SYABasketballRulesandRegulations / 2016-2017 / Nov 2016
Final / Revised
Allplay willbe in accordancewith theNational Federation of StateHigh SchoolAssociations’
2006-2007RulesBook, except asamended, or supplemented herein.
1Court and Equipment
The basketballcourtsused bySYA Basketballvaryin dimension, marking and material. All courts wheregamesarescheduled to be played shallbe considered to satisfytherequirements of theseSections.
Where no lanespacesaremarked, therefereeshalldetermine proper player spacing along the lanelines. No more than three (3) playersmayoccupyoneside of thelane during afree throw attempt. EXCEPTION: For 3rdand 4thGrade Leagues(both boysand girls) and the5thGrade Girls League, theFreeThrowLineshallbelocated three (3) feet inside theregulation FreeThrow Line. Therefereeshallidentifyalimiting markrepresenting such free throw linefor the shooter.
Basket height isTen (10) Feet.EXCEPTION: Basket height is lower, asindicated, for the following leagues:
1st, 2nd,and 3rdGrade: Eight (8) feet
4thGrade: Nine (9) feet
The circumferenceshallbe30”for allBoys 6ththrough High SchoolLeagues. The circumference shallbe28.5”for allGirls’ Leaguesand Boys 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5thGrade Leagues.
Team benches/chairsare optional. Team personnel shallconfine themselvesto the Bench Area.
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2Officials andTheir Duties
The official(s) shallbeareferee and an umpire or areferee officiating alone, designated bythe SYA Chief Referee, who shallbe assisted bya timer and ascorer. Two student/adult referees shallnormallybe assigned to Boysand Girls 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7thand 8thgradeleagueregular season games. Contract referee(s) willofficiateHS leagueregular season gamesand may officiate post-season games. Coaches shallreferee1stand 2ndgradeleaguesgames. When no normallyrequired referee isavailable, the LeagueCommissioner maypermit thegame to be officiated byanyperson(s) agreed upon byboth opposing coaches; theChief Refereewillbe notified of all such occurrences.
Thescorer’s/timer’stableshould belocated near themid-court line, on thesameside of the court asthe team benches, but maybelocated elsewhere if necessaryto accommodate scoreboard controls.
Report alltechnicalfoulsto theChief Referee, in writing, to includeviolator’sname, coach’s name and league. When a technicalfoulresultsin disqualification, officials shallinclude as much detail surrounding the incident aspossible.
NOTE: It ishighlyrecommended that ALL playerscurrentlyrostered on a team be placed in the official score book, whether present or not, in the event that a player arrivesunexpectedly.
3.2.1SYA Participation Philosophy
Our primaryfocusison developing allplayers’ skillsrather than winning games. To accomplish that end, we believe that everyplayer should participate asmuch aspossible. SYA Basketball mandatesthat allplayerspresent for afullgame areguaranteed to playat least two Complete, Uninterrupted Quarters of play.We encourage our coachesto award the remaining playtimerelativelyequallyamong players.
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3.2.2SYA Participation Rules
•Allplayersarriving before the end of thefirst quarter areguaranteed two (2) Complete, Uninterrupted Quartersof play.
•Teamsconsisting of seven (7) or more players- Allplayersmust beoutof thegame (rest)
for one (1) Complete, Uninterrupted Quarter.
•Teamsconsisting of six (6) players- Allplayersareguaranteed three (3) Complete, Uninterrupted Quartersof play.
•Playersmaybesubstituted in and out of thegame in theremaining time as long asthe previousrulesaremet.
NOTE: It ishighlyrecommended that both coachesreviewthescore bookafter playerscheck in, but prior to start of play, for thefourth quarter to insure they’vemet the participation requirements.
Complete, Uninterrupted Quarter(s) - A player hasparticipated in aComplete, Uninterrupted Quarter of play(or rest) if the player startsand finishes(or rests) the entire quarter without being substituted. Theminutes’ equivalent of a complete quarter doesnot satisfythisrule.
