Friday, January10, 2014
Please share this Fraud Alert with colleagues, consumers, or other professionals in your area. If you have any questions about the Illinois SMP program, or to receive these Fraud Alerts directly, please contact Jason Echols, Healthcare Consumer Protection Coordinator at AgeOptions.
This document was supported in part by a grant (No. 90MP0163 & 90SP0061) from the Administration on Aging (AoA), Administration for Community Living (ACL), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Grantees carrying out projects under government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Therefore, points of view or opinions do not necessarily represent official AoA, ACL, or DHHS policy.
Fraud In The News
The following are current news articles about health care and fraud issues.
Consumer Fraud:
- “Swear Off Scammers” (AARP):
- “Money Transfer Scam” (FTC):
- “Tech Support Scams: Part 2” (FTC):
- “A Work At Home Opportunity That’s Not So Golden” (FTC):
Dear SMP readers,
This week’s Fraud Alert containsan alert for calls offering medical alert equipment and free groceries, links to scam alerts in the Fraud in the News section, and a reminder to check out our SMP newsletter.
Have a great weekend!
What you will find in this week’s Fraud Alert
- New Year, Same Scams: Medical Alert & Groceries Scheme
- In Case You Missed It… The SMP Volunteer Voice Newsletter
It may be a new year, but scammers are up to the same old schemes. This news report from St. Louis station KSDK highlights a scam in which you receive a call offering free medical alert equipment and grocery gift certificates as bait to get your personal information. Read the full story “Medical alert scam targets seniors” and watch the accompanying video at KSDK’s website:
The Illinois SMP has received reports of other Illinoisans getting similar calls over the past several months. This scenario is so common that it even has a name: The Milk & Grocery Scheme. In general, be cautious if anyone calls to offer you something for free (e.g., groceries, medical equipment) in exchange for your personal information, such as your Medicare number, social security number, or credit card number. If it were truly free, why do they need those numbers?
In Case You Missed It…The SMP Volunteer Voice Newsletter
On December 20, we emailed a link to the newest issue of our semiannual newsletter The Illinois SMP Volunteer Voice. If you have not had a chance to read it yet, it is archived on our website at:
This issue featured some interesting articles, including:
- An interview with an OIG special agent (written by SMP volunteer Jim Sullivan)
- A spotlight on SMP volunteer Teresa Keaton
- Highlights of how our volunteers have done SMP outreach with professional groups
- Our new newspaper ads
Jason B. Echols, MSW, Health Care Consumer Protection Coordinator
1048 Lake Street, Suite 300
Oak Park, IL60301
phone (708)383-0258 fax (708)524-0870
AgeOptions, the Area Agency on Aging of Suburban Cook County, is committed to improving the quality of life and maintaining the dignity of older adults and those who care about them – through leadership and support, community partnerships, comprehensive services, accurate information and powerful advocacy.
Fraud Alertscontain information about current scams taking place in Illinois, announcements and updates about programs or services related to health care and/or fraud protection, and links to news articles about health care and fraud topics. Please forward any recommendations or announcements that you would like to be included in a future Fraud Alert to .