The annual meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Village Hall, Sutton Courtenay on Tuesday 2nd May, 2017 at 7.00 p.m.

Present: Councillors: M. Jenkins (Chairman), Mrs. R. Atkinson, C. Campbell,

K. Gebhart, D. Hignell, M. Howell, Mrs. C. Myerson, Ms. L. Tyler

Clerk: Mrs. L. Martin

5 members of the public including Mr. David Norminton (Hanson Quarry Products Europe Ltd)

Cllr. G. Duffield (District Councillor)

Joined by Cllr. Ms. T. Field

2017/102 Election of Chairman

The Chairman of the Council, Councillor Jenkins called for nominations for the election of a Chairman of the Council to hold office until the next annual meeting of the Council.

It was moved by Cllr. Campbell, seconded by Cllr. Gebhart and

RESOLVED: nem con

that Councillor Jenkins be elected Chairman of the Council to hold office until the next annual meeting of the Council.

2017/103 Declaration of Acceptance of Office as Chairman

Councillor Jenkins signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office as Chairman.

2017/104 Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

2017/105 Election of Vice-Chairman

The Chairman of the Council, Councillor Jenkins called for nominations for the election of a Vice-Chairman of the Council to hold office until the next annual meeting of the Council.

It was moved by Cllr. Gebhart, seconded by Cllr. Mrs. Myerson and

RESOLVED: nem con

that Councillor Campbell be elected Vice- Chairman of the Council to hold office until the next annual meeting of the Council.

2017/106 Cllr. Ms. T. Field joined the meeting

2017/107 Mr. David Norminton – Hanson Quarry Products Ltd

Mr. Norminton made a brief statement and explained the situation regarding the planning applications for the asphalt plant next to the


Appleford Rail Siding. One was for temporary permission to permit the continuation of production of asphalt whilst the main plant was being demolished. The second was for the permanent replacement of the demolished plant. The Council had already considered both applications, and in regards to the permanent plant had requested a condition that it be removed by the end date for the landfill site. Mr. Norminton explained that the existing consent for the asphalt plant had no such condition attached. He suggested that a compromise could be reached by including a planning condition linking the life of the plant to the life of the adjacent rail sidings. The planning consent for those provided that they had to be removed when no longer were required.

Mr. Norminton referred to possible future uses for the area, such as manufacture of concrete segments for large pipes, aggregate to supply the High Speed 2 rail network, bagging of aggregates for DIY outlets. There was proposal too to possibly build a bottom discharge shed, as current activities were in the open air where a noisy grab was used.

A compromise was suggested by a member that the condition to remove the asphalt plant be linked to the life of the rail sidings, or to the end date for the landfill site whichever was the sooner. Concerns were raised too that if the asphalt plant remained the only activity on the site, then this could attract other industrial uses at a time when the remainder of the site could close down.

The Chairman advised that the Council would debate the request under the planning item on the agenda, and the Clerk would advise him of the Council’s decision.

Mr. Norminton left the meeting.

2017/108 Appointment of members to committees, working parties, groups and outside bodies

Planning Working Group


(i) that the Clerk in consultation with Cllrs. Campbell, Gebhart, Hignell, and Jenkins be granted delegated powers to act on planning applications requiring Council’s comments before the next ordinary meeting of the Council

(ii) that Cllr. Mrs. Atkinson act as additional member should the need arise

2017/109 Oxfordshire Association of Local Councils


that Cllr. Butler represent the Council

2017/110 Village Hall Management Committee


that Cllr. Gebhart represent the Council


2017/111 Transport Representative


that Cllr. Mrs. Myerson represent the Council

2017/112 RWEnPower Liaison Committee


that Cllrs. Butler and Campbell represent the Council

2017 /113 FCC Liaison Committee


that Cllrs. Hignell and Noys represent the Council

RESOLVED: that Mr. Hanks, resident of the parish be appointed to the committee in accordance with the constitution of FCC Liaison Committee as parish representative

2017/114 Millennium Common Committee


that Cllr Hignell represent the Council

2017/115 Harwell Stakeholder Group


that either Cllr. Mrs. Atkinson or Cllr. Butler represent the Council according to availability

