Sustainability Committee Meeting Minutes 2/11/2015

In attendance were Anastasia Fiandaca, Michelle Gorthy, Dominik Zelichowski, Ruth Meza, Anna Schlosser, Evan Thompson, Aaron Ho, Joy Durighello, Peggy Lopipero-Langmo, Joe Cannon, Adam Weber, Hitesh Soneji, and Denise Louie.

  1. Meeting was called to order at 4:33 pm
  2. Attendees introduced themselves to one another
  3. Discussion of sustainability website updates
  4. Recap of basic updates made last semester (content, reorganization, addition of videos)
  5. Joe Cannon raised questions about how people find the website and how we can increase traffic, and the content and attractiveness of the website. Suggestions included inviting sustainability-related instructors to link into the website and/or feed-in relevant content; review sustainability websites such as UCB, Merritt, etc., for good ideas about dynamic and interesting content; ask faculty/students to take responsibility for maintaining and updating specific aspects of the site.
  6. Dominik Zelichowski volunteered to undergo CMS training in order to assist with website maintenance. Hitesh Soneji and Anastasia Fiandaca are currently trained in CMS and authorized to update the website.
  7. Students offered to review and give feedback on website.
  8. Ongoing promotion of our current offerings associated with sustainability
  9. Joe Cannon suggested we gather together all interested teaching faculty, across all disciplines, to ensure that students are aware of instructors offering sustainability-related content even in non-science classes, and to encourage interested teaching faculty to incorporate sustainability into their curriculum.
  10. Suggestion to follow up with earth science instructors who started Teaching Sustainability brown bag series and ask about re-starting it; and to do a presentation during flex day to share how to incorporate sustainability into the curriculum
  11. Discussion of previous learning communities and suggestion to approach instructors to start new ones.
  12. Anastasia will make a presentation to MRSD counselors and suggested collaboration with teaching faculty to present to counselors at large.
  13. Request for promotional materials. Hitesh Sonejiwill approach Graphic Communications to ask about creating a poster.

3. Updates on student research on sustainability offerings/needs

  1. Anastasia gave a brief summary of the committee’s desire to have a student-led summary of other students regarding their interest/needs for ENVS-sustainability related content and to collect data regarding how students find these classes, whether they transfer, rates of internship, etc.
  2. Evan Thompson is taking a statistics course and has access to a great program, Tinkerplot, which will help analyze data.
  3. Several students agreed to meet to work on the survey and to email faculty with draft questions or for assistance.
  1. Earth Day CCSF
  2. Michelle suggested the theme “Defining Sustainability.” Everyone agreed.
  3. Joy Durighello made contact several times with NessaJulianin an attempt to find out if AS will put on the event. Joy will follow up once again.
  4. Adam Weber will talk with Nathan Steele about forensics. Ruth Meza and Anna Schlosser will help.
  5. Joe Cannon suggested posters to raise eco-awareness.
  6. Peggy Lopipero-Langmo will ask the Bay Mobile to come.
  7. Anastasia will do outreach/counseling for ENVS in Science Bldg and Ram Plaza.
  8. Denise Louie will ask the Center for Biological Diversity for free condoms to distribute.
  9. Earth Day SF
  10. Sat., April 18th at Civic Center
  11. Dominik Zelichowski is the CCSF liaison for this event.
  12. There will be a booth, posters and digital media.
  13. farmer’s market
  14. Dominik had to leave and could not discuss this. Moved to next meeting.
  15. Solar PV in the MUB parking lot
  16. Dominik had to leave and could not discuss this. Moved to next meeting.

9.Establishing goals for spring 2015 semester

a.Continuing to promote current offerings associated with sustainability

b.Continuing to update website

c.Work on committee SLOs

d.Student-driven research project (we’ll begin a faculty-led project in the fall)

10.Remaining meeting dates for spring 2015 semester

a.Weds., March 11, 4:30-5:30 Cloud Hall 365

b.Weds., April 8, 4:30-5:30 Cloud Hall 365

c.Fri., May 15, time and location TBD

  1. Meeting adjourned at 5:40 pm.