EMMIT 2013


Medical Informatics and Telemedicine

9th International Conference

e-Health and Telemedicine

for scientific and social development in Mediterranean Countries

October21-23, 2013

Polydisciplinary Faculty of Nador (Morocco)

Organized by

International Institute of TeleMedicine –IITM

& The Polydisciplinary Faculty of Nador

With the patronage of

The Moroccan Ministry of Health

in partnership with

The Euromeditterranean Medical Informatics and Telemedicine Association - EMMIT

The Moroccan Society of Telemedicine & eHealth – MSfTeH

The International Society of Telemedicine & eHealth – IsfTeH

The University Mohammed Premier -UMP

The Faculty of Medicine & Pharmacy of Oujda

The Faculty of Medicine & Pharmacy of Fes

with the support of


Monday, October 21

8.30 Tutorial and Conference registration

8.45-13.30 Tutorials

Preconference Tutorial on: Knowledge Engineering in Medicine and Health Care / Preconference Workshop on :
GNU Health / Tutorial on :
Medical Information
Prof. Salem Abdel-Badeeh M / Mr. El Kafil Abdrahman / Dr. Ghazal Hassan
Introduction to Artificial intelligence
Case-Based Expert Systems
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Databases
Ontological Engineering / Free Health and Hospital Information System for :
-Electronic Medical Record
-Hospital Information System
-Health Information system / -Information Sources
- Searching Tools

14.30 Opening Ceremony

- Hassan Ghazal, Local chair, University Mohammed First, Morocco

-Prof. Francesco Sicurello, President of the Conference

-Prof. Sadok Abdelaziz, President of the Universty Mohammed First

-Prof. El Hammouti Mimoun, Dean of the Pluridisciplinary Faculty of Nador

-Local Authority representative

-Regional Representative in Nador of the Ministry of Health

-Dr. Boudak Ahmed, Director of Hospitals, Ministry of Health

-Prof. Azzouzi Abderrahim, Dean of The Faculty of Medicine of Oujda

-Prof. ElAzami Elidrissi Mohammed, representative of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Fes

-Mr. Amhay Abdelkader, head of the Department of Informartics and Methods, Ministry of Health

-Dr. Cherradi Hanae, Vice-President of the Moroccan Society of Telemedicine and eHealth

-Representative of the International Society of Telemedicine and eHealth

-Dr. Kaddar Samir, President of the Moroccan MDs Abroad organisation

-Mr. El Kafil Abderrahman, GNU Health Solidario representative

-Mrs. Christine W. Kanyengo, The Network ofAfricanMedical Librarians

-Mrs.Yolanda Aldón, Honoray Citizen of Chefchaouen Poet of “the two sides”

15.45 Special Session with Keynote speakers

- Francesco Sicurello (President of IITM, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy)

- Salem Abdel-Badeeh M. (Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt)

- Najeeb Al-Shorbaji (WHO, Geneve) - by teleconference

17.30 Poster Communication

18.30  Welcome

Tuesday, October 22

09.00 Session I: Medical Data Bases and Health Information Systems (Chair: H. Ghazal)

-  Building a Moroccan Database for Colon Cancer; Imane Allali1, Saaïd Amzazi1, Afaf Amarti4, Karim Ouldim4, Noureddine Boukhatem2, Hassan Ghazal2,3 (1Laboratory of Biochemistry & Immunology, Faculty of Sciences of Rabat, Morocco. 2Laboratory of Genetics & Biotechnology, Faculty of Sciences of Oujda, Morocco, 3Polydisciplinary Faculty of Nador, University Mohammed Premier, Nador, Morocco, 4University Hospital Center Hassan II, 30000 Fez, Morocco)

-  Towards an information system for a Moroccan newborn screening program; Souad Chaqsare1, Sanaa Tok2, Mohammed Saouifi2, Fejjal Zakaria3, Diouane Fatima-Zohra3, Afaf Amarti4, Karim Ouldim4, Noureddine Boukhatem6, Swapna Abhyankar5, Hassan Ghazal6,7 (1Informatics Unit, National Institute of Hygiene, Rabat, Morocco, 2Department of Biochemistry/Hematology, National Institute of Hygiene, Rabat, Morocco, 3 High-techMoroccan School of Computer Engineering, Rabat, Morocco, 4 University Hospital Center Hassan II, 30000 Fez, Morocco, 5National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA, 6Laboratory of Genetics & Biotechnology, Faculty of Sciences of Oujda, Morocco, 7Polydisciplinary Faculty of Nador, University Mohammed Premier, Nador, Morocco)

-  Information system for instant diagnosis of the stage of neuroblastoma and evaluation of treatment efficacy; Andriy Gusynin, Julia Antonova-Rafi, Valery Orel, Hanna Selezneva (National Technical University of Ukraine „KPI, Kyiv, Ukraine)

