• 12 swimmers to make up a squad (Y3/4 12 swimmers and Y5/6 12 swimmers), this is to include 6 girls and 6 boys in each squad of 12.


  • Each swimmer to swim a maximum of 2 individual 25m races, 1 individual 50m race, and 2 relays.
  • Each swimmer to swim a minimum 2 races (any events individual or relay)
  • Please see below that all relays need to be mixed (2 boys and 2 girls)


  • Teams to be mixed (2 girls, 2 boys) and can be swum in any combination, girls and boys do not need to alternate
  • Medley relay order: Backstroke, Breaststroke, Freestyle, Freestyle
  • All other rules and strokes as in general rules.


With six teams taking part points will be allocated as 6 points for first place to 1 point for sixth place.

All races contribute towards the teams’ total scores.


  • Swimmers should start in the water
  • Each event should start on a whistle/electronic signal/hand start for hearing impaired swimmers
  • Swimmers performing a false start should be allowed to swim the race but disqualified if it provides a distinct advantage
  • For breaststroke and butterfly, swimmers should hold the wall with both hands to start where physically able
  • For all strokes the swimmer should not be fully submerged for further than 15m at the start
  • Races should start in the deep end where the pool has a different depth


  • For breaststroke, and butterfly the swimmer must touch the wall with 2 hands
  • For butterfly the finish must be over the water, a full arm cycle not a glide or breaststroke finish.
  • For swimmers who are physically unable to touch with 2 hands, a suitable finish should be allowed i.e. an attempt must be made
  • Swimmers should remain in the water until indicated to leave by the referee at the end of the race



  • Swimmers are permitted to choose any stroke for freestyle, Some part of the swimmers body must touch the wall to finish
  • Swimmers may touch the bottom part way through the race but are not permitted to walk. A swimmer may stand to adjust their goggles but may not take any steps in any direction.


  • Swimmers must remain on their back throughout the race
  • Swimmers should grip the side with both hands, where this is not possible one hand is permitted. If unable to hold the wall swimmers should be supported maintaining contact with the wall
  • For backstroke, swimmers must finish on their back


  • Swimmers must remain on their front throughout the race
  • Swimmers must break the surface of the water after each full arm cycle
  • The stroke should be simultaneous, where this is not physically possible the swimmer should not be penalised


  • Swimmers must remain on their front throughout the race
  • Swimmers’ shoulders and arms must break the surface of the water after each full arm cycle, as the arms come out of the water, they must clear the surface of the water.
  • The stroke should be simultaneous, where this is not physically possible the swimmer should not be penalised
  • The kick must be simultaneous (i.e butterfly kick, legs must be moving as one, although legs can slightly apart)


  • On relay take overs
  • Swimmers must start in the water and must be touching the wall with at least one hand or foot
  • Swimmers must touch the wall before the next swimmer starts

Medley relays are swum as backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle, freestyle

  • Motorbike relay race
  • Swimmers will use woggles (to be provided), knotted to resemble motorbike handlebars and must propel themselves the length of the pool using kick.
  • Both hands must remain on the ends of the woggles. Any swimmer (and therefore the team) who attempts to swim (using arms and legs), or just arms, will be disqualified and will not gain any points for this event.
  • Swimmers must hand the woggle over to their team mate at the end of the pool and usual relay take over rules apply.
  • Any throwing of the ball during the race or handover will result in team disqualification for this event.
  • Ball relay
  • Swimmers must propel the ball on the surface of the water using their head or hands (polo drill).
  • Any throwing of the ball during the race or handover will result in team disqualification for this event.
  • Swimmers must hand the ball over to their team mate at the end of the pool and usual relay takeover rules apply.
  • T-shirt relay
  • First swimmer to start in the water wearing T-shirt (to be provided).
  • At end of 25m, swimmer to climb out of the pool, (using the side of the pool), and to give the T-shirt to the next swimmer. The easiest way of doing this is to:
  • On poolside face the swimmer to whom you are passing the T-shirt and hold both of their hands.
  • Another team member to grab the hem of the T-shirt and drag it over the head of the swimmer (who has just swum), down their arms, and up the arms and over the head of the swimmer taking over (this will mean the T-shirt is inside out).
  • The next swimmer (now wearing the T-shirt inside out) must then sit down and enter the pool using the correct entry method for safe access to the pool (i.e. put both hands on the side of the pool to the side of them and rotate their body to lower themselves into the pool.) Jumping, diving in or entering the pool by any other means will result in disqualification of the team for this event.


  • There is no requirement for heats and finals


  • There are no rules on eligibility other than school year group.


  • There is no classification required
  • Swimmers can be assisted with their start where required
  • Swimmers with a visual impairment should be tapped on approach to the wall


  • Swimmers will be selected from the Level 2 swimming events


  • The majority of the officials should be young volunteers, holding a Young Aquatic Leaders Certificate or ASA Timekeepers award.
  • Officials are not required to be ASA qualified, but must have a good understanding of their role and the activity.


  • LOCs/CSPs should adhere to their own safeguarding policies with reference to photography and video. For ASA guidance in this area organisers should consult ASA Wavepower document