Personal Information

Name: ------

Date of Birth: ------

CNIC: ------

City: ------

District: ------

Province: ------

Mobile: ------

Tel: ------

Email: ------

Address: ------

Marital Status:

Single MarriedWidow Divorced Separated


No of children: ------

Husband’s Qualification: ------

Husband’s Job Status: Govt. Employee Private Employee Self employed
Unemployed Other, please specify------


Engaged Not interested at this time Waiting for a suitable match

If other, please specify------

Academic Qualification

Highest Degree TitleYear


Major Field of Study: ------

Area of Specialization: ------

Professional Information

Are you employed at present: Yes No

Employed at present:

Job Type: Govt. Employee Private Employee

Job Status: Permanent Contract Daily Wages

Internee Free Lancer/Self Employed

Organization Name: ------

Designation: ------

Grade/Scale: ------

Work Experience: ------

Are you satisfied with current job? Yes No

You current job:

is your job of interest is easyto manage with family responsibilities is the only available opportunity at present has better salary package
has friendly work environment is as per family norms/ culture

If other, please specify------

You are not satisfied, because:

not your job of interest has unfriendly workplace environment heavy workload long working hours lack of support/encouragement have to bear discriminatory attitude at workplace harassment at workplace

assignments conflicting with family responsibilities/child care

If other, please specify------

Do you feel that your professional growth is not as much as compared to men?

Yes No Uncertain

Do you feel that men do not like to be supervised by women?

Yes No Uncertain

Have you ever sacrificed your personal goals to achieve your professional goals?

Yes No Uncertain

Have you ever let pass your professional opportunities for your family/child care/household responsibilities?

Yes No Uncertain

What are the main reasons of doing job?

to become financially independent to make use of education for self satisfaction

to earn an equal place with men in society to support family

Not employed at present:

You have worked

never worked but resigned/left job temporarily worked but resigned/left job
permanently trying to find a job

You are not working because

not interested in job child care/Family responsibilities not permitted by family

didn’t find job of interest not confident enough to work fear of workplace harassment

conveyance and Locality issues

If other, please specify------

Do you think that there are less career opportunities for women in Science and Technology?

Yes No Uncertain

Do you think that due to more family responsibilities women cannot excel inScience and Technology related careers

Yes No Uncertain

What are the study limitations for women who want to pursue science/technology degrees?

Discouragement for science education Financial Problems

Non- availability of science/technology education in local educational institutes

Non- availability of science/technology teachers in local educational institutes

Co-education in higher education institutes for science/technology

Early marriages

If other please specify………………………………………………………..

Do you feel that women are able to avail less opportunities for professional growth/trainings then men in science/technology related careers?

Yes No Uncertain

Do you think that career counseling is necessary for graduate students for pursuing science and technology careers?

Yes No Uncertain

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