-  Management of Urolithiasis in the Gharb Chrarda Bni Hssen Area (Morocco); M. Chakit1, A. Zahir2, A. Fethi2, A. Sadiq2, A. Aqira3, A. Elhessni1, A. Ouichou1, B. Benazzouz1, A. Mesfioui1 (1Laboratory of Genetics, Neuroendocrinology and Biotechnology, Faculty of Sciences, Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra, Morocco, 2Surgical Departemnt, CHR IDRISSI Kenitra, Morocco, 3Lithotripsy Centre, Anoual clinical, Kenitra, Morocco)

-  Emergency Medical Data Management through an Enhanced Cloud-based Push Messaging Mechanism; Vassiliki Koufi, Flora Malamateniou, George Vassilacopoulos (Department of Digital Systems, University of Piraeus, Greece)

-  Medical informatics and eHealth in Mali; 1Tidiani Togola, 1,2Ousmane LY, 1,2Seydou Doumbia (1National Agency for eHealth and Medical Informatics, 2University of Bamako – USTTB - Mali)

10.45 Coffee Break

11.00 Session II: intelligent Systems and Internet e-Health (Chair: Al-Dahoud Ali)

-  Fractal Geometry in medicine; Kaoutar Lamrini Ouahabi, Mohammed Atounti (Polydisciplinary Faculty of Nador, Morocco)

-  Computer Application for sentinel surveillance of nosocomial infection; Chaqsare Souad, Quasmaoui Aicha, Menane Zakaria, Charof Reda, Cherkaoui Imad, Rhajaoui Mohammed (National Institute of Hygiene, Rabat, Morocco)

-  Building the Libyan National EHR; Ahmed Elbousify (Tripoli University, Tripoli Children Hospital, Libya), Anuj Mishra (Attasami Diagnostic Services Clinic Tripoli, Libya), Mounir Mostafa (Yashfeen Clinic, Tripoli, Libya)

-  Short Message Service (SMS) Applications for Diseases Prevention and Awareness in Palestine; Asma H Sbeih, Haitham. W Hijazi (University Palestine al-Ahlya University, PAU Bethlehem, Palestine)

-  The Staffing of a PACS Administration Team; Christian Axiak (Mater Dei Hospital, Malta)

-  Nursing and healthcare on Wikipedia; Francesco Tarantini (Fondazione IRCCS National Institute of Cancer, Milan, Wikimedia IT), Miriam Magri, Luisa Pancheri, Rabia Elmouttali, Angela Vittorina Restaini, Edoardo Tulli Baldoin (Fondazione IRCCS National Institute of Cancer, Milan Italy), James M Heilman (East Kootenay Regional Hospital, Cranbrook, University of British Columbia, Canada), Ilario Valdelli Wikimedia CH Switzerland)

13.00 Lunch Break

14.00 Session III: Telemedicine and mobile Health (Chair: S. Abdel-Badeeh M.)

-  An economic analysis of telemedicine system in Kuwait: An estimated study for overseas treatment patients; Ali Buabbas (Ministry of Health, Kuwait), Hamza Alshawaf (Kuwait University, Kuwait)

-  Telemedicine Services, In PID, Allergy and Radiology Diagnosis; Ahmed Elbousify(Tripoli University, Tripoli Children Hospital, Libya), Anuj Mishra (Altasami Diagnostic Services Clinic Tripoli, Libya), Mounir Mostafa (Yashfeen Clinic, Tripoli, Libya)

-  Telemedicine Applications in Managing Health Programs at Hotels and Camps on the Island of Losinj in Croatia; A. Margan Šulc, D. Plavec, N. Miculinić, J. Mose, T. Funarić, N. Garić, D. Jakovljević (Virtual Polyclinic, Mali Losinj, Croatia)

-  International multi-centre data gathering to create a database and a radiological software to be used for differential diagnosis of brain lesions of suspected infectious origin; Zennaro F.*, Grosso D.*, Zanon D*., Minuzzo T.**, Casalino A.*, Maximova N.* (*Institute for Maternal and Child Health - IRCCS “Burlo Garofolo”- Trieste, **CNR Venice)

-  Mobile Healthcare Management System for Diabetes; Asma H Sbeih (Palestine University/PAU Bethlehem)

-  Smartphone-based MobileTeledermatology; Mohamed A. ElBashier1, Adil Hamid Hassan Bashir2 and Faisal M. Fadlelmola1, 3, 4,* (1Faculty of Computer Science, Future University, Khartoum, Sudan, 2Dermatology Department, El-Waha Medical Centre, Khartoum, Sudan, 3Centre for Bioinformatics, Future University, Khartoum, Sudan, 4Asmara College of Health Sciences, School of Allied Health Professions, Asmara, Eritrea)

15.45 Coffee Break

16.00 Session IV: Devices, Telemonitoring, e-Care and AAL (Chair: F. Sicurello)

-  Prototype X73-PHD 3-LEAD ECG Device for Personal HealthCare; Igor N. Korsakov, Sergey M. Kuptsov, Denis Raznometov, Valentin Feklistov, Maxim Sumskoy (National Research University High School of Economics, Moscow, Russia)

-  Teleconsultation perspective for cardiovascular patients in Saudi Arabia – pilot study; Naif Almotiri (Ministry of Health, Saudi Arabia, Brunel University, London, U. K.)

