COGLS201 / Follow Health and Safety Procedures in Life Sciences and Related Industries / 1identify health and safety standard operating procedures for all of the following:
1.1workplace hazards and spillages
1.2unsafe practices
1.3manual handling, VDU & RSI policies
1.4other (please specify)
2recognise two of the following workplace hazardous substances:
2.1flammables (liquid or solid)
2.2radioactive material
2.3pyrophoric/water reactive material
2.4oxidiser/corrosive material
2.5equipment or tools
2.6compressed gas/explosive/unstable reactive material
2.7toxic/harmful/sensitising/irritant/biological material
2.8extreme temperature
3follow established procedures for both of the following:
3.1workplace emergency (eg injury, spillage)
3.2workplace evacuation (eg fire, gas leak)
SVQ Life Sciences and Related Industries NOS — Scope/Range
NOS Code / NOS Title / Scope/RangeCOGLS202 / Maintain Effective and Efficient Working Relationships in Life Sciences and Related Industries / 1sustain positive working relationships by all of the following:
1.1working in teams
1.2being co-operative and flexible
1.3supporting others
1.4providing clear and accurate information
2maintain working relationships with two of the following:
2.1colleagues in your own working group
2.2colleagues outside your normal working group
2.4persons external to your organisation
2.5more senior professionals/scientists
3review personal development objectives and targets, to include one of the following:
3.1dual or multi skilling
3.2increased responsibility
3.3training on new equipment/technology
3.4other specific requirements
NOS Code / NOS Title / Scope/Range
COGLS202 (continued) / 4record details of work done, and communicate the details to the appropriate people using:
4.1verbal report
plus one method from the following:
4.2written or typed report
4.3computer based record
4.4specific company documentation
4.5electronic mail
COGLS203 / Use Information Recording Systems in Life Sciences and Related Industries / 1use two of the following types of information system:
1.1paper based
1.2computer based
2establish and input data requirements for four of the following:
2.1date of request/sample/specimen
2.2laboratory test being done
2.3database code/LIMS number/laboratory code
2.4patient details
2.5person requesting activity/client sending batches/samples/specimen
2.6work activity/materials/resources requirements
2.7work/client’s location
2.8sample description/details of specimen
2.9laboratory test results and destination for results
NOS Code / NOS Title / Scope/Range
COGLS203 (continued) / 3resolve two of the following problems associated with work activity:
3.1incorrect identification of requirements
3.2poor/unclear written request/missing information
3.3incorrect/poor/unclear/damaged/missing labelling
3.4requests exceed available supply
4resolve two of the following problems associated with work activity:
4.1writing/adding codes on the batch/sample/specimen
4.2checking batch/sample/specimen codes against database
4.3scanning barcodes and checking database
5establish and input data requirements for four of the following:
5.1supervisor/team leader
5.2health and safety officer
5.3manager/head of department
5.4lecturer, teacher or trainer
NOS Code / NOS Title / Scope/Range
COGLS203 (continued) / 6record details of work activities, and communicate the details to the appropriate people, using:
6.1verbal report
plus one method from the following:
6.2written/typed report/electronic mail
6.3computer-based record
6.4specific workplace documentation
COGLS204 / Maintaining Equipment in Life Sciences and Related Industries / 1carry out all of the following operations:
1.1adhere to all H&S procedures
1.2follow manufacturer’s instructions, drawings for routine maintenance
1.3check that tools and equipment are in a safe and usable condition
1.4carry out checks on the operation of equipment
1.5confirm that the equipment is operating correctly and is ready for use
1.6return all tools, equipment and waste to the correct locations on completion of the calibration or maintenance activities
2carry out calibration, maintenance and cleaning on two of the following:
2.1biological equipment and/or instruments
2.2chemical equipment and/or instruments
2.3electronic equipment and/or instruments
2.4weighing and measuring equipment and/or instruments
COGLS204 (continued) / 2.5information technology equipment
2.6engineering machines, equipment and/or instruments
2.7other technical equipment or instruments
