Registration fees include the Welcome Reception, Attendee Bag, Access to Registrant-Only Sessions and Participation in the Auction and Awards Banquets. Hotel arrangements are not included.
* General Registration / $90.00 / $120.00
* Guest Registration (does not include access to NALS only sessions) / $ 25.00 / $ 35.00
Meals: The banquets will be served at the Embassy Suites. We do not guarantee meal availability if registration is received after June 5th.
Please describe any special dietary needs or preferences (e.g. Vegetarian, Gluten-Free, Allergies, etc). Special meal accommodations will be made and will be the same price as the listed entrees.
Wed. July 6 NALS Welcome Reception, 5:00 to 7:30 pm. Drinks, wine and light hors d'oeuvres. Please RSVP on this form / Complimentary for Registrants
Thurs. July 7 Director's Lunch 12:00 - 1:00 / On Your Own
Fri. July 8 Judges and Clerks Luncheon following the judging of the show, 1:00-2:00 / Judges and Clerks will be given Gift Cards to use at the CBG restaurant
Fri. July 8 Research Auction Banquet: Caesar Salad, Chicken Piccata with vegetables, and Tiramisu, cash bar 6:00 pm, dinner 7:00 pm / $50.00 / $60.00
Sat. July 9 Awards Banquet: Garden Salad, Prime Rib, with vegetables and dessert, cash bar 6:00 pm , dinner 7:00 pm / $60.00 / $75.00
Make checks (US Dollars only) payable to "NALS" and note that it is for 2016 Registration
Please be a Sponsor of the 69th Annual International Lily Show and Symposium.
Sponsors will have their name/logo printed in the June and Sept Quarterly Bulletins, in the Awards Banquet Program, listed on the NALS 2016 Show website and posted at the Lily Showroom Floor at the Chicago Botanic Garden.
Come, be a member in the Lily Hall of Fame
- Leslie Woodriff$2000 and above
- Conca d’Or$1000 to $1999
- Journey’s End$500 to $999
- Connecticut King$250 to $499
- White Henryi$100 to $249
- Enchantment$50 to $100
I want to make a gift of: $______
Tribute (optional):
- In Honor of: ______
- In Memory of: ______
- No tribute
How you would like your name/logo listed in the PR materials: ______
Mailing address:
Full Name (print): ______
Address: ______
Phone: ______E-mail: ______
Please return your completed form and payment to:
Stephanie Sims, Treasurer
P.O. Box 82
Bonners Ferry, ID 83805
Or make your donation online
NALS is a nonprofit, tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) organization. Contributions are tax deductible.