3.2.4Special ConsiderationsImpacting Participation
Participation timewillbemodified for playersarriving to the bench area after the end of the first quarter.
•A player arriving after the end of thefirst quarter willbe considered to have completed oneComplete, Uninterrupted Quarter of play.
•A player arriving after the end of thesecond quarter willbe considered to have completed oneComplete, Uninterrupted Quarter of playand one of rest.
•A player arriving after the end of the third quarter willbe considered to have completed two Complete, Uninterrupted Quartersof playand one of rest. Exceptions
•GameEnding Injury/Disqualification:A player maynot be able to playtheir full participation time due to game ending injury, disqualification or fouling out. Minimum participation requirements willbewaived for thisplayer provided the player could have met participation requirementshad theybeen able to remain in thegame.
•Rest Requirement Exception:Should game ending injuriesor disqualificationsoccur the team willnot be in violation of therest requirement rule if thelast remaining eligible player hasnot yet rested onefullquarter.That player mayre-enter thegame.
•FoulTrouble:Playersmayberemoved when in foultrouble, but allplayersmust still meet the participation requirements.
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•Injuries: Injured playersreturning to thegamemust begiven playing time that, asclose aspossible, meetsthe participation requirements.
•Health/Attendance/Behavior:A player’sparticipation timemaybereduced for player health, attendance, or behavior issues with the advance approvalof the League Commissioner and with notification to the player, parents, opposing coach, referee and scorekeeper prior to start of thegame.
•Overtime: Allparticipation requirementsmust have been met bythe end of regulation.
Overtime period lineupsand substitution are at the coach’sdiscretion. Note: SYA only usesovertime in playoff games
3.2.5Participation Rule Penalty
For violationsof thesubstitution rule, the offending team shallbe penalized under the PENALTY provisionsfor Delayof Game, which isto be determined bytheleague coordinator. The opposing coach isresponsiblefor informing thereferee(s) and the opposing coach of any possibleviolation.The coachesareresponsiblefor determining the participation error, if any. Therefereemaybe consulted for their opinion; however, they willnot make thefinal determination.Players willalso besubstituted at thistime in or out of thegame to rectify team participation requirementsasbest aspossible. Allviolationsmust bereported bythe opposing coach to theleague commissioner so theycan educate other league coachesand track violations. Anydisagreement among the coachesduring thegamewillberuled on bythe
league coordinator during theweekfollowing thegame in which anyparticipation violation(s) occurred. Anypenalty willbe determined and enforced bytheleague coordinator, upto game forfeiture.
3.2.6Playing Time Examples
Remember playersmust alwayshave (2) two Complete, Uninterrupted Quarters.
8playersarrive on time- Coach allocatesexactly 2.5quartersto each player.
8playersarrive on time- Coach allocates3quartersto 4playersand 2quartersto 4players.
7playersarrive on time- Coach allocates3quartersto 6playersand 2quartersto 7th player.
7playersarrive on time– Coach allocates3quartersto 5playersand 2.5quartersto 2players.
6playersarrive on time- Coach allocates4quartersto 2playersand 3quartersto 4players.
6playersarrive on time- Coach allocatesapproximately 3.33quartersto allplayers.
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•Playersmust wear jerseysissued bySYA basketballto be eligible to play.
•Uniformsmust have distinct numbersfor each player on a team.
•If a player bleedson a uniform, it must beremoved and replaced with asimilar color shirt. (Replacement shirt doesnot need to havea number).
•Teeshirtsof white or a complementarycolor maybeworn under game jerseys.
•Shirtsmust be tucked into pants waistband.
•Gameshortsmaybe of anycolor or fabric, but must beworn above the hipsand should be of reasonablelength.
•Gameshorts maynothave pockets (to includeno taping or reversing theshorts).
•Nojewelrymaybeworn, including earrings. Band-Aidsor Tape covering earrings will
notbe allowed.
•No hard itemsmaybeworn in the hair including beads, or hard barrettes.
•No hard castsmaybeworn. Soft bandages(ACE wraps, e.g.) are permitted.