3record and communicate details of work done to the appropriate people using:
3.1verbal report
plus one method from the following:
3.2written or typed report
3.3computer based record
3.4specific company documentation
3.5electronic mail
(continued) / Maintain Stocks of Resources, Equipment and Consumables in Life Sciences and Related Industries / 1check stock levels for two of the following:
1.1biological specimens and materials
1.2analysers, equipment or instruments
1.3electrical/electronic components/sub-assemblies
1.4scientific or technical consumables/chemicals/reagents
1.5other (please specify)
Recognise two of the following workplace hazardous substances:
2check packaging for five of the following information:
2.1batch numbers
2.2safety data sheets
2.4expiry dates
2.5delivery dates
2.6hazard labels
2.7condition received
3handle and transport both of the following types of material:
3.1scientific or technical chemicals
3.2scientific or technical equipment
4check stock items held in four of the following storage environments:
4.1ambient temperature locations
4.2zero or low light locations
4.3equipment locations
4.5hazardous chemical/secure locations
4.6consumable item locations
5access and update information on the information system for three of the following:
5.1booking items out from stock
5.2stock check levels
5.3booking items into stock
5.4stock usage
6record details of the stock control, and communicate the details to the appropriate people, using:
6.1verbal report
plus one method from the following:
6.2written or typed report/electronic mail
6.3computer-based record
6.4specific workplace documentation
(continued) / Preparing Reagents in Life Sciences and Related Industries / 1carry out weighing activities using two types of laboratory balances
2measure out volumes of liquids or solutions using two of the following:
2.1automated pipette
2.3graduated/bulb pipette
2.4volumetric flask
2.6graduated cylinders, beaker, test-tube
2.7other (please specify)
3make up standard solutions using both of the following methods:
3.1by weighing and dissolving the correct amount of solid in the correct volume of solvent
3.2by dilution from a concentrated stock solution
4record details of work done, and communicate the details to the appropriate people using:
4.1verbal report
plus one method from the following:
4.2written or typed report
4.3computer based record
4.4specific company documentation
4.5electronic mail
5calculate the concentrations of solutions, the amounts and volumes required, using two of the following:
5.1moles per litre
5.2grams per litre
5.3mass percentage
5.4parts per million
5.5other (please specify)
6carry out two mass to moles and two moles to mass calculations
(continued) / Demonstrate Techniques and Skills in Life Sciences and Related Industries / 1agree the requirements for the demonstration with one of the followingpeople:
1.1supervisor/team leader
1.2health and safety officer
1.3manager/head of department
1.4lecturer, teacher or trainer
2establish both of the following for the demonstration:
2.1scientific or related methods and skills
2.2health and safety precautions
plus three of the following:
2.3place for the demonstration
2.4start and finish time for the demonstration
2.5the number of learners/students
2.6equipment/materials/consumables required
2.7services required (eg gas, electricity)
3demonstrate methods and skills in one of the following locations:
3.1timetabled lessons
3.2other supervised events
3.3outside activities
4record and communicate the details of the work done, to the appropriate people, using:
4.1verbal report
plus one method from the following:
4.2written or typed report/electronic mail
4.3computer-based record
4.4specific workplace documentation
(continued) / Prepare for and Clearing up After a Learning Activity in a Class Room or a Life Sciences and Related Industries Area / 1prepare, equip, clean and tidy for one of the following learning activities:
1.1timetabled lesson
1.2outside activity
1.3other supervised event
2check hazards or potential risks in all of the following categories:
2.2services (eggas)
2.3procedures/techniques used
3confirm workplace is fit for use with relevant people to include one of the following:
3.1supervisor/team leader
3.2health and safety officer
3.3manager/head of department
3.4lecturer/teacher or trainer
4confirm workplace is fit for use with relevant people to include one of the following:
4.1verbal report
plus one method from the following:
