TOSSUPS – LEE U. A (with help from Dickinson)SWORD BOWL 2001 – UT-CHATTANOOGA

(Questions by Joseph Dion, Amy Flora, Jim David, and Tylere Perron)

1.Starting out as a junior clerk in the post office, he was appointed as a surveyor's clerk in Ireland in 1841, at which point he began a literary career that included 47 novels, 5 volumes of short stories, numerous travel books and a posthumously published autobiography. During this period he had time to travel to Africa, Australia, and the West Indies, to help found St. Paul's magazine, and to invent the letter-box. FTP name this author famous for the Palliser novels and the Chronicles of Barsetshire, including The Warden.

Answer: AnthonyTrollope

2. Before Roman rule, it was the capital of the Pictons, a Gallic people. Later, it became a religious center, containing the Baptistery of Saint Jean, one of the oldest Christian structures in France. The Visigoths, Franks, Muslims, Normans, and English held it or sacked it in turn. Its fame may derive from its role in the Hundred Years War. FTP, name this city near where, in 1356, Edward the Black Prince defeated John II of France.

Answer: Poitiers

3. Its name comes from the two basic ingredients of the white grainy powder used in the gasoline naphthenic acids and coconut fatty acids. It clings to everything it touches and burns violently and causes death from the burns or suffocation. It is also used in flame throwers by ground troops and was first used in many forms during WWII, and the Korean war. FTP name this jellied gasoline when put in bomb form and dropped from the air bursts, ignites and splatters burning over a wide area used by the United States during the war in Vietnam.

Answer: Napalm

4.He began at age fourteen as an errand boy at the Knoxville Chronicle but would later buy a half-interest in the Chattanooga Times and make it into one of the region's strongest papers. He became manager of his best-known paper in 1896 and gained controlling interest in 1900. One of the first changes he made was to separate the editorial comments from the news, presenting the news truthfully and without bias. FTP name this Cincinnati native whose 38 years as the publisher and guiding influence of The New York Times cemented its reputation as the newspaper of record in the US.

Answer: Adolph Simon Ochs

5.Born in 1918 in Russia, he was schooled in math at Rostov University and graduated in 1941. He was put in jail for 8 years after he was caught criticizing Stalin in a letter written to a friend. After Khrushchev loosened restrictions on writers, he published “Martyrdom’s Home” and One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. After the publication of The Gulag Archipelago, he was arrested and deported from Russia. FTP, name this author who won the Nobel Prize in 1976.

Answer: AlexanderSolzhenitsyn

6.It is formed by the radioactive decay of actinium. It also may be made by bombarding thorium in an atom smasher. All of the known isotopes of this element are radioactive and the element decays to form radium or astatine. Two Americans were thought to have discovered it in 1930, but it was really discovered by Marguerite Perry of France in 1939 and named actinium K. FTP, name this element with the atomic number of 87 whose chemical symbol Fr reflects its discoverer's desire to honor her home country.

Answer: Francium

7.It had walls of gold and a roof of battle shields. The ceiling was held up by huge spears which were so highly polished that the glare from them provided the only needed light. The 540 doors were so wide that 800 men could enter side by side. The guests, dead heroes that had been brought in by the Valkyries, would ride out to battle every morning. They would often wound each other horribly but those wounds would heal before they returned here for the noonday feast. FTP name this most magnificent palace and great hall of heroes in Asgard where Odin feasted with his heroes.

Answer: Valhalla

8.They are made for climbing with short flat bodies covered with tiny scales and their feet formed for holding to smooth surfaces. Each toe ends in a pad and a hidden claw. These toe pads, made up of thousands of tiny hooks, allow this animal to cling to surfaces that look smooth and the claws can be moved out like those of a cat and are used on rough surfaces. Their name comes from the loud sound that many of them make. FTP name this small lizard that lives in warm climates and who in a series of clever television ads is trying to change its name so it won't be confused with a certain auto insurance company.

Answer: Gecko

9.Their last item of business was issuing a permit granting Santa Claus the right to operate as “a common carrier by two runner sleigh” provided that he continued to provide “reasonably continuous and adequate service.” Created by an Act of Congress in 1887 to fight discriminatory rates charged to farmers and small businesses by railroads, it was abolished in 1995. FTP, name America’s first regulatory agency, created to regulate business enacted across state lines.

Interstate Commerce Commission or ICC

10.Some version of them was known throughout most of Europe and western Asia by the time of the Roman Empire, between 1 AD and 5 AD. Modern versions include the Bulgarian “gaida,” the Italian “zampogna,” the Spanish “Gaita gallega,” and the Breton “biniou.” They may be inflated via a blowpipe or via bellows, and most have two parallel pipes, the canter and the drone. The earliest surviving form of the best known one, minus the bass drone, dates from 1409. FTP name this instrument usually associated with Scotland.


11.Discovered in New Mexico in 1927 by archaeologist from the American Museum of National History and the Denver Museum of Natural History, it provides incontrovertible evidence that there were humans in North America as early as the Ice Age. It was found embedded in the bones of a bison known to have been extinct for 10 thousand years. FTP, name this flintwork spear point, one of this continent’s most important archaeological finds.