The area bounded bythe end line extended and the near end of thescorer’stable (or themid- court line extended where no scorer’stable ispresent) on the half of the court designated for that team.
A defender maydefend anywhere on the court. However, specificleaguerules(Part II – League SpecificRules) are in place and must befollowed. When rulesrequire half court defense only defensemust be played from a position completely within the offense’sfront court. NOTE: This doesnot require the defense to allowthe offense to bring the ballto their front court unopposed. During afast break, defendersmaytemporarilydisrupt passing lanesin the offense’sbackcourt, but shallbemoving toward thefront court during thefast break.
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When league playrequiresman-to-man defense theguidance isasfollows. Defendersmust stay reasonablyclose to their assigned opponent and maynot disengagefrom them and cover other areasof playasin a“zone defense.”In recognition of proper “help-side”defensestrategies, playersare allowed to “sag off”their player when that player ismore than one passfrom the ball, and maycertainlyhelp out whenever the ballentersthelane, but the defensive player
maynot be permanently stationed in thelane. Defendersdirectlyinvolved in a pickplaymay, and are encouraged to; hedge, help and recover to their man. During these pickplays, double teamsmayoccur untilthe player providing the help defenserecoversto hisman. No double- teaming or trapping isallowed outside thelane; however, inadvertent double-teaming can be expected when an offensive player dribblesor otherwisemovesthe ballinto another defender or towardsthe basket. Help-side defendersare expected to help and then recover to their man.
6Scoring andTiming
Three (3) point field goals willbescored in leagues where the court isproperlymarked.
A gamewhich hasbeen interrupted because of eventsbeyond the controlof theleagueshallbe continued from the point of interruption, unlessthe teamsagree to terminate thegamewith the existing score, at the discretion of the LeagueCommissioner. A gamewillbeforfeited if a team doesnot have at least 4playerspresent and readyfor playat game time. A team may finish agamewith lessthan 4playersdue to injuryor fouls, but must finish thegamewith at least two (2) eligible players.
6.3.1Playing Time
Playing timeshallbefour (4) quartersof seven (7) minuteseach, except that 1st, 2nd and 3rd gradeleagues willplayfour, ten (10) minute, continuousclockquarters. Thereshallbea one (1) minute intermission between thefirst and third quarters, and a three (3) minute intermission between halves.
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6.3.2Regular Season Game Time / Revised
1st, 2nd and 3rd gradeleaguegames willend 55minutesafter they start; allother games will
end 70minutesafter they start. If, in thesole judgment of thelead referee, agame could run beyond such limits, s/hemaydirect that the timekeeper reduce quarterlyplaying time and/or provide that one or more quartersbe played under a continuousclock, in order that thegame mayfinish on time.
6.3.3TournamentGame Time
Everyeffort willbemade to finish tournament games within 80minutesof their start times.
During regular season games, therewillbe noextra periodsplayed; gamesmayend in a tie. ART. 3... (amended) During tournament play, each extra period shallbe three (3) minutes with a one (1) minute breakbetween extra periods. Extra periodsare an extension of thefourth quarter, and do not have additionalparticipation requirements.
Each team isentitled to three (3) oneminute timeoutsper game. Timeoutsmaycarryover from one half to the next. Additionally, each team isentitled to one timeout per extra period, and anyunused timeoutsmayaccumulate.
7Special Violations and Penalties
In addition to theviolationsand penaltiesdescribed in theNational Federation of StateHigh SchoolAssociations’ 2006-2007RulesBook, SYA hasthefollowing specialpenaltiesfor violations of thesubstitution and defenserules.
7.1Illegal Defense Penalty
Specific LeagueRules(described below) have certain defensiverestrictions. The ballbecomes dead when aviolation occurs. On afirst team violation therefereeshall warn the offending player(s) and bench, and the ballisawarded to the offensefor a throw-in at the out-of-bounds spot nearest theviolation.
