SWE623 Project in OCL: Circular Railroad with a Gate
Prepared by: Donna Voigt (231-82-5551)
The train is moving on a circular track 5000 meters long
The Gate location is at 0 meters and the track is measured incrementally in the direction the train is travelling
The initial train location is at 101 meters, therefore the train is in the PAST state and 50 <= train speed <=30
The train never stops
There is only one train on the track.
The train is < 100 meters long
1 / Context: / Train1.1
1.4 / Inv:
Inv: / TrainSpeed >= 30
CurrentLocation >= EXITLOCATION and CurrentLocation < APPROACHLOCATION implies TrainLocation = #FAR
CurrentLocation >=APPROACHLOCATION and CurrentLocation <= TrackLength implies TrainLocation = #NEAR
CurrentLocation >=GATELOCATION and CurrentLocation < EXITLOCATION impliesTrainLocation = #PAST
1.5 / Context: / Train::ComputeLocation()
Inv: /
StartTravelTime <= CurrentTime
CurrentLocation <= TrackLengthPre: / none
Post: / CurrentLocation= CurrentLocation@pre + (ElapsedSeconds * TrainSpeed/3600)
If CurrentLocation = APPROACHLOCATION then to self send SendSignal(#APPROACH) endif
If CurrentLocation = EXITLOCATION then to self send SendSignal(#EXIT) endif
If CurrentLocation = GATELOCATION then SetState(#PAST) endif
1.6 / Context: / Train::SetState(NewState)
Inv: / NewState = #NEAR or NewState = #FAR or NewState = #PAST
Pre: / CurrentLocation =APPROACHLOCATION or
CurrentLocation = GATELOCATION or
CurrentLocation =EXITLOCATION
Action: / If NewState = #NEAR then TrainLocation = #NEAR endif
To self send LowerSpeed()
If NewState = #FAR then TrainLocation = #FAR endif
To self send RaiseSpeed()
If NewState = #PAST then TrainLocation = #PAST endif
To self send LowerSpeed()
1.7 / Context: / Train::SendSignal(Signal)
Inv: / Signal = #APPROACH or Signal = #EXIT
Pre: / (CurrentLocation = APPROACHLOCATION and TrainLocation = #FAR) or
(CurrentLocation = EXITLOCATION and TrainLocation = #PAST)
Action: / If Signal = #APPROACH then
To GateController send ProcessEvent(#APPROACH) endif
To self send SetState(#NEAR)
If Signal = #EXIT then
To GateController send ProcessEvent(#EXIT) endif
To self send SetState(#FAR)
1.8 / Context: / Train::LowerSpeed()
Inv: / TrainSpeed >=30 and TrainSpeed <=50
Pre: / TrainLocation = #NEAR or #PAST and TrainSpeed > MINSPEED
Post: / TrainSpeed = MINSPEED
1.9 / Context: / Train::RaiseSpeed()
Inv: / TrainSpeed >=30 and TrainSpeed <=50
Pre: / TrainLocation = #FAR and TrainSpeed < MAXSPEED
Post: / TrainSpeed = MAXSPEED
1.10 / Context: / GateController
Inv: / GCState = #PROCESSEXIT implies Gate::GateState =#CLOSED or Gate::GateState = #MOVINGUP
GCState = #PROCESSAPPROACH implies Gate::GateState = #OPENED or Gate::GateState = #MOVINGDOWN
1.11 / Context: / GateController::SendSignal(Signal)
Inv: / Signal = #LOWER or Signal = #RAISE
Post: / If Signal = #LOWER then To Gate send ProcessEvent(#LOWER) endif
If Signal = #RAISE then To Gate send ProcessEvent(#LOWER) endif
1.12 / Context: / GateController::ProcessEvent(Event)
Inv: / Event = #APPROACH or Event = #EXIT or Event = #OPENED or Event = #CLOSED
Pre: / (GCState = #IDLE and Event = #APPROACH) or
(GCState = #IDLE and Event = #EXIT) or
(GCState = #PROCESSEXIT and Event = #OPENED) or
(GCState = #PROCESSAPPROACH and Event = #CLOSED) or
(GCState = #PROCESSEXIT and Event = #APPROACH) or
(GCState = #PROCESSEXIT and Event = #EXIT) or
(GCState = #PROCESSAPPROACH and Event = #EXIT) or
(GCState = #IDLE and Event = #CLOSED) or
(GCState = #IDLE and Event = #OPENED)
Action: / If GCState = #IDLE and Event = #APPROACH then GCState = #PROCESSAPPROACH endif
If GCState = #IDLE and Event = #EXIT then GCState = #PROCESSEXIT endif
If GCState = #PROCESSEXIT and Event = #OPENED then GCState = #IDLE endif
If GCState = #PROCESSAPPROACH and Event = #CLOSED then
GCState = #IDLE endif
If GCState = #PROCESSEXIT and Event = #APPROACH then
To self send ProcessEvent(#APPROACH)
If GCState = #PROCESSAPPROACH and Event = #APPROACH then
To self send ProcessEvent(#APPROACH)
If GCState = #PROCESSEXIT and Event = #EXIT then
GCState = #PROCESSEXIT endif
To self send ProcessEvent(#EXIT)
If GCState = #PROCESSAPPROACH and Event = #EXIT then