4.2written or typed report/electronic mail
4.3computer based record
4.4specific company documentation
(continued) / Receiving, Sorting, Transporting and Storing Samples in Life Sciences and Related Industries / 1receive samples and take appropriate action for unsuitable specimens/samples in three of the following categories:
1.1insufficient volume
1.2incorrect handling
1.3incorrect container
1.4incorrect labelling
1.5incorrect storage
1.6incorrect sample
2recording all relevant information and store samples/specimens by two of the following methods:
2.5other (specify)
3record details of work done, and communicate the details to the appropriate people using:
3.1verbal report
plus one method from the following:
3.2written or typed report
3.3computer based record
3.4specific company documentation
3.5electronic mail
(continued) / Provide Support for Learning Activities in Life Sciences and Related Industries / 1follow instructions from one of the following supervisors:
1.2team leader
1.3health and safety officer
1.5head of department
1.6teacher or trainer
2provide scientific or technical support with two of the following activities:
2.1timetabled lessons
2.2other supervised events
2.3outside activities
3provide scientific or technical support with all of the following elements:
3.4services (eg gas, electricity)
4provide scientific or technical support with all of the following elements:
4.1verbal report
plus one method from the following:
4.2written or typed report
4.3computer-based record
4.4specific workplace documentation
4.5electronic mail
NOS Code / NOS Title / Scope/Range
(continued) / Prepare New Methods, Resources and Equipment for Learning Activities in Life Sciences and Related Industries / 1clarify the new or modified method with one of the following people:
1.1supervisor/team leader
1.2health and safety officer
1.3manager/head of department
1.4lecturer, teacher or trainer
2identify and prepare the requirements needed for one of the following new or modified learning activities:
2.1timetabled lessons
2.2other supervised events
2.3outside activities
3develop and evaluate all of the following procedures for the new or modified learning activities with relevant people:
3.4services (eg gas, electricity)
3.5hazards and risks
3.6time required/procedures
3.7learning outcomes/course documents
4assessandgive advice ontwoof thefollowinghazardsand risks:
4.1harmful/toxic/sensitising/irritant material
4.2oxidising/corrosive material
4.3extreme temperature item/highly flammable material
4.4electrostatic discharge item
4.5high voltage item
4.6biohazard/radioactive material
4.7manual handling
4.8equipment safety
5assessandgive advice ontwoof thefollowinghazardsand risks:
5.1hazard/safety issues
5.2operating methods/procedures
5.3performance reports/test records
5.4pass/fail sheets and/or quality output results
6develop and evaluate all of the following procedures for the new or modified learning activities with relevant people:
6.1verbal report
plus one method from the following:
6.2written/typed report/electronic mail
6.3computer-based record
6.4specific workplace documentation
NOS Code / NOS Title / Scope/Range
(continued) / Carry out Testing Using Manual or Automated Equipment in Life Sciences and Related Industries / 1carry out all of the following operations for manual equipment:
1.1transport samples in the workplace, and store them appropriately
1.2select a suitable work area for the manual tests
1.3select and set up the necessary equipment correctly
1.4use the necessary quantity of sample for the manual tests
1.5dispose of waste safely and correctly
1.6ensure that the test done meet the specification for the required quality and accuracy
2use one of the following resources:
3check two of the following conditions for the scientific or technical test:
3.1health and safety environment
3.3recording system
3.5external influence giving rise to variations
4check two of the following conditions for the scientific or technical test:
4.1verbal report
plus one method from the following:
4.2written or typed report
4.3computer-based record
4.4specific workplace documentation
4.5electronic mail
COGLS213 / Preparing Biological Specimens or Samples for Investigations in Life Sciences and Related Industries / 1carry out all of the following operations:
1.1store specimens/samples in correctly labelled containers
1.2process specimens/samples correctly
1.3prepare specimens/samples using materials/equipment according to procedures