8Fouls and Penalties
SYA Basketballtakesunsportsmanlike conduct very seriously. Rough play, fouland/or abusive language, or repeated, willfulviolationsof therulesbyanyplayer, squad member, coach or spectator willnot be tolerated.Thisbehavior willresult in a technicalfoulon the player
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and/or coach.Referees willdocument and report alltechnicalfoulsand disqualificationsto
theRefereeCommissioner.Any player or coach who receives two (2) technicalfouls in the samegame will haveoneminuteto leavethegym, and willNOT be ableto participatein the team’s next game.Failure to leave thegym upon notification of thesecond technicalmay result in gameforfeiture.
8.1.1FlagrantTechnical Foul – First
Anyplayer, bench personnel, spectator, or coach who ischarged with aflagrant technicalfoul and, as such resultsin agame disqualification. The offending individualmust immediately leave thegym for theremainder of the day, and maynot be present in thegym for the next game that his/her team plays.
8.1.2Second Disqualification
Anyperson who isdisqualified for asecond time in aseason maynot be present in thegym for therest of theseason/post-season.
A team whose player, squad member, spectator or coach violatesthe provisionsof a disqualification shallforfeit thegame(s) during which such violation(s) occur.
Therefereemayforfeit agame if anyplayer, squad member, coach or spectator failsto comply with anypenalty, or repeatedlycommitsa technicalfoulor other act which makesa travestyof thegame. The team responsiblefor such aforfeit under thisprovision isineligiblefor post- season play.
Bench personneland spectators shallnot commit an unsportsmanlikefoul. Thisincludes, but is not limited to, actsor conduct such as:
•During anyquarter, whether the ballisdead or alive: Bench personnel- leave the bench area, unlessreporting to thescorer’stable, or injured or banished; and spectators- enter the bench area.
•Exceed thefollowing Bench PersonnelLimitation: The onlypersonsallowed in the team bench area after thestart of thegame arerostered players(arostered player need not be in uniform or otherwise eligible to participate to occupyhis/her team’sbench area), theHead Coach and oneAssistant Coach.Exception to thisrulemayoccur when 2 teenagers serve ascoach.In this situation, theymaybe assisted byan adult or a third teen.
•HaveFOOD OR DRINK OFANY KINDin thegymnasium at anytime.
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Penaltyfor unsportsmanlikefoulisa technicalfoul. The2nd technicalfoulon anybench
personnelor spectator isconsidered flagrant.
The coach(es) must remain in the Bench Area at alltimes while the clockisrunning or is stopped, except to attend to an emergency situation. Penaltyfor leaving the area isa technicalfoul. The2nd technicalon either coach isconsidered flagrant.
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11st and 2nd GRADE LEAGUES
To enhance development of basic basketball skills, 1st and 2nd Grade Leagues willplaythree- on-three, half-courtbasketballon one-half of the court and full-court 3-on-3basketballfrom side to side on the other half of the court. Federation Rulesand the aboveHouse League GeneralRulesirrelevant to the3-on-3, half-court gamemaybe ignored, but allcoaches, refereesand players should strive to abide bytheir spirit asmuch aspossible.
•Each team willbe playing two games simultaneously, using both halvesof the court. (The scoreboard clock willtime both half court games simultaneously.)
•Emphasis willbe placed on skills development. NOSCORES WILLBE KEPT.
•If a team cannot field 6players(3for each game), playersmaybeshared bythe opposing team.
•Allplayers should be afforded the opportunityto playallpositions.
•Allplayers willplaythesame amount; coachesare encouraged to substitutefreelyto accommodate thisrule. Someyounger playerscannot playa continuousquarter; feel free to substitute them in and out asneeded.
•No free throws willbe awarded.
•Basket height is8feet.
•Ball size is 28.5inches.
•Playing time isfour (4) ten minuterunning clockquarters.
•Coachesor their designees serve asreferees.
•Defense in full-court game isman-to-man onlyfor the entiregame. Players will "match up"prior to thestart of each quarter. No backcourt defense isallowed at anytime.