The Folsom Point

12. In 1425, he became court painter to Philip, Duke of Burgundy, for whom he carried out several confidential missions abroad. His paintings are minutely descriptive and realistic, and his oil technique reveals an unprecedented richness and intensity of color for the medium. His portrait oils include Cardinal Nicolo Albergati and Man In A Red Turban. FTP name this Flemish painter of Giovanni Arnolfini and his Bride.

Jan van Eyck

13.Warning: Two answers are required. Quantum mechanics has built on the work of Schrödinger and Heisenberg. They came up with different interpretations of the subject in the 1920’s, although they were subsequently shown to be the same. For ten points, what are the two words used to distinguish the two approaches, one named after a mathematical object, the other a physical one?

ANSWER: Wave and matrix

14.While Queen Victoria died in 1901, the novel Farewell, Victoria was written considerably later by a British writer who died himself during the 1960’s. Some editions of this author’s masterpiece were retitled Camelot after that musical came out. For ten points, who was this author of the version of the Arthurian legend entitled The Once and Future King?

ANSWER: T.H. White

15.Benedict Arnold succeeded in escaping to England after his efforts to hand West Point over to the British failed. Some of those who worked with him were not so lucky. Who, for ten points, was the Englishman hanged as a spy for negotiating with Arnold whose name is held in even worse repute today for being given to a cheap sparkling wine?


16. A team from the University of Utah and SUNY-Stonybrook recently identified a new species of dinosaur in Madagascar which supports the idea of past land links between South America, Africa, and India. They named the new species after the man they cited as their inspiration and good luck charm. Seems that throughout their dig they were listening to “Industrial Disease,” “Romeo and Juliet,” “Sultans of Swing,” and other Dire Straits songs. FTP name the guitarist and lead singer behind those songs, who joins such fellow celebrities as Gary Larson in the annals of taxonomy.

Answer: Mark KNOPFLER; prompt on Dire Straits until it’s said

17.One account, which inspired Oscar Wilde and Richard Strauss, has it that John the Baptist’s head was the price demanded by a dancer before she would perform for her stepfather. Herod reluctantly gave his consent, and the result was the Baptist’s head being brought out on a platter. What, for ten points, was the name of the dancer who sought in this way vengeance on one who had spurned her advances?

Answer: Salome

18.In the movie Topsy-Turvy W.S. Gilbert complains about the attempts being made to force him to write realistic drama. Gilbert suggests that those who want realism should get in touch with a dramatist in Norway. Gilbert is referring his critics to the author of When We Dead Awaken, Peer Gynt, and The Master-Builder. FTP name this Norwegian dramatist.

ANSWER: Henrik Ibsen

19.It lies on the west bank of the Nile at Thebes and 62 tombs have been discovered here. The tombs here are in the form of corridors and chambers cut into rock with carved and painted religious signs and hieroglyphic texts covering the walls . This art deals mostly with the activities of a dead king in the afterlife. The tomb of Seti I which was discovered here in 1817 is the largest and most ornate tomb. Other tombs here include Tutankhamon and Ramses III. FTP name this rocky narrow gorge which was used as a cemetery by the pharaohs of ancient Egypt between 1550 and 1200 B. C.

Answer: TheValley Of The Kings

20.One is an archaic term of what is now called the “action” or the “receiver”; another is the portion that holds all the other parts together and provides a grip for the shooter; the last is, of course, the metal tube that the bullet is fired through. FTP identify this phrase taken from the components of a gun which simply means, “the whole thing.”

Lock, Stock, and Barrel

21.Upon hearing that King John and his army intended to pass through this town at great expense to the townspeople, the men of this city acted as if they were insane, causing the king to bypass it. Later, Washington Irving would give this name to New York City in his Salmaguni Papers. FTP, name this Nottinghamshire town that shares its name with the hometown of Batman.


22.Born in Franklin County, Virginia in 1816, he graduated from West Point in 1837. He resigned from the army to practice law but return to fight in the Mexican War. He distinguished himself in the battle of Chancellorsville and at Gettysburg. However, P.H. Sheridan defeated him in the Shenandoah Valley in 1865, but not before he led a raid that reached the outskirts of Washington D.C. FTP name this Confederate general.

Jubal Early

23.The Greeks called the one on the European side of the strait Calpe while the one on the opposite side was named Abyla. They were pictured as columns bound together by a scroll that bore the Latin phrase “ne plus ultra,” meaning “no more beyond,” as a warning to sailors not to enter the Atlantic Ocean. FTP name this rock formation named for a Greek demigod, which consists of two separate rocks on either side of the Strait of Gibraltar.

Answer: Pillars of Hercules

24.This artist was born in Moscow in 1866 and moved to Germany in 1896, where he painted his first abstract pictures in 1910. With the German artist Franz Marc he founded the new art movement known as Der Blaue Reiter (The Blue Rider) in 1911. After living in Russia again for six years, he returned to Germany to teach the theory of form at the Bauhaus school of design. During this time he painted carefully thought out abstract compositions of geometric shapes such as Calm No. 357. FTP name this man generally considered the first abstract painter whose book On the Spiritual in Art made him a forerunner of the abstract expressionism movement of the 1940's and 1950's.

