Sustainability Appraisal Framework – Bramley Conservation Area Appraisal

Social Objectives

SEA/ SA Data Objective and Indicators / Source / Local Data
To raise the education and skills of the population.
Total number of full- time students and schoolchildren aged between 18 and 74 /
Census 2001 / 212 in Bramley ward
4.8% of the resident population
110 people aged 16 – 17
102 aged 18 - 74
Have no qualifications /
Census 2001 / Bramley 17.5%
Waverley 18.4%
Proportion of population of working age (16-74) with a first degree or equivalent as the highest qualification achieved / / Bramley 32.1%
Waverley 30%
Surrey 27%
c. Proportion of adults (aged 16- 60) with poor literacy
and numeracy skills / / 18.1% have poor literacy skills
16.5% have poor numeracy skills
These figures are the same as the averages for Waverley as a whole.
Skills shortage and Training facilities / / Surrey Employers Survey 1999 highlighted importance to Waverley of re-skilling as an aid to staff retention.
Broad range of training services in the Borough.
No regional target set,
but identified national shortage of people with craft, engineering and technician level skills

No direct data for Bramley

SEA/ SA Data Objective and Indicators / Source / Local Data
To ensure that everyone has the opportunity to live in a decent and affordable home
Stock of Dwellings / ONS: Census 2001 / Bramley 1827 dwellings (Waverley: 49,000)
71% Bramley households are owner occupied
29% rented
Local Authority average weekly rent per dwelling April 2003 / ONS / £69.41 (Waverley)
Marginally most expensive rent of those quoted in Surrey
Average Council Tax (£) April 2003 / ONS / 1,143 ((Waverley)
Surrey districts from £1,072 - £1,150
Percentage of dwellings in council tax bands / A-B 8% C-D 41% E-F 32% G-H 19% (Waverley)
Third highest Surrey districts for A-B
Additional provision of affordable housing
Barriers to Housing and Services Domain (wider Barriers) / IMD / Barriers to Housing services include combination of factors:
overcrowding, receiving housing benefit, access to owner occupied housing, distance to services
Such areas in Waverley include special output areas in Farnham and Godalming, and also more rural area of Cranleigh.
Average property price compared against
average earnings
Barriers to Housing and Services (wider barriers IMD –
difficulty of owner occupation) / / Average property price in Waverley (April- June 2004)
(Surrey - £300,647 South east £213,828)
Average weekly earnings £641
Affordability of Housing ratio (house price/ earnings x 52) = £24,778
Households on Housing Register / Waverley Housing Services / General Register 1513
Transfer Register 462
Housing Association Tenants 126
Homeless / Waverley Borough Council / Average 130 households per year
120 at end of 2003.
1999 possible 16 rough sleepers
So far this financial year: 59 homeless applications.
Waverley has made 58 decisions on homeless applications
and have accepted a housing duty to 41 out of the 58 cases.
SEA/ SA Data Objective and Indicators / Source / Local Data
To encourage community identity and participation
Methods use by the borough to ensure a level of community involvement and participation in the objectives of the Council. / Citizens Panel / Waverley uses a Citizens Panel comprising 64 Waverley residents, two groups in each of the four main centres, as well as telephone interviews. Aims to spread a range of ages and socio-economic groups and rough representation of genders
a. % of people who say they are
satisfied with their local area as a place to live / Classified data / Waverley residents believe that they live in a particularly attractive area, most have no wish to move and hence have a vested interest in maintaining the character of the area.
View is that without an attractive an sustainable environment the quality of life goes down.
b. % of people who feel that their local area
is a place where people from different
backgrounds and communities can live harmoniously / No information available
Do any settlements/ ward offer poor quality living surroundings? / Waverley Community Strategy / Theme 2 Planning and environment highlights what the borough is already doing.
Aims and actions seek to improve street scene, green spaces and public places.
No specific areas offer poor quality living surroundings.

