Good wishes from the SWD. As 2011 started with a bang, we are still in the process of finalizing dates en venues for the rest of the year.
This report will mainly focus on the following aspects:
1SWD TMC Meeting
2SWD Eagles Rugby
3SWD Fedansa
4SWD Badminton
5SWD Coaches Association
6ZOAR Development Project
7SWD Women’s Desk
8Riaan Loots Campaign 2011
1SWD TMC: A Meeting [15 Feb 2011] was set up by the chairperson Julian Fillies, but as a result of miss-communication, it was now rescheduled for Thursday 24 Feb 2011 in Oudtshoorn. The planning this year includes an internal trans-formation audit for SWD and follow-up the Good Governance Course. A relation is being built up with Eden DM with the idea of presenting transformation events and courses as partners in future.
2SWD EAGLES RUGBY: It seems that the tide has turned for rugby in the SWD. Besides the fact that they performed well under strenuous circumstances last year, SARFU have appointed Johan Prinsloo [ex SARFU CEO] to assist in the rebuilding process of the SWD Eagles. This promises to be a major boost for SWD rugby.
3SWD FEDANSA: The SWDSC EXCO has spent many hours in trying to stabilize the disruption in this code. This matter has however seemed to stem deeper and the ill-feelings between SWD Fedansa en WC Fedansa still need attention. The indication is however that even at national level discomfort between members are at the order of the day. Most of these challenges however are of personal nature and conflict between individuals and break-away groups.
4SWD BADMINTON: This matter is at present being attended to by DCAS [SWD] in the person of Dirk van der Westhuizen. This action was activated by Badminton SA after the total collapse of badminton in the once strong badminton region. We await the final report.
5SWD COACHES STRUCTURE: The decision was taken at the last SWDSC Manco meeting to proceed and structure this association in our region already. This will however have to be in line with the national structure to be decided early in March by SASCOC and filtered down to the WCSC.
6ZOAR BIATHLON PROJECT: The SWD Biathlon with the support of Zoar SC, Kannaland Municipality, DCAS and the SWDSC, will launch a major development project where the 3 schools in Zoar be introduced and trained in biathlon [swimming en running]. This project will run over 12 weeks. The project will start on Monday 28 February 2011.
7SWD WOMEN’S DESK: This much neglected part seemed to be on track now – at least in the SWD! Under the capable leadership of Amanda Stripp, a detailed program was worked out for the SWD to stimulate sport for women. She has also been elected as the chairperson of the WC Women Sport and we hope that with the able support of Agnetha Japfta, the DCAS Women’s Desk will now open its “drawers”
8RIAAN LOOTS CAMPAIGN: The SWD is rounding up its campaign within the next month with the Crowd Control Course in George. We are however in the dark on the future of this commendable project. We hope that funding will be available to continue this project as we in the SWD still have many challenges to address on the level of violence in sport.
GENERAL: We are concerned about the tremendous cost that the regions and in particular the SWD have to incure in order to attend meetings in Cape Town that form part of the involvement of TMC and DCAS activities. This also applies for the good governance and managing of sport in the rural areas. We still await final answers from LOTTO although we have received a reference number already.
The SWDSC just want to convey its appreciation with the fact that most of the TMC meetings have been scheduled for Saturdays and also for accommodation us tonight at this ungodly hour!
Friends in Sport.
Dave van der Walt