HOWEN FSCloud Storage Management software

Highly Scalable, Reliable and Easy-to-Use

Distributed Cloud Storage File System


FS is designed for massive data storage in a highly concurrent data access environment. It is a massivestorage system with excellent flexibility, scalability and highly accessible filesharing. Based ondistributed architecture with metadata and storage nodes, FS is a massive storage cluster providing acapacity of up to hundreds of PB and un-parallel bandwidth. Data are distributed among cluster ofstorage nodes which managed by master server(s). Storage nodes can be added to the system whenneeded. Hence, the capacity canbe expanded even when the system is online. With built-in intelligenceand redundancy, the system ensures data availability and accessibility.

Main Features

•Performance and scalability: The innovative architecture of Howen File System (FS) allows the system to be linearly scalable in terms of capacityand aggregated bandwidth. The capacity and aggregated bandwidth depends on the number of deployed storage nodes. The nodes canalways be added to the system. The performance and capacity can be scaled linearly without any service interruption.

•Smart load balancing policy: Using distributed architecture, loading of the system can be distributed among the data nodes. The FS has builtin innovative smart load balancing algorithm to maximize the overall performance. The performance of the system can also be tuned accordingto the access characteristic of the application.

•Ease of management: FS comes with GUI which supports multi-language. The GUI provides the centralized console for managing,provisioning and monitoring the FS. Users can manage and provision the system with a few simple key clicks. Various monitoring tools arealso available to monitor the health and status of the system.

•Data protection: Redundancy is one of the keys for FS. FS automatically divides files into blocks based on built-in intelligence. Each blockof data can be written to multiple storage nodes according to user defined policy. This guarantees data availability and protects the systemagainst hardware failure. In addition, the built-in intelligence can also ensure fast recovery of the system. Compared to traditional data storagewith RAID, FS is not only providing a much faster recovery; the system can also ensure minimum performance degradation during recovery.

Strong Performance and Scalability Geared to Massive Storage

FS supports over 1,000 storage nodes and a total system capacityof hundreds of PB. The system has the capability of efficientlymanaging multi-billion files and accommodating over ten millions filesin each directory. Thus, the system enables users to managemassivestorage space easily. The aggregate bandwidth of thesystem can be linearly expanded with the number of storage nodesand the bandwidth can be scaled up to at least 2000Gbps.Files are divided into small blocks when being written into thesystem. Users can access multiple data blocks simultaneously tospeed up the access. The capacity or aggregated bandwidth can bescaled up to meet demand by adding storage nodes online with anyservices interruption. Expansion is totally transparent to the users.

Smart Platform, Easy to Manage

The system has built-in intelligence to recognize and configure newstorage nodes. Data streams will be re-directed to the new storagenodes according to specified rules. This innovative intelligent loadbalancing technology can dynamically adjust data flow distributionto maximizing bandwidth and storage utilization.FS possesses a user-friendly multi-language graphical userinterface for management and monitoring. The GUI supportsremoteconfiguration and system-wide monitoring. With a globalnaming space, the system presents a unified view to all applicationservers and makes data management easy.

Moreover, FS provides a range of tools, such as metadatasnapshot and recycler, to provide more flexibility in managing thesystem.

Tailored for Mass Data Storage and Versatility

FS provides large capacity, high concurrent access and elasticstorage. The system is very versatility and it is very suitable forlarge scale of unstructured data, multi-media and archiving storage.For example, in broadcast and network based multi-media storage,a FS-basedcloud storage system can provide added benefit thanlegacy storage architecture. The FS cloud storage systemintegrates management and storage with holistic data security andredundancy. Because of the unique architecture, the FS systemsupport high concurrent access which is very suitable for contentdistribution. The system also has built-in intelligence for effectivedirectory indexing to assist fast data retrieval. FS is built withsimplifiedmanagement, exceptional efficiency and effective dataprotection.

Moreover, FS can also be widely deployed in video surveillance.As HD videos andadvancement of mega-pixel cameras haveburgeoned over recent years, video surveillance systems arecalling for increasing bandwidth and storage capacity. FS is anideal centralized storage solution for HD video surveillance.

Multiple Ways to Maximize System Security

The full redundancy design, encompassing metadata nodes andstorage nodes eliminates single point failures. Thus, the systemcan deliver exceptional reliability (See Figure 1).The intelligent automatic failure detection and restorationtechnology allows system to be fast recovery upon hardwarefailure. In addition, the system has highly concurrently multiple highspeed data access channel. This ensures data availability andminimizes the impact ofnetwork layer failures to the overall systemperformance.

In addition, data blocks can be stored in multiple storage nodesaccording to user defined policy. The data on the system are wellprotected against hardware failure. The system can also takeadvantage of multiple high speed data access channel and multiplecopies of data to provide high performance data access. User candefines policy down to folder level tobalance between data storingcost, system performance and data availability.

Figure 1 FS system deployment


Product / FS Distributed Cloud Storage File System
Scalability / Supports over 1000 storage nodes and a storage capacity of hundreds of PB
Scale up to 2000 Gbps aggregate bandwidth
The aggregate bandwidth expands linearly with the number of nodes
File System Function / Provides a global naming space
Online storage node addition and deletion, file system expansion and downsizing without service
Uses clusters to balance load on metadata nodes
Intelligent distributed storing technology to store file in multiple chunks
Sequential/random read/write operations
Access control: Provides ACL privilege control
Manages hard disks available on storage nodes, such as adding, deleting and migrating
Provides open file management APIs
Supports recycle bin
Cluster Management / Load balancing on storage nodes and intelligent date flow distribution algorithm
Load balancing on storage nodes and intelligent date flow distribution algorithm
Online expansion
Dynamic system resources monitoring
Status and performance monitoring
Data Security / Users defined chunk replication policy
Automatically data recovery after hardware replacement
Web and email alarms
Operation logs
Access Mode / Windows/Linux/MAC OS X 64-bit clients
Support NFS

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