To self send ProcessEvent(#EXIT)
If GCState = #IDLE and Event = #CLOSED then
GCState = #IDLE endif
To self send ProcessEvent(#CLOSED)
If GCState = #IDLE and Event = #OPENED then
GCState = #IDLE
To self send ProcessEvent(#OPENED)
1.13 / Context: / Gate
1.13.4 / Inv:
Inv: / GatePosition = GATEUPPOSITION and GateSpeed = STOPSPEED implies GateState = #OPEN
GatePosition = GATEDOWNPOSITION and GateSpeed = STOPSPEED implies GateState = #CLOSED
GatePosition < GATEUPPOSITION and GatePosition > GATEDOWNPOSITION and GateSpeed = DOWNSPEED implies GateState = #MOVINGDOWN
GatePosition > GATEDOWNPOSITION and GatePosition < GATEUPPOSITION and GateSpeed = UPSPEED implies GateState = #MOVINGUP
1.14 / Context: / Gate::ProcessGateEvent(Event)
Inv: / Event = #LOWER or Event = #RAISE or Event = OPENED or Event = CLOSED
Pre: / (GateState = #OPEN and Event = #LOWER) or
(GateState = #OPEN and Event = #RAISE) or
(GateState = #MOVINGDOWN and Event = #LOWER) or
(GateState = #MOVINGDOWN and Event = #RAISE) or
(GateState = #MOVINGDOWN and GatePosition = GATEDOWNPOSITION and Event = #CLOSED) or
(GateState = #CLOSED and Event = #LOWER) or
(GateState = #CLOSED and Event = #RAISE) or
(GateState = #MOVINGUP and Event = #RAISE) or
(GateState = #MOVINGUP and Event = #LOWER) or
(Event = #OPENED and GateState= #MOVINGUP and GatePosition = GATEUPPOSITION)
Action: / If GateState = #OPEN and Event = #LOWER then To self send LowerGate() endif
If GateState = #OPEN and Event = #RAISE then GateState = #OPEN endif
To self send ProcessGateEvent(#RAISE)
If GateState = #MOVINGDOWN and Event = #LOWER then GateState = #MOVINGDOWN endif
To self send ProcessGateEvent(#LOWER)
If GateState = #MOVINGDOWN and Event = #RAISE then To self send RaiseGate() endif
If GateState = #MOVINGDOWN and GatePosition = GATEDOWNPOSITION and Event = #CLOSED then
GateState = #CLOSED endif
To self send SetGateSpeed(STOPSPEED)
If GateState = #CLOSED and Event = #LOWER then
GateState = #CLOSED endif
GateState = #CLOSED and Event = #RAISE then
To self send RaiseGate() endif
If GateState = #MOVINGUP and Event = #RAISE then
GateState = #MOVINGUP endif
To self send ProcessGateEvent(#RAISE)
If GateState = #MOVINGUP and Event = #LOWER then
To self send LowerGate() endif
If Event = #OPENED and GateState= #MOVINGUP and GatePosition = GATEUPPOSITION then GateState = #OPEN endif
To self send SetGateSpeed(STOPSPEED)
1.15 / Context: / Gate::LowerGate()
Inv. / None
Pre: / (GateState = #OPEN or GateState = #MOVINGUP or GateState = #MOVINGDOWN) and Event = #LOWER
Post: / GateState = #MOVINGDOWN
Action: / To self send SetGateSpeed(DOWNSPEED)
1.16 / Context: / Gate::RaiseGate()
Inv: / None
Pre: / (GateState = #CLOSED or GateState = #MOVINGDOWN or GateState = #MOVINGUP) and Event = #RAISE
Post: / GateState =# MOVINGUP
Action: / To self send SetGateSpeed(UPSPEED)
1.17 / Context: / Gate:: SetGateSpeed(Speed)
Inv: / Speed = 0 or Speed = -9 or Speed = 9
Pre: / None
Action: / GateSpeed = Speed
If GateSpeed = UPSPEED or GateSpeed = DOWNSPEED then to self send MoveGate() endif
1.18 / Context: / Gate::MoveGate()
Inv: / GatePosition >= 0 and GatePosition <=90
GateSpeed = 0 implies GateState = #OPEN or GateState = #CLOSED
GateSpeed = UPSPEED implies GateState = #MOVINGUP
GateSpeed = DOWNSPEED implies GateState = #MOVINGDOWN
Pre: / none
Action: / GatePosition = GatePosition@pre +(GateSpeed*GateTravelTime)
If GatePosition = GATEUPPOSITION then
To self send ProcessGateEvent(#OPENED) and
To self send SendSignal(#OPENED) endif
If GatePosition = GATEDOWNPOSITION then
To self send ProcessGateEvent(#CLOSED) and
To self send SendSignal(#CLOSED) endif
1.19 / Context: / Gate::SendSignal(Signal)
Inv: / Signal = #OPENED or Signal = #CLOSED
Pre: / (GateState = #OPEN and Signal = #OPENED) or
(GateState = #CLOSED and Signal = #CLOSED)
Post: / If GateState = #OPEN and Signal = #OPENED then
To GateController send ProcessEvent(#OPENED) endif
If GateState = #CLOSED and Signal = #CLOSED then
To GateController send ProcessEvent(#CLOSED) endif
Traceability Matrix from Statecharts to OCL
State, Condition, Event Modeled
/ OCL ReferenceTRAIN