Answer: Wassily Kandinsky

25.He was elected to Parliament in 1950, climbing through the ranks to become secretary of state in 1963. He became Conservative Party leader in 1964 and was elected Prime Minister in 1970. Though he served for only 4 years, he won a major victory for his country by winning the French acceptance of British entry into the EEC. FTP, name this British politician, succeeded as prime ministry by Harold Wilson, and as party chairperson by Margaret Thatcher.

Edward Heath

BONI – LEE U. A (with help from Dickinson)SWORD BOWL 2001 – UT-CHATTANOOGA

(Questions by Joseph Dion, Amy Flora, Jim David, and Tylere Perron)

1.Roadtrip! Name the U.S. state from tourist attractions 10pts on first clue 5pts on the second clue.

A)10pts- Elephant Rocks, Meramec Caverns, George Washington Carver National Monument

5pts- Harry S Truman Library, Gateway Arch

Answer: Missouri

B) 10pts- Old Sturbridge Village, Fishermen's Memorial

5pts- Walden Pond, U.S.S. Constitution, Corwin Witch House

Answer: Massachusetts

C) 10pts- Avery Island, Chalmette National Historical Park

5pts- The Evangeline Oak, Bourbon Street

Answer: Louisiana

2.Name the 19th century British author from works 15-10-5.

A) 15pts- The Beach of Falesa, Prayers Written at Vailima

10pts- The Body Snatcher, The Black Arrow

5pts- Treasure IslandRobert Louis Stevenson

B) 15pts- The Phantom Rickshaw, The Cat That Walked By Himself

10pts- The Man Who Would Be King, Puck of Pook’s Hill

5pts- The Jungle BookRudyard Kipling

3.FTSNOP answer the following question about Adolf Hitler

5) In the early 1920's Hitler organized this private army of hoodlums who fought communists and others who tried to break up Nazi rallies. By 1923 this group numbered 15,000

Answer: Storm Troopers (accept Sturmabteilung or SA)

10) In November of 1923 Hitler took 2,000 storm troopers and attempted to overthrow the Bavarian government in Munich. FTP this Nazi revolution became known as what?

Answer: Beer Hall Putsch

15) After Hitler was released from prison for the Beer Hall Putsch incident he set up a private army of elite guards known as the SS. For 15pts what did the initials stand for?

Answer: Schutzstaffel

4.Give the chemical formula, name the gas of the alkane series FTPE or from another clue for 5 pts.

A) 10pt – C3H8

5pt – Hank Hill, from “King of the Hill” sells this gas and its accessories, particularly for those expecting to grill outside. Propane

B) 10pt – C4H10

5pt – Sometimes combined with propane, this is more often converted to another gas for use in making synthetic rubber and latex paint. Butane

C) 10pt – CH4

5pt – Sometimes referred to as “marsh gas,” it’s also a major component of atmospheres of the outer planets. Methane

5.Name the following jazz singers from clues, FTPE.

a) Known for “A Tisket, A Tasket,” she became world famous for her 1946 concert series “Jazz at the Philharmonic” Ella Fitzgerald

b) She sang with Billy Eckstine’s band in the 1940s. The song “Lover Man,” recorded in 1945 with Charlie Parker, established her reputation. Sarah Vaughn

c) A singer with Benny Goodman, Lester Young, and Count Basie, her recording of “Strange Fruit” garnered her following. Billie Holiday

6.Shoo fly don't bother me. But just what kind of fly? Let me bug you with this bonus question and we'll test your knowledge of these annoying creatures. FFPE I'll name a disease typically carried by a certain type of fly and you tell me what type it is. Five point bonus for all correct.

A) Typhoid Fever

Answer: housefly

B) Yellow Fever

Answer: mosquito

C) Anthrax

Answer: horsefly

D) Rabbit Fever

Answer: Deer Fly

E) African Sleeping Sickness

Answer: Tsetse Fly

7. Given characters from a Greek play, name the play FTPE. If you need the author, you will receive only five.

A 10) Kleonike, Myrrhine, Kinesias

5) AristophanesLysistrata

B 10) Kreon, Aigus, Jason

5) EuripidesMedea

C 10) Pylades, Orestes, Electra

5) AeschylusLibation Bearers (prompt on “Oresteia”)

8.Interested in a Soviet vacation? Neither were those blacklisted by the Soviet Government as many received one-way tickets to this place. FTSNOP answer these questions about Russia's choice vacation destination, Siberia.

5) In 1710 this ruler became the first to award political prisoners a one-way all expense paid trip to Siberia.

Answer: Peter The Great

10) Contrary to popular belief some places in Siberia are quite warm. Mount Klyuchevskaya, a 15,000 foot active and very hot volcano, is located on this Siberian peninsula in the province of Yakutsk.