-  Study and Implementation of a Network Point Health Smart Home Electrocardiographic; Hamlil Nabila, Benabdellah Mohammed (Tlemcen University, Tlemcen, Algeria)

-  Telemonitoring of Three Characteristic Parameters of Acoustics vocal signal in patients with Tumor or Inflammatory chronic dysphonia; Abdelouahed Sara, Benabdellah Mohammed, Aounallah Sid Ahmed (Tlemcen University, Tlemcen, Algeria)

-  TeleCare for Diabetes and Diabetic Retinopathy; Alessandro Donzelli, Francesco Sicurello (University of Milan Bicocca, Italy, IITM)

-  Towards the Definition of a Multi-Agent Architecture For Ambient Assisted Living: The Virtual Carer Project; Paolo Sernani, Andrea Claudi, Luca Palazzo, Gianluca Dolcini, Aldo Franco Dragoni (University Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy)

20.00 Social dinner

Wednesday, October 23

09.00 Session V: ICT projects, Computer interfaces and Support systems (Chair: G. Mauri)

-  The Idea of an International Project for Developing Expert Systems for Planning the Choice of Healthy Food for Elderly People; Abdel-Badeeh M. Salem (Ain Shams University, Egypt), Al-Dahoud Ali (Al-Zaytoonah University, Jordan)

-  Formalizing harmony rules for nutrition counseling; Balázs Pintér, Balázs Gaál, István Vassányi (University of Pannonia, Veszprém, Hungary)

-  Amazigh Speech Recognition and characteristics of people with pathological voice; Hassan Satori (1, 2), Safae Elouahabi (1) (1):Mohammed Premier University, Nador, 2): Sidi Mohamed Ben Abbdallah University, Fez - Morocco)

-  Brain-Computer interface systems in the rehabilitation of chronic stroke patients with no cognitive impairments; Giulia Cisotto, Francesco Piccione, Silvano Pupolin (University of Padua, Italy)

-  Clinical Avatars for Breast Cancer Prediction in the Moroccan Population; Yassine ouilmi1,4, Hassan Ghazal2,3, Saaid Amzazi1, Noureddine Boukhatem2, Peter J. Tonellato4 (1Faculty of Sciences of Rabat, 2Faculty of Sciences of Oujda, Morocco, 3Polydisciplinary Faculty of Nador, University Mohammed Premier, Nador, Morocco, 4Center for Biomedical Informatics, Boston, MA, USA)

10.45 Coffee Break

11.00 Session VI: Bioinformatics, Modelling and data mining (Chair: M. EL AZAMI EL IDRISSI)

-  Low Prevalence of p.G352fsdelG Mutation in Phenylketonuria Patients from Morocco; Fatima Zahra Laarabi, Afaf Lamzouri, Ilham Ratbi , Abdelaziz Sefiani (Université Mohamed V Souissi, Rabat, Institut National d’Hygiène, Rabat) Amina Barkat (Centre National de Référence en Néonatologie et en Nutrition, Rabat, Morocco)

-  The Moroccan Genetic Disease Database (MGDD): A Country-Specific Database for DNA Variations related to Inherited Disorders and Multifactorial Diseases; Hicham Charoute, Halima Nahili, Omar Abidi, Khalid Gabi, Hassan Rouba, Abdelhamid Barakat (Institut Pasteur du Maroc, Casablanca, Morocco), Malika Fakiri (Université Hassan I, Settat,Morocco)

-  Algorithm for Gene Selection using within and between Replicates Comparisons; Kaissi Ooufae1, Singh Raj2, Moussa Ahmed3 (1Adbelmalek Essaadi University, Tangier, Morocco, 2Jaypee University of Information and Technology, Solan, H.P., India, 3University of Poitiers, France)

-  Modeling and Simulation of the Blood Coagulation Cascade; Matteo Bellini, Giancarlo Mauri, Marco S. Nobile (University of Milano Bicocca),, Daniela Besozzi (University of Milan), Paolo Cazzaniga (University of Bergamo, Italy)

-  GT- DB –GPU: Gene Tracer for fast scanning of sequence databases on graphics processing units; Mohamed Issa1, Hitham M. Abo Bakr1, Ahmed Mansour Alzohairy2, Julie D. Thompson3 (1Faculty of Engineering, Zagazig University, Egypt., 2Genetics Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Zagazig University, Egypt, 3Institute of Genetics and Molecular and Cellular Biology, Illkirch, France)

