Our team has carried out a survey to analyze the students’ habits connected to school, music, fashion, technology and food.

We have considered two different periods of time, today and twenty-five years ago and we have compared them.

To realize our project we have prepared two questionnaires, one about today and another about the past, with eleven questions each.

We have involved in the survey twenty-two students in our school and ten parents who attended our school in the 80’s.

What follows is the outcome, together with some details about music styles and fashion.


1. Do you take tech-objects like a portable media player or your mobile phone at school?

a. Yes, always

b. No, never

c. Sometimes

d. Only if in need

2. Do you use tech-objects during lessons?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Sometimes

d. Only in exceptions

3. Do you listen to music during the break?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Sometimes

d. Often

4. What type of music do you listen to?

a. Pop

b. House

c. Rock/ Metal

d. Other: ……………………………..

5. What do you eat and drink during the break?

a. Snacks from the machines

b. Fresh Fruit

c. Drinks from the machines

d. I don’t eat or drink anything

6. When you have afternoon school hours, where do you eat?

a. In the canteen

b. I go back home

c. I go to a bar or a restaurant

d. Other: ……………………………

7. How do you dress to go to school?

a. Whatever, the first thing I find in the wardrobe

b. With accuracy I choose the nicest clothes making sure of the combination

c. I think about it in the morning, without much care

d. I don’t care how I dress

8. Do you wear make-up at school? (women)

a. Yes, always

b. No, never

c. Sometimes

d. It depends on the occasion

9. Do you like today’s fashion?

a. Yes

b. No

c. I preferred the old style

d. I love this fashion and I didn’t like the old one

10. Do you think students from 25 years ago had different habits to yours?

a. Yes, of course

b. No

c. Obviously, even if there are similarities

d. Yes and no, I think some things have changed

11. If so, which ones:

a. Fashion/ music

b. The way they see school, and the habits related to it

c. The society in general

d. Other: ………………………………………………….


  1. Most students answered “yes, always ” to the first question. The remainders only sometimes take them or ifneeded.
  1. The second question is linked to the first and asks if the students use tech-objects at school. It appears that most of the pupils use them, even if there is a minimum difference between them and the ones who don’t.
  1. Most students don’t listen to music during the break; someone sometimes does.
  1. Many students listen to almost any type of music. A great many of them is attracted by rock and metal but also by rap; straight after them we find house music and, for a minority, pop music.
  1. During the break students can buy snacks and drinks from the machines, so most of them do. Not many eat fresh fruit and others don’t eat or drink anything at all.
  1. Students that have afternoon lessons: most go back home to have lunch; students who live in towns further away often eat in bars or in restaurants or, the most fortunate, at some relatives house.
  1. Most of the students answered “I think about it in the morning, without much care” ; followed by “whatever”; only few decide with accuracy the best clothes and take care over every combination.
  1. The girls were asked a question on make-up. There was a small difference between those who don’t wear make-up (the majority) and those who do. Some girls answered to wear make-up “only sometimes”.
  1. The majority of students loves these days fashion, while some prefer the old one. A few answered that they don’t like today’s fashion.
  1. Many teenagers think that students of 25 years ago had different habits from today’s; others think there are common elements between the two periods and some others say nothing has changed, or only a little.
  1. Those who in the previous question answered positively specified that, for them, the entire society has changed, even the way of seeing school and the related habits. Even music and fashion are two elements that in the course of years have changed a lot.

Class 3^ B Ragioneria


  1. Did you speak a lot about music and fashion at school?
  2. Often
  3. Never
  4. Sometimes
  5. Rarely
  1. Do you think it is better to live in the current society or the one of 25 years ago?
  2. Better today’s, more technology and opportunities for the younger generation
  3. Better yesterday’s, less technology and more dialogue
  4. In some aspects the society of 25 years ago, while for others the current
  5. Other: …………………………………….
  1. With which means did you organize to meet up?
  2. Phone box
  3. Landline
  4. Letters
  5. Other: ……………………………………..
  1. What kind of music did you listen to?
  2. Rock
  3. Country
  4. Disco
  5. Other: …………………………………..
  1. What did you eat and drink during the break?
  2. Fresh Fruit
  3. Drinks
  4. Food from home
  5. Other: ……………………………………
  1. When you had afternoon school hours, where did you used to eat?
  2. In the canteen
  3. At home
  4. In a bar or in a restaurant
  5. Other: ……………………………………….
  1. How did you used to dress to go to school?
  2. There was a uniform
  3. Following the fashion
  4. As your parents wanted you to
  5. Other: ………………………………………
  1. Did you wear make-up at school? (women)
  2. Yes, always
  3. No, never
  4. Sometimes
  5. It dependedon the occasion
  1. Did you like the fashion of 25 years ago?
  2. Yes
  3. No
  4. I prefer today’s
  5. I love today’s and I didn’t like the old fashion
  1. Do you think students of the twentieth century have different habits than the ones of 25 years ago?
  2. Yes, of course
  3. No
  4. Obviously, even if there are similarities
  5. Yes and no, I think some things have changed
  1. If so, which ones:
  2. Fashion/ Music
  3. The way of life and things related to it
  4. The society in general
  5. Other: …………………………………………………….


  1. With the first question we understand that also twenty-five years ago students used to speak about music even if It wasn’t the main conversation topic.
  1. With the second question we understand that some parents think that “yesterday’s” society was better than today’s because there were less technologies and more chances to speak; for others instead, there are positive and negative elements in both societies, you just have to be able to go with the time.
  1. Twenty-five years ago there weren’t any cellphones like today, so people would use the landline to arrange to meet.
  1. Music styles in the 80’s were typically rock, country and disco.
  1. During the break they used to eat food brought from home, particularly sandwiches or cakes.
  1. When the students had to go back to school in the afternoon, either they used to go home or they went to a bar or restaurant for lunch. For many of them the school cafeteria was very useful.
  1. Regarding clothes, some students say that they used to get dressed according to the fashion of the moment or they would simply wear jeans and a t-shirt. Others affirm that they would wear according to their parents’ wishes.
  1. Women who answered to the question about the make-up say that they hardly ever went to school with make-up on.
  1. Some parents feel part of the fashion style of 25 years ago, while for others today’s fashion is better.
  1. Some parents think that we, students of the twenty-first century, have very different habits from theirs in the 80’s; others instead say that there are some elements in common; they are different but not too far apart.
  1. All the ex-students put these changes down to society.

A class of the 80s