•Defense in half-court game isman-to-man onlyfor the entiregame. Players will "match up"prior to thestart of each quarter. In addition, the defensive team maynot hinder the offense'sattempt to clear the ballto the“backcourt”following a change of possession, i.e., in transition. Once the ballhasbeen cleared to the“backcourt,” defensemayresume.
•BackCourt - The area of the court behind the changeline.
•Change Line- Theline between thefoulcircle and themid-court line.
•Change of Possession - the ballmust be taken behind the changeline prior to thefirst shot attempt bythe offensefor that possession.
TOSTART A QUARTER, OR AFTER A TIME OUT, the ball willbe put in playfrom the center circle. The player receiving the inbound passmust be behind the changeline. The defender must remain outside the center circle during the throw-in.
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•3rd Grade Leaguesplayfull-court 4-on-4games.
•Emphasis willbe placed on skills development. NOSCORES WILLBE KEPT.
•Allplayers should be afforded the opportunityto playallpositions.
•If a team cannot field 4players; playersmaybeshared bythe opposing team.
•Allplayers willplaythesame amount; coachesare encouraged to substitutefreelyto accommodate thisrule. Someyounger playerscannot playa continuousquarter; feel free to substitute them in and out asneeded.
•Basket height is8feet.
•Ball size is 28.5inches.
•Playing time isfour (4) ten minuterunning clockquarters.
•Defense isman-to-man onlyfor the entiregame. Players will "match up"prior to the start of each quarter.No backcourt defense isallowed at anytime.
•On shooting fouls, the player fouled willbe awarded two free throws(threefeet in front of theregulation foul line).The clockmaybestopped during thefoul shots.
•No player foulsout; however, coachesare encouraged to teach and remind playersabout overlyaggressive playincluding illegalball screens.
•4th gradewillplayfive-on-five, fullcourt basketball.
•A minimum of four playersarerequired to start agame. A minimum of two arerequired to completeagame.
•Basket height is9feet.
•Ball size is 28.5inches.
•Playing time isfour (4) seven minute quarters, with clock stopping on alldead balls.
oSYA requiresthe use of man-to-man defense onlythroughout thegame to assist in the development of individual skills(defensive and offensive) at thisagelevel.
oMan-to-man defense isrequired with no backcourt defense allowed untilthefinal minute of regulation time or thefinalminute of overtime.
oIt ishighlyencouraged that a team leading byfifteen (15) or more pointspicksup their assigned man at the top-of-thekey.
•5th gradewillplayfive-on-five, fullcourt basketball.
•A minimum of four playersarerequired to start agame. A minimum of two arerequired to completeagame.
•Basket height is 10feet.
•Ball size is 28.5inches.
•Playing time isfour (4) seven minute quarters, with clock stopping on alldead balls.
oSYA requiresthe use of man-to-man defense onlythroughout thegame to assist in the development of individual skills(defensive and offensive) at thisagelevel.
oMan-to-man defense isrequired with no backcourt defense allowed untilthefinal minute of regulation time or thefinalminute of overtime.
•6th gradewillplayfive-on-five, fullcourt basketball.
•A minimum of four playersarerequired to start agame. A minimum of two arerequired to completeagame.
•Basket height is 10feet.
•Ball size is 30.0inchesfor boys. Girls willusea28.5inch ball.
•Playing time isfour (4) seven minute quarters, with clock stopping on alldead balls.
oSYA recommendsthe use of man-to-man defense onlythroughout thegame to assist in the development of individual skills(defensive and offensive) at thisage level.
oFullcourt man-to-man defensemaybe utilized throughout thegame and in the overtime period.
•Thesegrades willplayfive-on-five, fullcourt basketball.
•A minimum of four playersarerequired to start agame. A minimum of two arerequired to completeagame.
•Basket height is 10feet for all leagues.
•Ball size is 30.0inchesball sizefor boys. Girls willusea28.5inch ball.
•Playing time isfour (4) seven minute quarters, with clock stopping on alldead balls.
•NO Travel Players or High School Players (Varsity, JV or Freshmen) are permitted to play.