Economic Objectives

SEA/ SA Data Objective and Indicators / Source / Local Data
To encourage sustained economic growth
Businesses in Waverley / Working in Waverley.
ONS Interdepartmental Business Register / 5,200 businesses, second highest number in the County.
89% of these employ less than 10 people (micro-businesses). Waverley in top 30 locations for businesses of this type.
Small and Medium (11 -199 staff) account for 11% of Waverley businesses
Large (200+) account for 1% but include major national and international names
No data specific to Bramley
a. GVA (Gross Value Added) per capita / SEEDA / Not available at this level,
only County and regional.
b. Parts of the area which have concentrations of specific industrial sectors? / Waverley Borough Council: Business Parks Register 2002 / 68 Industrial estates in the whole borough.
Most located around main town centres. Farnham 15, Godalming 5, Haslemere 3, Cranleigh 4.
2 others in village locations one of which is Bramley.
Bramley Business Park is home to 13 companies in 18 units. (2001 data)
What is the set-up and survival rate of businesses
in the area and which sectors perform best or worst. / Working in Waverley.
ONS Interdepartmental Business Register / 64% of Waverley businesses are still in business after three years, 3% above national average

No data specific to Bramley

Travel to work:
Work from home
Use public transport
Travel by car – driving or as a passenger, motorcycle
Walking / ONS Census 2001 / Bramley:
SEA/ SA Data Objective and Indicators / Source / Local Data
19. To encourage the development of
a sustainable tourism sector
a. % of jobs in the tourism sector / Tourism South East
Surrey Tourism Strategy 2002 - 2005 / 2,641 actual jobs, with 2,186 being generated through direct tourist expenditure. The remaining 455 jobs are dispersed across the local economy and will include support services such as accountants, builders, as well as other consumer and business purchases. Catering (£32m) and retail (£27m) benefit the most.
No data specific to Bramley
b. Number of visitors staying
overnight and overnight spend / 2002 data Tourism
South East / In 1999, Waverley attracted 11% of overnight trips in Surrey (300,000)
No data specific to Bramley
Visitors mean Business – WBC
Total tourism: / 2002 data Tourism
South East
SEEDA / Tourism is supported as part of Waverley's revised Economic Strategy.
Limited resources for tourism: works with range of partners to add value and create a co-ordinated approach over wider areas.
No data specific to Bramley
Waverley Borough Cultural Strategy 2003 -2008.
Day Trips / 2002 data Tourism
South East / In addition to staying visitors, the model also estimated that Waverley Borough received 2.33 million day visitors during 1999, which contributed a further £54.4 million to the local economy.
No data specific to Bramley
Spending / 2002 data Tourism
South East / Visitors are worth some £96.5 million
to the local economy
No data specific to Bramley

Environmental Objectives

SEA/ SA Data Objective and Indicators / Source / Local Data
To prevent and control pollution
a. Days when air pollution is moderate or high / Source: Waverley Borough Council
The National Air Quality Information Archive
Surrey Transport Plan / Nitrogen dioxide is monitored routinely at twenty seven sites in the Borough using diffusion tubes. Monthly level is obtained. 2 of these sites are on the A281 in Bramley.
Monitoring began in November 1992 and the four sites in Farnham are part of national monitoring programme for nitrogen dioxide.
Rest of the sites are being used as part of a Surrey-wide air pollution monitoring programme which began in January 1993.
Overall, air quality in Waverley is very good but the highest readings for nitrogen dioxide are obtained in Godalming Highstreet, Farnham Borough/Downing Street junction and at the Hindhead cross-roads.
Regional data:Air quality reading for the south east is 2 (September 2004)
(measurement taken on scale 1-10 where 10 is high)
2: Effects are unlikely to be noticed even by individuals who know they are sensitive to air pollutants
Noise Pollution /
(Defra) / There has been no detailed routine noise pollution monitoring carried out in Waverley. As a mostly rural area the background level of noise is obviously lower than in urban areas. Monitoring is undertaken in response to complaints. In the past there have been complaints about the operation of helicopters from private grounds.
A national noise monitoring programme has begun, but so far (2004) only London has been mapped.
a. Rivers of Good or Fair chemical and
biological water quality / / Waverley has ten stretches of water which are graded for chemistry, biology and nitrates.
Chemistry: The Ock (Hambledon-Wey) has been consistently graded as very good from 1998 until 2002, as has the Wey north at Bentley/Farnham. Areas that were graded as poor in the late 1980s have all improved, and there are now no poorly graded areas in the borough.
Biology: Waverley has a number of stretches of river which are graded A: with biology similar to that of an unpolluted river. All other areas are graded good or fairly good, with only one stretch in Farnham Park graded as fair.
SEA/ SA Data Objective and Indicators / Source / Local Data
11. To maintain and enhance biodiversity, flora and fauna
a. Population of wild birds / Wild Bird Indicators for the four UK countries and English regions 1994 - 2002. Published Feb 2004. / Information to come from the Surrey Bird Club.
b. Condition of SSSIs / English Nature / 15 SSSIs covering 3408 ha.
3404 ha assessed in 2003. 62.92% in favourable or unfavourable recovering condition
None in Bramley Parish
Extent and condition of key habitats for which
Biodiversity Action Plans
have been established / / Priority one and two habitat action plans exist for Surrey.
Priority one: chalk grassland, floodplain grazing marsh, lowland heath
Priority two: Farmland including arable, improved grassland, lowland meadows, standing open water and reedhead, urban wetland fen, woodland, including lowland woodland pasture and parklands.
Not all of these habitat types are represented in the borough, but all these types of land occur.
SEA/ SA Data Objective and Indicators / Source / Local Data
To maintain and enhance the quality of landscapes and townscapes
a. Development on previously developed land / Performance Indicator BV106:
Percentage of new homes built on previously developed land.
Waverley Borough Council / Monitoring carried out on a quarterly basis.
Target for 03/04 90%
Actual % 03/04 91%
Housebuilding completions for 03/04
211 units. Of these, 192 or 91% were on previously developed land.
Remaining units on previously undeveloped land or exceptions sites.
b. Derelict Land and empty properties / National Land Use database / All previously developed and vacant land: 225 hectares
Of that 3 hectares proposed
for housing
Total 17 hectares of derelict land and buildings
0 proposed for housing
1 vacant building proposed for housing
Source: NLUD 2003
c. Pattern in efficiency of use of land
e.g densities per hectare / unavailable
d. Land covered by management schemes
ie ESAs and Countryside Stewardship schemes / / Numerous areas in Waverley
% of total length of footpaths/ other rights of way which are easy to use / / Not available for Waverley
County 87%
Regional Average 76.7%
d. Wildlife habitats- which are nationally and
internationally important. Location and condition / 3 Special Protection Areas for birds
3 Local Nature reserves and 2 National Nature Reserves
9 RIGS (regionally Important Geological Sites)
170 Sites of Nature Conservation Importance
1 RAMSAR site
9 Special Areas for Conservation

None in Bramley Parish

f.Areas designated for landscaped quality: AONBs, AGLVs etc. / 18,376 ha AONB and AGLV
8,416 ha AGLV only
709 ha Areas of Strategic Visual Importance
120 ha Wooded hillsides policy areas
g.Where is the best and most versatile agricultural land? / DEFRA / Four areas of Grade 2 agricultural land, at Badshot Lea, Farnham, areas both sides of the A281 north west Cranleigh and area at Peperharow.
Majority is Grade 3. All classified agricultural land in Waverley is between 2 and 4.
h.Use of parks/ open space, play areas, other community recreation facilities and activities / BV Survey 2003 / 22% every day 2003
9% 2001
32% once a week 2003
27% 2001
Never used 6% 2003
3% 2001
SEA/ SA Data Objective and Indicators / Source / Local Data
To conserve and where appropriate enhance the historic environment
Buildings of Grade 1 and II*
Number at risk: / Bramley Parish: 98
At risk: Two at serious risk and one at medium, all outside conservation area
Conservation areas / 45: more than any other borough in Surrey
Ancient Monuments / English Heritage / 23
Historic parks and gardens / 7
Heritage features / Hundreds, recorded in survey in 1986.
Sites of Archaeological Importance / 12
Areas of Historic Landscape Value / Farnham Park and Frensham Common
SEA/ SA Data Objective and Indicators / Source / Local Data
15. To use energy, water and other natural
resources efficiently and with care
a.Reduce emissions of greenhouse gases from energy consumption, transport
and land use and waste management /
National Atmospheric emissions Inventory
State of the Environment 2004: Environment Agency / Data for 2001 shows no specific sources for CO2 emisions
in the Waverley area, but from sites within 10km or 20 km such as Crematoria in Guildford and Aldershot.
See Objective 10: re Air Quality Management Areas in Waverley
No data specific to Bramley
b. Capacity during 'critical periods' to supply water without the need for restrictions / Environment Agency / Data not available
c. Reduction of emissions of ozone depleting substances / Data not available
BV166a Environmental Health checklist score