Please provide one form for each placement available:

Type of Placement*
Please indicate / Summer
placement / Masters
Project / Postgraduate
Internship / MBA/Business
Project / Sandwich
Year in Industry
Company Name / Immundnz Ltd
Address / BioHub at Alderley Park, Alderley Edge, Cheshire, SK10 4TG
Company Contact / Dr. M. Alam
Contact email & phone /
Company website / www.immundnz.com, www.immunosysltd.com
About the Company:
Immundnz is a specialised CRO located at the Alderley Park in Cheshire (UK) to provide specific immunologic services for drug safety analysis. Immundnz has extensive experience and know-how regarding immunology and in performing immunological, biological and analytical assays. More specifically, this comprises in vitro studies, and assays designed for immunogenicity and drug testing. Immundnz is the needed marriage between immunology and analytical chemistry. Besides standard immunological services, our company offers a unique platform for the comprehensive in vitro human immune response testing of drugs.
Job Title for Placement Position / Bio Assay Developer (Lymphocytes)
Your Job reference No. / 2 students to cover a 6 month work package (@ 3 months each)
Location of Placement / BioHub, Alderley Park
Closing Date to receive shortlisted candidates / 1 Nov 2016
Closing Date for Student applications via University / 14 days prior to date above
Relevant degree disciplines / Immunology
Available window (dates) / Start 1 Jan 2017 End Jun 2017
Duration in weeks / 12 (for each student, 2 students required for 6 months)
Pay and Hours of Work / Travelling costs, 40 hours per week
Is placement dependent on some external funding? / No
Purpose of the Role:
An in vitro human immune model will be developed in this work package. The purpose of the model
will be to test immune response (adaptive) in the events that follow a drug interaction with human tissue. It will consist of mainly cultures of lymphocytes that will be exposed to potential immunogenic particles. Extracted drug-damaged cells/media will be administered to this assembly of lymphocytes to generate a human immune response. Immune assays to measure the responses will be developed. This will involve murine and human cells.
Main Duties and Responsibilities:
·  Literature study for relevant cell systems, culture methods, lymphocytes, immune response, drug toxicology
·  Design of experiments/assays
·  Development of immune based assays for quantification
·  Testing and validation of assays
·  Preparation of methods protocols and cell bank
·  Writing of report
Person Specification / Essential / Desirable
Personal / Creative, eager to learn, punctual / Flexible, open-minded
Disposition / Deadline driven, industrious / Friendly
Education/Qualifications / MSc in Biological Sciences / MSc in Immunology
Skills & Aptitudes / Cell culture, assays using cultured cells, protein quantification / Histology, Immunohistochemistry, microscopy, culture from primary cells/tissue
Experience / Cell culture methods, lymphocyte cultures, cell culture optimisation / T cells, Dendritic cells, B cells, macrophages, ELISA, flow cytometry, Western blotting, protein extraction,
Other / Degree and experience related to immunologic methods and lymphocytes / Knowledge in Danger Model, DAMPs, 3D tissue systems, drug-induced pathology and immunity
Other Information

Please email completed form to Dr Diane Cresswell at Bionow

07766 991932