2017/116 Culham Liaison Committee


that Cllr. Mrs. C. Myerson represent the Council

2017/117 Milton Park Liaison Committee


that Cllrs. Mrs. Atkinson and Mrs. Myerson represent the Council

2017/118 Police Neighbourhood Action Group


that Cllr. Mrs. Atkinson represent the Council


2017/119 Damascus Advisory Committee


that Cllr. Butler represent the Council

2017/120 Oxfordshire County Council Minerals and Waste Stakeholder Forum Group


that Cllr. Hignell represent the Council

2017/121 Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group


that Cllrs. Mrs. Atkinson, Hignell, Howell, and Jenkins represent the Council

2017/122 Recreation Ground Working Party to meet with Football Club and Cricket Club


(i) that Cllrs. Butler, Howell and Mrs. Atkinson form a working party to consider issues relating to the recreation ground, to meet with Sutton Courtenay Football Club and Sutton Courtenay Cricket Club and to report back to Council

(ii) that Cllr. Mrs. T. Field act as substitute

2017/123 Didcot Community Forum/Didcot Garden Town


(i) that Cllr.Howell represent the Council

(ii) that Cllr. Hignell act as substitute

2017/124 PACT/Abingdon Children’s Centre Advisory Committee


(i) that Cllr. Noys represents the Council

(ii) that Cllr. Mrs. Atkinson act as substitute

2017/125 Landfill Site Working Party


that Cllrs. Mrs. Atkinson, Campbell, Hignell, Jenkins and Noys form a working party to consider and evaluate information concerning operations on the site, its future, and any planning or other applications and to report back to Council


2017/126 Local Technical Group

A local group had met in the past to discuss the technical, scientific, and industrial aspects of the planning and environmental permit applications and other issues in regards to the landfill site. As the future activities on the landfill site were still unfolding, should there be meetings of the technical group it was


that Cllrs. Atkinson, and Butler represent the Council

2017/127 Cemetery Working Party


that Cllrs. Mrs. Atkinson, Jenkins, and Ms. Field

form a working party to review the cemetery arrangements, the opening of a new area.

2017/128 Footpaths Working Party


that Cllrs. Ms. Field, and Noys form a working party to review the state and condition of the footpaths.

2017/129 Environment Agency Flood Focus Group


that Cllrs. Gebhart and Mrs. Myerson represent the Council at meetings with the Environment Agency in discussions regarding the Oxford Flood Relief Scheme

2017/130 Review of Effectiveness of Internal Audit Working Party


that Cllrs. Mrs. Atkinson, Hignell and Jenkins form a working party to review the effectiveness of the internal audit and to report back to Council

2017/131 Village Hall – Parish Council as Custodian Trustee


that this be deferred and formed as and when required

2017/132 S. 106/Community Infrastructure Levy Working Party



that Cllrs. Mrs. Atkinson, Ms. T. Field, Mrs. Myerson and Noys form a working party to consider planning gain for the parish should future major planning applications be lodged

2017/133 Staff working party


that Cllrs. Mrs. Atkinson, Jenkins and Hignell form a working party to consider employment policies for the Council.

2017/134 Appointment of Substitutes for members who cannot attend the committee/working party/group meetings


that no set substitutes be appointed

2017/135 Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr. D. Butler. Cllr. R. Webber (County Councillor) was not in attendance owing to the forthcoming County Council elections on Thursday 4th May.

2017/136 Minutes of the meeting held on 4th April, 2017

These were agreed and signed as a true record of the proceedings, subject in minute 2017/89 Village Hall Car park – van parking, recording the fact that Cllr. Mrs. Atkinson had stated at the meeting, that the village hall committee, had already written to the van owner, and that the hall committee may ask for assistance from the Parish Council to resolve the issue. The decision of the Council had been that in the first instance, a letter be sent from the Council to the Village Hall Committee.

2017/137 Matters arising from the Minutes of the meeting held on 4th April, 2017

Didcot Garden Town – Future Governance

Council noted that the delivery plan for the Garden Town project and its future governance would be available for public consultation from 15th May. The Vale of White Horse District Council had confirmed that a meeting with the Parish Council would serve no constructive purpose, and encouraged the Parish Council to respond to the consultation in due course. Council considered this response and appreciated the point that the District Council was trying to make. This was however, unacceptable and questions were asked as to why the Parish Council was not considered a party, when land in its parish was affected, and why when the governance was in the course of preparation was the Parish Council not a consultee.