TrainLocation = FAR when CurrentLocation >EXITLOCATION and < APPROACHLOCATION / 1.2, 1.5, 1.6TrainLocation = NEAR when CurrentLocation >= APPROACHLOCATION and TrainLocation <=TrackLength / 1.3, 1.5, 1.6
TrainLocation = PAST when CurrentLocation >=GateLocaton and CurrentLocation < ExitLocation / 1.4,1.5, 1.6
When TrainLocation = FAR and CurrentLocation = ApproachLocation Send Approach Signal / 1.9, 1.5
When TrainLocation = PAST and CurrentLocation = ExitLocation Send Exit Signal / 1.5, 1.7
When TrainLocation = NEAR and CurrentLocation = GATELOCATION then TrainLocation transitions to PAST / 1.4, 1.5, 1.7
When TrainLocation = FAR RaiseSpeed to 50 / 1.9
When TrainLocation = NEAR or PAST Reduce Speed to 30 / 1.8
If the GateController is IDLE and receives an APPROACH event it Processes the APPROACH / 1.12When GateController processes an APPROACH signal, it sends a LOWER event to the Gate / 1.11
If the GateController is IDLE and receives an EXIT event it Processes the EXIT / 1.12
When GateController processes an EXIT signal, it sends a RAISE event to the Gate / 1.11
When the GateController is processing the APPROACH signal and receives a CLOSED event from the Gate the GateController returns to IDLE / 1.12
When the GateController is processing the EXIT signal and receives an OPENED event from the Gate the GateController returns to IDLE / 1.12
If the GateController is IDLE and recieves a CLOSED or OPENED event, the event is ignored / 1.12
If the GateController is processing an EXIT event and receives another APPROACH event from the TRAIN, the GateController transitions to Processing an APPROACH event / 1.12
If the GateController is processing an APPROACH event and receives another APPROACH event the event is ignored / 1.12
If the GateController is processing an APPROACH event and receives an EXIT event the event is ignored / 1.12
If the GateController is processing an EXIT event and receives an EXIT event the event is ignored / 1.12
The GateController cannot receive a CLOSED event from the Gate when processing an EXIT / 1.10
The GateController cannot receive a OPENED event from the Gate when processing an APPROACH / 1.10
The Gate is in the MOVINGUP state when the GATEPOSITION < 90 and the GateSpeed = 9 / 1.13.4The Gate is in the OPEN state when the GATEPOSITION = 90 and the GateSpeed = 0 / 1.13.1
The Gate is in the MOVINGDOWN state when the GATEPOSITION > 0 and the GateSpeed = -9 / 1.13.3
The Gate is in the CLOSED state when the GATEPOSITION = 0 and the GateSpeed = 0 / 1.13.2
The Gate transitions from MOVINGUP to OPEN when GatePosition =90 / 1.14
The Gate transitions from OPEN to MOVINGDOWN when the GATE receives a LOWER signal from the GateController / 1.14
The Gate transitions from MOVINGDOWN to CLOSED when the GATEPOSITION = 0 / 1.14, 1.18
The Gate transitions from MOVINGDOWN to MOVINGUP when the GATE receives a RAISE signal from the GateController / 1.14
The Gate transitions from MOVINGUP to MOVINGDOWN when the GATE receives a LOWER signal from the GateController / 1.14
The Gate transitions from CLOSED to MOVINGUP when the GATE receives a RAISE signal from the GateController / 1.14
If the Gate is in the OPEN state and gets a RAISE event, the event is ignored / 1.14
If the Gate is in the CLOSED state and gets a LOWER event, the event is ignored / 1.14
If the Gate is in the MOVINGDOWN state and gets a LOWER event, the event is ignored / 1.14
If the Gate is in the MOVINGUP state and gets a Raise event, the event is ignored / 1.14
The Gate cannot directly transition from OPEN to CLOSED, it must first transition to MOVINGDOWN / 1.14, 1.15
The Gate cannot directly transition from CLOSED to OPEN, it must first transition to MOVINGUP / 1.14, 1.16
GatePosition is continuously calculated while the Gate is MOVINGUP or MOVINGDOWN based upon the time and speed of the lower/raise / 1.18
The Gate sends an OPENED signal to the GateController when the Gate transitions from MOVINGUP to OPEN / 1.19
The Gate sends an CLOSED signal to the GateController when the Gate transitions from MOVINGDOWN to CLOSED / 1.19
GateSpeed is adjusted when a LOWER or RAISE or OPENED or CLOSED event occurs. / 1.17