ISIS-SWIS Readiness Checklist

Individual Student Intervention System

School: ______Coordinator: ______ISIS-SWIS Facilitator: ______Date: ______

ISIS-SWIS Requirements / Data Source / Tasks to Complete / Who/When / Date of Completion
Implementation Capacity /
  1. School has an ISIS-SWIS Facilitator and a signed ISIS-SWIS License Agreement.
/ ISIS-SWIS License & School Information Form
  1. Process/materials exist for orienting adults, students and families to the Individual Student Support Practices (as needed).
/ Written materials
Coordination Capacity /
  1. Coordinator(s) within the school is/are identified and can consistently :
  1. Monitor the status of the system of support across individual interventions/students
  2. Manage student support teams/plans with ISIS-SWIS data
  3. Set up and monitor ISIS-SWIS student files
  4. Serve as a liaison between team, students, staff, and families
/ Administrator/ Coordinator interview
  1. A representative team meets regularly to develop and manage individual student supports across the school.
/ Name of coordinator & team member list
Individual Student Support Practices /
  1. School is implementing individual student support with documented guidelines/processes for:
  2. Individual student support identification & eligibility
  3. Individual student/family notification, progress monitoring and ongoing communication
  4. Individual student support assessment
  5. Individual student support intervention planning
  6. Individual student support evaluation
/ Written guidelines
Data Use /
  1. A 2-3 hour Swift at ISIS-SWIS training session is scheduled for the ISIS-SWIS users (2-3 people) & Coordinator/Coach; conducted by the SWIS Facilitator.
/ Specific date, time, location, computers, internet
  1. ISIS-SWIS data entry people and data entry time are identified to enter student data at least twice per week.
/ Data entry & report generation schedule
  1. Schedule and assignments for ISIS-SWIS report generation are defined.

  1. Team is willing to use parameters of student file set up & data entry within ISIS-SWIS.
/ Coordinator interview
Student file set up checklist

Horner, R.H., Todd, A. W., Rossetto-Dickey, C., Sampson, N. K. & Conley, K. University of Oregon. March 2012

An Example of Documentation for ISIS-SWIS Readiness Requirements 2 and 5

Individual Student Support System

Coordinator: Jaqui WestDate last updated: 10/01/11

  1. Purpose of Individualized Student Support Interventions and expected student outcomes
  2. To provide function based support to students who need more support than the Tier I and Tier II supports provide
  3. To prevent chronically disruptive and escalating problem behavior
  4. To establish a system for identification, assessment, implementation, and evaluation of individual student support
  5. To establish regular communication with families of students participating in Individualized Student Supports
  6. Student screening and selection to program decision rules and procedures
  7. IEP driven goal
  8. Teacher/ family request
  9. 6 or more Office Discipline Referrals
  10. Unsuccessful on Tier II support
  11. Procedures for notification, participation in individualized student support, & for on-going communication
  12. What coordinator will do:
  13. Communicates with families, staff, and students
  14. Coordinates student progress through all phases of Tier III support
  15. What staff do:
  16. Implement, communicate, complete monthly satisfaction survey
  17. Contact coordinator if there are problems/concerns
  18. Communicate with staff about student’s mental and physical health
  19. What students do:
  20. Enter school ready to learn
  21. Cooperate with staff
  22. What families do:
  23. Check weekly record and attend monthly meetings
  24. Communicate with staff about student’s mental and physical health
  25. Procedures for training staff, students, families, transportation, substitute staff, and others
  26. Staff training at beginning of school year with boosters in winter and spring
  27. Program description on website and in the newsletter. Give parents who have students in initial identification phase a detailed description of what to expect from the coordinator/team
  28. Data system for monitoring student progress
  29. Coordinator defines and sets up student files for data entry
  30. Data Entry staff enters data daily
  31. Report generation schedule is defined for each team
  32. Decision making cycle and people responsible
  33. Program coordination
  34. Coordinator monitors implementation phases for all students receiving Tier III support
  35. Student progress monitoring
  36. Coordinator reviews each student file at least weekly
  37. If student has three difficult days, staff contact coordinator
  38. Guidelines for concern: 5 consecutive data points under goal that make a flat line or three consecutive days of decreasing point earned percentage under goal.
  39. Fidelity and effectiveness of intervention implementation
  40. Use ISIS-SWIS reports to measure student outcomes
  41. Get teacher satisfaction data monthly

Data Entry and Report Generation Schedule: ISIS-SWIS

School: ______Date: ______

Team: ______ Team Coordinator: ______

Data Entry Schedule
Student Name / Data Entry Staff / Measures / Schedule
Report Generation
Student Name / Data Entry Staff / Reports / Schedule

Data Entry and Report Generation Schedule: ISIS-SWIS

School: Demo Examplar SchoolDate: September

Team: SW Tier 2/3 Support Team Team Coordinator: Principal Jones

Data Entry Schedule
Student Name / Data Entry Staff / Measures / Schedule
B.B. / Margie / Assignment Completion
Frequency (Count) of Disrespect
Fidelity / Weekdays
C.J. / April / (Daily Point Card/Schedule)
  • Rate of disruptions
  • Self-rating of on-task behavior
  • Fidelity
/ Daily
Report Generation
Student Name / Data Entry Staff / Reports / Schedule
B.B. / Margie / (Measure) Freq. Disrespect with Fidelity comparison
(Measure) Assignment Completion with Fidelity comparison / 2nd & 4th Tue
PT Conferences
C.J. / April / (Measure) S.R. On Task with Fidelity comparison
(Measure) Rate of Disruptions with S.R. On Task comparison
(Time Segment) Rate of Disruptions
(Single Time Segment) Rate of Disruption segments if below goal line / Mondays (Sp.Ed. Staff meeting after school)

Horner, R.H., Todd, A. W., Rossetto-Dickey, C., Sampson, N. K. & Conley, K. University of Oregon. March 2012