Some general rules to remind teams regarding tournaments, if they are not aware of already:

1Have their tournament sanctioned by Hockey Manitoba, - the sanction is $25, 3 weeks prior to the tournament... after that's $105!) The tournament needs to be sanctioned or teams/referees are not covered by Hockey Manitoba's insurance.

2Have copies of teams' official rosters (thisis alsorequired for the tournament sanction) butHockey Manitobawill usually issue the tournament sanction without them.

3Tournament entry fees collectedshould be enough to cover ice rental costs ($75/hr) and referee fees. Entry fees are made payable to Rivers Minor Hockey and Ice Rental and Ref fees are paid by Rivers Minor Hockey (same as any other game).

450/50 and Raffle Table money belong to Rivers Minor Hockey, howeverin the past, teams were able to keepup to 50% of their raffle table profits(for a tournament fee or windup) provided all other expenses for the tournament are covered. The whole idea behind the "50% rule on the raffle table", was to reward the teams that put alot of effort into the raffle table and for those that didn't do a raffle table then they would not be entitled to keep any money towards their team's tournaments or windup.

5Teams are responsible for their own prizes, ie. medals, banners, take home gifts, etc.. Teams can have these prizes donated, parents donate money towards them, use raffle table money,...

6Make sure teams leave the dressing rooms in the same condition as when they arrived.

I think the focus for the tournaments shouldremain for the kids and families to have a fun day of hockey, regardless if the tournament makes alot of money or not... However, teams should be aware of their/Rivers Minor Hockey's costs, so hopefully they can at least break even and/or generate some profit for Rivers Minor Hockey and possibly their team towards other tournaments or a team windup. These profits help keep our registration costs down and we keep seeing all the new kids joining and/or continue playinghockey in Rivers.

Also, the tournaments are great way to bring money into the rink and help keep our ice rental costsby keepingthe canteen busy and the steady ice rental throughout the day. If we can keep our ice rental costs down, it's another way to keep our registration costs down as well.

If anyone has any questions regarding tournaments, just let me know... I'm happy to help out.


Kent Wareham