will not get to take part in much of the arts week this year but we hope they’ll have a great time at their other events all week.

If you have an artistic talent and would like to come in and help with an art activity, we would be very pleased to have you. Please speak to your child’s teacher.Thank you in advance for your support and we look forward to an exciting, inspirational and fun-packed week.

Mrs Caroline Wood

Deputy Headteacher

Happy Confident Prepared