1.4label prepared specimens/samples correctly
1.5store and dispatch specimens/samples for clinical analysis/identification
2take appropriate action for unsuitable specimens, in all of the following categories:
2.1insufficient volume/size
2.2incorrect handling
2.3incorrect container
2.4incorrect labelling
2.5incorrect storage
2.6incorrect sample
3record details of the preparation work and communicate the details to the appropriate people, using:
3.1verbal report
plus one method from the following:
3.2written or typed report/electronic mail
3.3computer-based record
3.4specific company documentation
COGLS214 / Prepare Samples for Testing in Life Sciences and Related Industries / 1check sample integrity against two of the following factors:
1.5other (please specify)
2prepare samples using two of the following methods:
2.1grinding, pulverising
2.2acid digestion
2.10other (please specify)
NOS Code / NOS Title / Scope/Range
(continued) / 3check two of the following controlled conditions:
3.1health and safety environment
3.3recording system
3.5external influence giving rise to variations
4check two of the following controlled conditions:
4.1verbal report
plus one method from the following:
4.2written or typed report
4.3specific workplace documentation
4.4computer-based record
4.5electronic mail
(continued) / Carry out Sampling Operations in Life Sciences and Related Industries / 1collect samples following all of the following operations:
1.1checking that all the equipment is in a safe and usable working condition (such as undamaged, safety devices in place and operational)
1.2obtaining all the necessary data, documentation andspecifications for the sampling process
1.3collecting and labelling samples in the required quantities
1.4cleaning/disposing of work area, sampling equipment and materials appropriately
2collect samples using four of the following parameters:
2.1location for sampling
2.2sampling access points
2.3sampling duration
2.4sample cycle time
2.5sampling frequency
2.6other (please specify)
3maintain the condition of samples by two of the following methods:
3.2aseptic container
3.4other (please specify)
4record and communicate details of the work done, to the appropriate people, using:
4.1verbal report
plus one method from the following:
4.2written or typed report/electronic mail
4.3computer-based record
4.4specific workplace documentation
NOS Code / NOS Title / Scope/Range
(continued) / Operating in a Clean Room or Aseptic Facility in Life Sciences and Related Industries / 1prior to entering clean room, carry out all of the following:
1.1use the correct issue of job instructions and specifications
1.2follow risk assessment procedures and COSHH regulations
1.3ensure that you are appropriately dressed and uncontaminatedbefore entering the area
1.4carry out your activities in line with organisational procedures
1.5store accurate records of your activities, in accordance with appropriate procedures
2satisfy all the following company clean room/clean work area requirements:
2.1use appropriate clothing/personal protective equipment (PPE)
(such as suits, gowns, coats, hoods, hats, caps, helmets, other headwear, boots, overshoes, other forms of footwear, safety goggles, visors, gloves)
2.2comply with hazard protection (such as breathing apparatus, gloves, apron/smock, other forms of PPE or clothing required)
2.3deal appropriately with damaged or dirty clothing/PPE (such as reporting damage, replacement, safe removal and cleaning or disposal, subjected to acid/hazardous substance spills, damaged/dirty labelling)
2.4store specified clothing/PPE correctly when not in use
2.5ensure the proper cleaning/laundering/maintenance of clothing/PPE
2.6dispose of single-use clothing and equipment in the correctlocation
2.7report any hazards or breaches of protocol
3use three of the following types of personal protective equipment for clean room working:
3.1body suit
3.3air supply
3.4face mask
3.6other (please specify)
4use three of the following types of personal protective equipment for clean room working:
4.1body suit
4.3air supply
4.4face mask
4.6other (please specify)
5identify and followprotocol methods andproceduresthatsatisfy all of the following:
5.1the safety of people
5.2containment/integrity of the clean room/work area
5.3containment/integrity of the specimen/product
5.4appropriate industry standards and protocols
NOS Code / NOS Title / Scope/Range
