Sustainability at Emerson: Greener Together
Emerson is committed to becoming climate neutral by 2030. Here are 10climate change solutions YOU can do at Emerson to help reach our goal:
1. Manage refrigerants: Changing how we dispose of refrigerants – chemicals used in refrigerators and air-conditioners – has the potential to reduce greenhouse gases more than any strategy. When these chemicals leak, or are improperly disposed of, they are thousands of times more potent than carbon dioxide in warming the atmosphere. So, handle your mini fridge with care when transferring it and make sure to always keep it upright.
2. Waste less food: In the U.S., 40% of all food is wasted. Cutting down on food waste by only taking or ordering what you can eat, and by donating or reusing leftovers, is much more effective than composting what’s wasted. Have extra food? Hungry for a snack? Visit the Campus Center for donating and picking up leftover food. If you are planning a big event and may have lots of leftovers, get in touch with an Eco Rep to set up a donation to St. Francis House.
3. Eat more plants: Globally, food production – and the production of meat in particular – produces around the same amount of greenhouse gases as power plants. Save emissions and eat less meat!
4.Protect the rain forests: Burning forests is the main way to clearland in the Amazon and Indonesiafor cattle and palm oil production, respectively. Forests pull carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and act as the earth’s lungs; when they’re destroyed, they release all that carbon dioxide back. Avoid consuming beef and palm oil, and look for ‘shade grown’ coffee and chocolate to lessen your impact on deforestation.
5. Be a thrift-shopaholic: Shop the local thrift and consignment stores to pick up one-of-a-kind items without extra cost to the environment (or your wallet!). Be sure to donate unwanted clothing to a charity or save it for the biannual move-out Swap & Shop during the end of each semester.
6. Compost-ess with the mostess: All food scraps (including meat, eggs, and dairy) as well as paper napkins and compostable packaging can be composted in the dining hall and cafes. Bonus points for bringing food waste from other areas (like your room!) to the bins.
7.Buy energy efficient appliances: Opt for Energy-Star rated appliances like mini fridges, fans, computers, and monitors to get the most out of your machines.
8.LED-it up: LEDs, CFLs and halogen bulbs use up to 80% less energy and last 25% times longer than traditional incandescent bulbs, so make the switch! Need a bulb? Put in a work order at
9.Prevent vampires: TVs, DVD players, computers, and chargers suck up electricity even on standby (often called vampire energy), so remember to unplug them while not in use.
10. Stop the drop: Each leaking faucet wastes 5 gallons of water per day, or 2,082 gallons per year. Help prevent water waste by reporting leaking faucets and shower heads to Facilities at facilities-management.
Please visit Emerson’s Sustainability page for more information, activities, events and how to get involved: