Students will answer all questions and complete required work in their own words. If the students copy regulations or definitions of words/ terms they must be properly sited in this assignment. Presenting the words, ideas, or expression of another’s in any form as your own is plagiarism. Students who fail to properly give credit for information contained in their written work violate the intent of the student assignment and will lead to dismissal from the course.

Each section of questions coincides with your syllabus. Please refer to the syllabus for resources to answer the questions below.


1. What is MDMP and OODA Loop?

MDMP is (Military Decision Making Process) an Army seven-step process for military decision making in both tactical and garrison environments

OODA is refers to the decision cycle of observe, orient, decide, and act, developed by military strategist and USAF Colonel John Boyd. Boyd applied the concept to the combat operations process, often at the strategic level in military operations. It is now also often applied to understand commercial operations and learning processes.

2. Why do we contrast SPF to MDMP and OODA Loop for military leadership?

The SPF is similar to the other two in terms of programatic processess utilized to solve community issues.

3. Why is it important for a CD Leader to understand the level of Proficiency and what level their operators are?

Support to coalitions by the COP will depend on the level of proficiency of the operator. Also, levels of proficiency provide a professional roadmap for operators to become experts in the field.

4. List the national goals and major objectives of Civil Operations

• Expand and support civil operations that empower community coalitions to more effectively mitigate drug threats in domestic communities.

– (NGB Bridging Strategy Goal 2, Object 1 / Supports DASD CN&GT Strategic Goal 2, Objective 4)

• Expand and support civil operations that empower Partner Nation community coalitions to more effectively mitigate drug threats in Partner Nation communities.

– (NGB Bridging Strategy Goal 3, Object 1 / Supports DASD CN&GT Strategic Goal 3, Objective 18)

Major Objectives

Goal 1 – Domestic Mission

1. Increase communities served (output measures)

2. Increase quality of supports (output measures)

3. Force multiplier within state and federal prevention system (outcome measures)

4. Increase coalition capacity (outcome measures)

5. Improve community interventions (outcome measures)

6. Reduce rates of substance abuse / demand (long term outcome measures)

Goal 2 – Support to COCOMS

Major Objectives

1. Civil Operations direct support to Combatant Commands through State Partnership Program

2. Civil Operations Training Support to Combatant Commands (NGB Mission)

5. List the top 3 take-aways your CDC should know from this briefing.

1. Making community coalitions better at what they do

2. Providing support to community initiatives

3. Helping to build better inter-ageny partnerships.


1. When preparing, the facilitator should get the following information from the leader:

a. Find out goals / expectations of meeting

b. Size of group

c. Constraints (time, meeting area, confidentiality)

d. Resources (what does facilitator need to bring)

e. Logistics (bathrooms, refreshments, tables, etc)

2. Do you think there is any additional information not listed in the presentation that you should get from the leader (see question 1)? Think about possible roadblocks….

I would ask the leader the knowledge base the audience might have.

3. Mary, an active coalition member and an accountant who enjoys and is very capable of getting on the internet and mining data. She is also very connected in the community. Unfortunately, she is often ignored in meetings regarding community assessment and was not selected for the assessment workgroup because the group also has a statistician, an epidemiologist, and a professor from the university in the coalition who often dominate the coalition conversations and feel an accountant is not right for the assessment workgroup. This has stirred up some hostility in some members, including Mary. This situation represents what type of barrier to adult participation?

Limiting participation based on perceptions


Should all members of the coalition taken a skills inventory, those involve in selecting the assessment group would have noticed the additional skills Mary possess. Not just because someone has a tittle it means that they know it all. The most important part is to have the will and desire to take an active part of ad-hoc or sub-committees which Mary clearly had. This could lead to Mary losing her interest and eventually leaving the coalition affecting the coalition's sustainability.


1. Name 4 media methods listed in the presentation

a. Projector

b. Flip charts

c. Post-it charts

d. Item examples

2. Please think and identify 3 other possible visual aids/media methods.

a. Microphone

b. Posters

c. Objects

3. What do you think are the two most important points to remember from this presentation? Why?

Point 1 (why?) Accomplish the goals and objectives - effectiveness

Point 2 (why?) Always be prepared - know well the subject

4. Using the touch-turn-talk technique can help you avoid what sort of issues while instructing or presenting?

Prevents talking to the screen or visual aid / Forces the instructor to be prepared.

7. 500-2, Civil Operations October 2013 Policy Memorandum & Review Policy Memo PPT

1.  Please explain 500-2/ANGI10-801 Chapter 2 Counterdrug Support Program 2-1 Legal Considerations and Requirements (a)?

This section specifies the role of the NG CD Program and how requests for support should be processed. It also states that only missions specified in the Governor's State Plan will be conducted.

2.  Please explain 500-2/ANGI10-801 Chapter 2 / 2-4. Tort Liability© and why it’s important?

The FTCA (28 USC § 2671-2680) is applicable to National Guard members engaged in CD support, serving under Title 32 orders. Individuals whose property is lost, damaged or destroyed, or who suffer personal injury or death as a result of the negligent acts or omissions of National Guard members acting within the scope of their duties, may file a claim against the United States under the FTCA. National Guard members acting within the scope of their authority and performing approved support (listed in the Governor's State Plan and approved by the SECDEF) are immune from suit except for certain constitutional torts, i.e., when a negligent act or omission constitutes a violation of the constitutional rights of the injured party, including persons suspected of criminal activity, and certain intentional torts, such as assault and battery, false arrest and imprisonment. National Guard members engaged in CD support activities in a SAD status are entitled to the protections and immunities afforded by state law.

3.  Please explain 500-2/ANGI10-801 Chapter 2 Counterdrug Support Program 2-1 Legal Considerations and Requirements (3)(b).

An annual signed written request on agency letterhead is required when the requesting agency desires continuation of support for a full fiscal year (FY)

The National Guard will not support CD operations without a written request validated by the CDC or designated representative

4.  Which of the following best describes the 500-2 Drug Demand Reduction section 5-6 training requirement?

All states performing Drug Demand Reduction missions will ensure at least one person directly involved in the operation, planning, or training must attend the Civil Operations Specialist Course

All states performing Drug Demand Reduction missions will ensure that all new DDR’s go through phase I

All states performing Drug Demand Reduction missions will ensure that all DDR’s go through Civil Operations Specialist Course

DDR’s that have gone through Phase I & II are authorized to certify otherDDRmembers within their state

5.  Identify four key items in understanding policy regarding (MOU’s or MOA’s)?

a.  Required for more than 30 consecutive days of support

b.  Must be reviewdd by JAG

c.  Must be approved and signed by TAG, CDC, and LEA/CBO

d.  Interstate Operations/Agreements

6.  Identify three key items regarding asset forfeiture and asset sharing?

a.  State participation is voluntary at the discretion of TAG

b.  Items purchased with this funds will remain state's property and will not be accounted for on the USPFO property books.

c.  Federal appropriations cannot be augmented using funds derived from asset sharing.

7.  What is the primary Civil Operations mission according to the FY12PMD?

Civil Operations support to community coalitions.

8.  What are the Civil Operations mission categories according to the FY12PMD?

6A. EBPs / 6B. ABE / 6C. Coalition Support

9. According to the FY14 Civil Operations Program Policy Memorandum dated 1 October 2013, to help in data validation, events entered in FTSMCS must have (check all that apply)

Mission, personnel, equipment, and lodging values in whole dollar format

A document of proof downloaded with each event and signed by a coalition staff member

Qualitative statements in the Comments section of the event that effectively explains the quantitative information from the event

A process/outcome ratio inventory

10. Name the 5 documents required to be uploaded into FTSMCS with each mission:

a. Request Letter

b. Risk Assessment


d. KAIZEN and/or Coaching Report (if applicable)

e. Coalition's logic model or strategic plan

11. In the future, more documents may be required. Where would you go to find these additional requirements?

Civil Operations SOP


1. In your own words, describe the primary role of the Civil Operator.

The primary role of the Civil Operator is to serve as a facilitator to the coalition and to provide coaching and technical assistance in the coalition's essential processess of the SPF.

