Sweeney Elementary PTO
Board Meeting
Tuesday,September 13th, 2016, 6:30 PM
Present: Melissa Zahn (Principal), Todd Kirkland (President),Jill Wockenfuss (VP), & Brenda Kauhane (Teasurer)
Special Guest: Sweeney 2nd Grade TeacherKrissy Purrington, Sweeney Food Service Coordinator Lynn Breeggeman,
At 6:30 PM, T. Kirklandwelcomed attendees.All attendees introduced themselves.
M.Zahn provided the principal update. Friendship Week starts Sept 26th. Students will be receiving their “ROAR” t-shirts the week of homecoming and they should be worn the 1st Monday of each month. New this year is the Video Newsletter which is posted on the school website for any who missed the email. Harvest Party date was changed to Friday October 28th. Music Concerts will again be in the evenings. The school is aware that they do not have enough chairs and are looking at solutions. M.Zahn also touched on other needs for the school including a video monitor for the cafeteria and updated lunch tables for the cafeteria. Sweeney is one of the only schools in which the tables and chairs are separate making it difficult for setup and tear down for all the different needs of the cafeteria area. The school board has left it up to Sweeney to find any possible funding themselves.
T. Kirkland welcomed L.Breeggeman. She updated us on new food menu items for this year including hot diggity dogs and turkey burgers. The meat is also from a local Cannon Falls farm which uses 100% grass-fed beef. The beef used in the spaghetti and tacos are also 100% beef crumbles. All the chicken used is also raised with no chemicals or antibiotics. She is also introducing locally sourced fruits and vegetables including Long Beans from a local Hmong family cooperative. A new dessert this year is the Johnny Pops that contains only natural ingredients that are made here in the Twin Cities
K.Purrington informed us about the goings on at our 2nd grades. She mentioned the new workstation configuration that they are excited about this year. We discussed how we appreciate teacher participation at our PTO meetings and would love to see more of them attend.
T.Kirkland moved on to old business. We discussed the open Secretary position on the board and ask for volunteers or nomination. The group discussed, voted, and gave 2nd and final approval to funding of $50 Giftcards to the teachers which was outstanding from last year. The final budget approval was for 49 $50 giftcards totaling $2450.
T.Kirkland moved on to new business. The group discussed additional funding for the Sweeney Movie Licensing Fee about the $250 allotted in the budget. J.Stanton made a motion to approve to an additional $250 in funding. T.Savina 2nd the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
T.Kirkland moved on to discussion of PTO Committees. Box Tops are due by Oct 18th. T.Stadler confirmed the 1st installment of Birthday books were ordered and paid for. The group discussed the need for photos throughout the year for the yearbook and encourage families to posts photos on the Sweeney Facebook page or share them directly with the PTO. The PTO is looking for someone to Chair the Gingerbread night still. The group discussed offering Spirit Wear at the school. E.Duehr confirmed order forms were sent out to teacher for PTO funded supplies. B.Kauhane confirmed fliers for the 2016 PTO fall fundraiser went out this week.
B.Kauhane reviewed the budget and discussed the possibility of getting software to assist in management of the PTO funds.
T. Savinemade a motion to adjourn. Seconded by E. Duehr. None opposed. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Todd Kirkland
President / Acting Secretary