High Street – Road sweeping


Council noted that the Vale of White Horse District Council had been approached regarding road sweeping, and an acknowledgement had been received.

Oxfordshire County Council – Traffic Survey

Council noted that the clerk had not received any response in regards to the queries raised in connection with the traffic survey. Information had been supplied to Sutton Courtenay Action Campaign Group following a conversation by them with the Vale of White Horse District Council. Council referred to the draft survey supplied. This appeared wholly inadequate. The scope of the survey had not been seen in advance. There had been no communication with the Parish Council. The scope of the survey could only be finalised when discussed. The Council was of the opinion that the draft document did not address the issues and would not give the accumulative figures. The Council had questioned the data used which had been supplied by the applicants, as reference to some sites had been excluded. The Clerk was asked to write to the County Council, copied to the Vale of White Horse District Council and the new County Councillor, expressing concern and displeasure that a statutory body’s request for information had not been answered and requesting that the survey be delayed until the Council could agree the scope. If not the whole survey would be undermined.

Sutton Courtenay Village Hall – car parking

Cllr. Mrs. Atkinson as secretary to the village hall committee reported that she had had a verbal conversation with the owners of the vehicles which seemed permanently parked in the village hall car park. One van had been removed, and another would be removed once an issue regarding the engine had been resolved. However a third vehicle had suddenly appeared and had been left in the car park. The owners were being helpful, and the matter would be monitored.

Bradstocks Way - Parking outside Primary School

It was reported that a parent had been issued with a parking ticket. The parking problems were being taken seriously, and parents were slowly realising the implications of incorrect parking.

2017/138 Public Participation

Traffic Survey

It was suggested that if the Parish Council did not pursue the question of the lack of communication regarding the traffic survey, it would be a weakness on the part of the County Council if the survey was inadequate.

The question of the survey had been triggered by the planning application for 200 houses on the Sutton Courtenay East site. Reference was made to the article in Sutton Courtenay News which referred to the fact that the minutes of the District Council’s planning committee would be available on its website when in the public domain. A complaint was lodged that they were not yet on the website. The Chairman advised that he had contacted the District Council to enquire when they would be 161

available. There was no particular timescale when the minutes had to be available for viewing. A request was made for the Parish Council to scrutinise the cooling off period and the reasoning behind it. It was stated that the article in Sutton Courtenay news should reflect what happened at the planning committee meeting and not be based on written correspondence from Ms. Emily Hamerton, development manager at the Vale of White Horse District Council.

Council confirmed that once the minutes of the planning committee meeting were available, they would be checked, a collective view taken and discussion would take place as to any further action.

Cllr. Duffield was asked if he could investigate why there seemed to be an unreasonable delay in producing the minutes, as this was causing concern within the village.

Planning Application P17/V1023/FUL Change of use of storage barn to 2 bedroom residential accommodation

A member of the public made a statement objecting to the planning application to convert a storage barn to a residential dwelling.

2017/139 County Councillor’s report – Cllr. R. Webber

In the absence of Cllr. Webber no report was available.

2017/140 District Councillor’s Report – Cllr. G. Duffield

Milton Road - Sewage spill

There had been a sewage spill in Milton Road over the Bank Holiday weekend. Residents thought it had been caused by the new properties. Thames Water had responded promptly and final clearing was being undertaken.

Eastwest, All Saints Lane

Cllr. Duffield reported that following planning consent being given for the retrospective bunds, works had commenced again at the site. He understood that these possibly still not meet the consent conditions. He suggested that an approach be made to the planning officer and negotiations take place before the application went back to planning committee.

The Chairman advised that the laurels from the bund had been removed and replanted elsewhere. Other planting too had taken place. The bunds were still the same height and no drain had been installed. Cllr. Duffield to approach the officer to intervene to everyone’s satisfaction. It was suggested that the Parish Council should write too to planning officer copied to planning enforcement expressing real concerns that a number of conditions had not yet been implemented and yet extensive works were still ongoing on site.