-  EG Gel Analyzer: Advanced clustering Algorithms for analysis of DNA and protein Gel Images; Riham Alewadi1, Ahmed M. Alzohairy2,3, Wael M. Khedr1 (1Faculty of science, Zagazig university, 2Faculty of Agriculture, Zagazig University, 3Egyptian Center of Bioinformatics And Genomics- ECBAG, Zagazig University, Egypt)

12.45 Conclusion, remarks and towards EMMIT 2014 (Greece)


-  Prototype 5-LEAD ECG Device for Personal Health-Care; Igor Korsakov, Sergey Kuptsov (National Research Institute High School of Economics, Moscow, Russia)

-  Improving of the operation algorithms and software of information system “AriadiCa” for monitoring ECG (Holter monitoring); Valery Antonov , Julia Antonova-Rafi (National Technical University of Ukraine „KPI)

-  The perception and plans for implementation of e-health solutions among hospital managers in Poland; Mariusz Duplaga, Marcin Grysztar (Jagiellonian University Medical College, Krakow, Poland)

-  Genomic Analysis of Predicted Proteomes and Phylogeny Study of Mycobacterial Strains; Fathiah Zakham1,2, Othmane Aouane3, David Ussery4, Mohamed Elmzibri5 and Moulay Mustapha Ennaji2 (1 :Laboratory of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences. Hodiedah, Yemen, 2 :Laboratory of virology, Hygiene and Microbiology, Faculty of Sciences & Techniques. Mohammedia, Morocco, 3: Experimental physik, Universität des Saarlandes, Postfach 151150, 66041 Saarbrücken, Germany, 4: Center for Biological Sequence Analysis, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark, 5. Unité de Biologie et Recherches Médicales, Centre National de l’Energie, des Sciences et Techniques Nucléaires- Rabat- Morocco)

-  Exploring the origin of hybrid biological sequences using GPU; Mohamed Issa (Faculty of Engineering, Zagazig University, Egypt)

Scientific Committee

Chairman: Francesco Sicurello (President of IITM, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy)

Co-chairs: Salem Abdel-Badeeh M. (Ain Shams University, Cairo-Egypt (Egypt); Hassan Ghazal (MsfTeH, University Mohammed First, Morocco)


Mohamed Abd-allah (Egypt)

Raouf Alami (Morocco)

Tayseer Al-Shanableh (Turkey)

Najeeb Al-Shorbaji (WHO, Geneve)

Christian Axiak (Malta)

Essam Ayad (Egypt)

Valentina E. Balas (Romania)

Manana Beruchashvili (Georgia)

Paul Bezzina (Malta)

Marcello Bracale (Italy)

Zoran Dogas (Croatia)

Zouheir El Imad (Lebanon)

Aziz El Matri (Tunisia)

Yamna Ettarres (Tunisia)

Veska Georgieva (Bulgaria)

Florin Gorunescu (Romania)

Johnny Heubri (Lebanon)

Vesna Ilakovac (Croatia)

Novak Jaucokic (Montenegro)

Okba Kazar (Algeria)

Janis Keklikoglou (Greece)

Hoda Khachan Abi Khalil (Lebanon)

Alda Kika (Albania)

Vassiliki Koufi (Greece)

Anamarija Margan (Croatia)

Sana Daya Marini (Lebanon)

Polina Mihova (Bulgaria)?

Ioana Moisil (Romania)

Valérie Monfort (Tunisia)

Josè Luis Monteagudo Pena (Spain)

Efstratia Mourtou(Greece)

Ahmed Moussa (Morocco)

Elena Nechita (Romania)

Klimis Ntalianis (Greece)

Zahraa Noureddine (Lebanon)

Iman Osta (Lebanon)

George Pangalos (Greece)
Immacolata Pannone (Italy)

Simion Pruna (Romania)

El Ouazzani Rajae (Morocco)

Mohamed Roushdy (Egypt)

Andrei Selkov (Russia)

Ghassan Shahrour (Syria)

Christina G. Siontorou (Greece)

Valery Stolyar (Russia)

Peter Tonellato (Morocco)

Oswaldo Trelles (Spain)

Sami Turki (Tunisia)

Nikolay Tverdokhlebov (Russia)

Anton Vladzymyrsky (Ukraine)

Tatjana Zrimec (Slovenia)


Organizing Committee

Chair: Hassan Ghazal (MsfTeH, University Mohammed First, Morocco)

Mohamed Abd-allah (Senior expert of ITU, Egypt); Patrizia Magretti, Alessandro Donzelli (IITM: International Institute of Tele-Medicine)

e-mail: ; Website: http://www.msfteh.org/telemed2013/