(continued) / 6record details of the work activity, and communicate the details to the appropriate people, using:
6.1verbal report
plus one method from the following:
6.2written or typed report
6.3computer-based record
6.4specific company documentation
6.5electronic mail
COGLS217 / Drawing Blood Samples from Patients for Investigation in Life Sciences and Related Industries / 1carry out all of the following blood extraction operations:
1.1welcome and reassure the patient, prior to the procedure
1.2explain and check the patient’s understanding of the procedure
1.3place the patient in the best position for the procedure
1.4insert the needle safely and correctly
1.5obtain the blood in the correct volume, and correct order of tubes if taking for multiple samples
1.6safely remove the needle, apply pressure and ensure bleeding as stopped according to procedures
1.7dispose of needle and other equipment safely
1.8identify and deal with any adverse patient reaction
1.9transport and store blood specimens appropriately
NOS Code / NOS Title / Scope/Range
(continued) / 2record details of the procedure and communicate to the appropriate people using:
2.2written or typed report/electronic mail
2.2computer-based report
2.3specific company documentation
(continued) / Maintain Health and Safety in Life Sciences and Related Industries / 1identify health and safety workplace procedures for all of the following:
1.1workplace hazards and spillages
1.2unsafe practices
1.3manual handling, VDU and RSI policies
1.4other (please specify)
2use safe handling practices for two of the following, in accordance with approved procedures:
2.1flammables (liquid or solid)
2.2radioactive material
2.3pyrophoric/water reactive material
2.4oxidiser/corrosive material
2.5equipment or tools
2.6compressed gas/explosive/unstable reactive material
2.7toxic/harmful/sensiting/irritant/biological material
2.8extreme temperature
2.9manual handling/lifting loads
3comply with established procedures for both of the following:
3.1workplace emergency (eg injury, spillage)
3.2workplace evacuation (eg fire, gas leak)
4identify health and safety workplace procedures for all of the following:
4.2biological/chemical materials
4.4one-use module components
4.5cleaning wipes/tissues
4.6aerosol containers
4.7confidential records
4.8domestic waste
4.9other (please specify)
5make recommendations on, or if appropriate, take action on both of the following:
5.1areas where the work practices do not fully comply with healthand safety requirements
5.2improvements to handling and/or storage of materials, substances or equipment
NOS Code / NOS Title / Scope/Range
(continued) / Plan and Collect Samples for Testing in Life Sciences and Related Industries / 1carry out sampling operations that have two of the following components:
1.1multi-stage sampling operations
1.2very cold/hot samples
1.3multitasking sampling
1.4noisy/vibrating/turbulent elements involved
1.5multi-parameter or control factors
1.6involving substances hazardous to health
1.7environmentally sensitive outcomes
1.8complex sample components
2identify conditions for sample that include two of the following:
2.1sample environment
2.2time recording system
2.3sample criteria
2.5safety factors
2.6external influence that can have variations
3prepare all of the following resources for sampling operations:
3.2sample equipment/instruments
4record and communicate details of work done, to the appropriate people, using:
4.1verbal report
plus one method from the following:
4.2written or typed report
4.3computer-based record
4.4specific workplace documentation
4.5electronic mail
(continued) / Provide Technical Advice and Guidance in Life Sciences and Related Industries / 1provide technical advice and guidance for two of the following groups of people:
1.2customers (eg distributors, end users, clients)
1.4others in related activity areas
2provide technical support for two of the following scientific or similar activities:
2.1providing technical support
2.2demonstration and instruction/team leading/coaching
2.3planning sampling and testing
2.4carrying out investigations
2.5complex sampling/testing
2.6small scale processing
3provide technical advice and guidance on four of the following::
3.1equipment operating detail (function)
3.2specific or specialist equipment required
3.3equipment performance parameters
3.4resource requirements/usage/cost/budget estimation/details
3.5physical characteristics (dimensions, weight)
3.6timing/delivery details
3.7environment considerations/operating conditions