2. A Civil Operator should spend no more than ____ percent of his or her time in low priority missions such as 6a and 6b events, information booths, and red ribbon presentations


3. Which is not a step in the 6 steps of the Kaizen Coaching Process?

Present results and develop action plan

Review Planning Products

Analyze results and direct workgroup action

Initial coordination for assessment/reassessment

4. Before committing to a Kaizen assessment, why should a coalition commit to action beyond staff?

This statement is committing the “coalition” to take action. With many coalitions

we see full time staff taking the majority of the workload of the coalition. In the

Kaizen assessment it identifies participation and the most common reason for

participation to turn red is the full time staff completes the majority of the work.

5. What 5 documents should the coalition provide after agreeing to complete a Kaizen assessment?

•Community Assessment

•Logic Model

•Strategic and Action Plans

•Evaluation Plan

•Sustainability Plan


6. In your own words, describe an Intermediary role

An intermediary role would be coordinating a meeting between the coalition's president and an external resource.

7. SGT Johnson has been a Civil Operator for 3 months. He is currently enrolled in the Phase 1 distance learning and about 25% completed. Approximately 75% of his work is documented in FTSMCS as a “Participant”. About 15% is coordinator and the rest is divided between facilitation and event support. Is this okay? Why or why not? Use the Civil Operations SOP to guide your answer.

The maximum allowed time for participation in support roles is 35%. SGT Johnson should seek to complete his CO trainig to dedicate more time to coaching and technical assistance.

8. ABC Prevention Agency, a non-profit entity that supplies 1 full time staff member through Block Grant funding to a DFC coalition sends you a request letter on ABC Prevention Agency letterhead requesting support to Hogginsville Community Coalition. The fiscal agent for the DFC grant is the Hogginsville Community School District, who (through the DFC Grant funding) also provides one full time staff member.

Who is the lead agency: The lead agency is the Hogginsville Community Coalition

Who is/are the supporting agency(s): ABC Prevention Agency and Hogginsville Community School District

Where did you find the information to decide who is the lead agency? COP SOP

9. How long does a Civil Operator have after the Kaizen Assessment has been implemented to upload it into FTSMCS?

14 days

10. Prior to implementing any strategies in the strategic and action plans, a logic model should be created to measure processes and outcomes.

9. Prevention Organizations and Structure: Federal, State, and Local

1.  What are the 4SAMHSACenters?

a.  CSAP

b.  CAPT



2.  What region ofCAPTdoes your state/territory fall in? Who is the Resource Team Coordinator and who is theSAMHSARegional Administrator for your state?

State: Puerto Rico

Region: II

Resource Team Coordinator: Ms Iris Smith

SAMHSARegional Administrator: Mr Dennis O. Romero

3.  Who is your state’sNPNContact?

Ms. Julia Delgado

4.  Who is your state’sSSAContact and what organization is the Single State Agency?

5.  What is the basic purpose ofNASADAD?

6.  As a Civil Operator, you want more information aboutSPF-SIGgrantees in your state. Who would you contact and why?

7.  What is the National Coalition Institute and who provides this training?

10. Coalitions and Partnerships in Community Health (Frances Dunn Butterfoss)

Chapter 1

1.  What are the similarities and differences between coalitions and associations?



2.  How do the community organization’s approaches used by modern health coalitions differ from those used by coalitions developed to establish trade unions or promote civil rights?

3.  Describe Alinsky’s six tenets of community organizing.

4.  Define the following terms from your reading:

a.  Community development

b.  Citizen participation

c.  Community Capacity

d.  Community Competence

Chapter 2

1.  What factors characterize collaborative relationships as they move across a continuum from networking to full collaboration?

2.  How does collaboration change the way organizations work together?

3.  What are the key characteristics of community coalitions?

4.  Define the following terms (in your own words) from your reading: