1st Woosehill Scout Group Beaver Colonies

Kingfishers & Swifts

Risk Assessment Form

Position – Beaver Scout Leader / Assessment Date - 6th June 2015
Activity – Campfire at Jungle Book Sleepover, 1st Woosehill Scout Hut / Review Date – Next campfire
Assessor(s) – Nicky Roberts
Task, Activity, Situation / Hazards / Who may be affected / Controls Present / Severity of Harm / Likelihood of Harm / Risk Rating
Campfire area / Tripping over on way to campfire circle / Everyone / Instruct all to walk (not run) and to tread carefully. Obvious hazards to be moved out of the way beforehand. Illuminate walkway with lanterns. / 2 / 2 / 4
Campfire area / Slipping on campfire circle seats (logs) / Beavers / Warn everyone not to stand on logs because slippery. / 2 / 2 / 4
Campfire / Burns/falling into fire / Everyone / Safety rules explained before fire. Beavers sit/stand at safe distance from fire with adults not involved in running the campfire. Beavers supervised one to one if allowed near fire e.g. to add log to fire, sing song, cook. Buckets of water available to treat burns. One adult allocated specifically to look after the fire. / 2 / 2 / 4
Campfire / Smoke inhalation/sparks / Everyone / Sit at safe distance from fire. If necessary, under direction of adults move to another part of fire circle to avoid direction of wind/smoke. / 2 / 1 / 2
Campfire / Fire out of control / Everyone / Only a small fire, built and supervised by adult(s). Buckets of water to hand to extinguish fire. Beavers are familiar with fire/evacuation drill and assembly point is away from the campfire circle. / 2 / 1 / 2
Cooking of Food / Burns/scolds / Beavers / Beavers to be supervised on putting foil wrapped food on camping grill. Use of tongs to move foil packets. / 2 / 2 / 4
Food & drink / Burns/scolds from hot food and drink / Everyone / Temperature of food/drink checked by adults before given to children. Cold drinks for mouth burns. First Aid Kit ready. / 2 / 2 / 4
Comments / Action Required / Time Scale
All adults and children aware of safety rules. / Duration of Campfire
Leaders have First Response (first aid certificate)

Signed (PTO for extra signatures)Date

Risk Assessment Calculation

Severity of Harm – 1= small incident, 2= need medical assistance/hospital, 3= death or permanent injury

Likelihood of Harm – 1= not likely, 2= might happen, 3= going to happen

Severity of Harm X Likelihood of Harm = Risk of Activity

(if risk is high – 6-9 – adjust safety controls in place or cancel activity until adequate safety can be reached)

Campfire rules

  1. Walk to the campfire – watch out for twigs/holes/slippery mud.
  1. Walk around the outside of the log circle and the enter circle and sit on or stand in front of log.
  1. Do not stand/walk on the logs – they are slippery.
  1. Stay in your place – if you need to leave the circle walk round the outside – not across the circle.
  1. Do not shine torches in people’s eyes.
  1. Do not throw twigs, sweet papers etc into the fire.
  1. If you are asked to go into the campfire circle to do a song, add a log, cooking etc – listen carefully to the leader in charge – do not run.
  1. Make sure you know where the fire buckets are – they are for burns and to put the fire out.
  1. Make sure you know where cold drinks are in case you burn your mouth on hot food.
  1. If the smoke is in your face put your hand up and wait until a grown up moves you.
  1. Have fun and join in!