Graduating Students, Graduate Student Version

Survey of Texas A&M Graduating Students

Section 1 Common entry for all students.

Demographics (obtained from master panel, invisible to respondents)

° gender

° class

° college

° major

° visa status

What degree will you receive? (Baccalaureates skip to graduating senior questions, Masters and Doctorals skip to masters and doctoral questions

° B.A.

° B.S.

° B.B.A.

° B.Ed

° B.L.A.

° M.A.

° M.S

° M.A.B.

° M.Agr

° M.Arch


° M.B.A.

° M.C.S

° M.Ed

° M.Eng

° M.F.SC.

° M.Gisc

° M.I.D.

° M.I.A.

° M.L.A.

° M.N.R.D.

° M.P.S.A.

° M.R.E.

° M.R.R.D.

° M.U.P.

° M.W.M..

° M.W.SC.

° Ed.D

° D.Eng

° Ph.D


Masters and Doctoral student questions

Section 2. Area of Study

1. Please indicate your area of study.
Drop down menu of areas of study

[All respondents]

Section 3. Learning outcomes of graduate education

Section 4. Questions for graduates of specific colleges or departments

[Asked of graduates in appropriate departments]

Section 5. Expectations Following Graduation

21. Do you plan to start a family after graduation?

° Yes, immediately

° Yes, but not for a few years

° No, I've already started my family

° No definite plans

22. What plans do you have for further education after graduation?

° Post-doctoral training (doctoral students only)[go to section 6]

° Graduate or professional school full time[go to 23]

° Graduate or professional school part time[go to 23]

° Pursue another Bachelor's degree[go to 24]

° Specialized job training or certification[go to 34]

° No educational plans for the immediate future[go to 34]

23. What are your plans for graduate or professional school?

° I have been accepted to a professional school (e.g., law, business, library, medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, etc.) and plan to attend.[go to 25]

° I have applied to a professional school and am still waiting for a final decision.[go to 25]

° I intend to apply to a professional school in the future.[go to 34]

° I have been accepted to an allied health professions school(e.g.,nursing, medical technology, physicians assistant, etc.) and plan to attend.[go to 27]

° I have applied to an allied health professions school and am still awaiting a final decision [go to 27]

° I intend to apply to an allied health professions school in the future.[go to 34]

° I have been accepted to graduate school (M.S., M.A., Ph.D, Ed.D.) and plan to attend.[go to 29]

° I have applied to graduate school and am still awaiting a final decision [go to 29]

° I intend to apply to graduate school in the future.[go to 34]

Other (please specify ) ______[go to 34]

24. If you pursue another bachelor's degree, in what field and institution?

Field, Institution ______[go to 33]

25. What type of professional school will you be attending?

° Business school

° Dental school

° Journalism school

° Law school

° Library school

° Medical school

° Optometry school

° Pharmacy school

° Psychology school

° Public health school

° Public policy school

° Veterinary school

° Other (Please specify) ____

26. Which institution?

Name, Location ______[go to 32]

27. What type of allied health professional school will you be attending?

° Athletic training

° Cardiovascular perfusion technology

° Cytotechnology

° Dental hygiene

° Diagnostic medical sonography

° Dietetics

° Emergency medical sciences

° Health administration

° Health information management

° Medical technology

° Nuclear medicine technology

° Nursing

° Occupational therapy

° Physical therapy

° Physician assistant

° Radiation therapy technology

° Radiography

° Rehabilitation counseling

° Respiratory therapy

° Respiratory therapy technology

° Speech-language pathology and audiology

° Other (Please specify) ____

28. What institution?

Name, Location ______[go to 32]

29. In which field(s) do you plan to pursue a Master's Degree or Doctorate degree? Check all that apply.


Master's / Doctorate
Agricultural Sciences
Natural Resources
Area, Ethnic and Cultural Studies
Marketing Operations
Communication, Journalism and Related Programs
Communications Technologies
Computer and Information Sciences
Personal and Culinary Services
Foreign Languages and Literatures
Family and Consumer Sciences
Home Economics
Legal Studies
English and Literature
Liberal Arts General Studies (
Library Science
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Mathematics and Statistics
Military Technologies
Interdisciplinary Studies
Parks, Recreation, Leisure and Fitness Studies
Philosophy and Religious Studies
Theology and Religious Studies
Physical Sciences
Science Technologies
Security Services
Public Administration
Social Sciences (Anthropology, Economics, International Relations, Political Science, Sociology, Urban Studies)
Construction Trades
Mechanical and Repair Technologies
Precision Production
Visual and Performing Arts
Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences (Medicine, Dentistry, Health Services, Allied Health, Nursing, Public Health, etc.)
Business Management

30. My area is not listed

° Other Master's ______

° Other Doctorate ______

31. If you have been accepted into a graduate program, please tell us which institution.

Institution Name, Location, Department ______

32. Is this field related to your graduate area of study?

° Yes, same field

° Yes, related field

° No, not related

33. Do plan to work full or part time while pursuing your degree?

° Yes, I expect to work as a teaching or research assistant in my graduate program[go to section 6]

° Yes, I expect to find a job at the institution[go to section 6]

° Yes, I expect to work full time outside the institution[next]

° Yes, I expect to work part time outside the institution[next]

° No, I do not plan to work while in graduate school[go to section 6]

34. What are your employment plans after graduation?

° Nothing definite at this point[go to section 6]

° Private for-profit corporation/company/group-practice[next]

° Self-employed, own business, or professional practice (non-group)[next]

° Government (non-military) or other public institution or agency[go to 36]

° Teaching, library or educational administration[go to 37]

° Active military[go to 38]

° Volunteer with a government (Peace Corps, Americorps), faith-based, or international organization[go to 39]

° Other (Please specify) ______[go to 39]

35. Which business/industry sector will you most likely be employed in?

° Architecture and engineering

° Arts, design, entertainment, sports and media

° Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance

° Business and financial/accounting

° Community and social services

° Computer and mathematical

° Construction and extraction

° Energy

° Environmental

° Farming, fishing and forestry

° Food preparation and serving related

° Healthcare/medical

° Homemaker

° Law enforcement

° Legal

° Life, physical, and social sciences

° Management

° Marketing and sales

° Office and administrative support

° Personal care and service

° Training and personnel

° Transportation

° Other (Please specify) ______[go to 39]

36. What branch of government/service?

° U.S. Federal

° U.S. State

° U.S. Local

° Foreign (non-U.S.) government

° Non-governmental organization (NGO)[go to 39]

37. At what level do you plan to teach/work? (check all that apply)

° Pre-school/Day care

° Private elementary/intermediate

° Public elementary/intermediate

° Private junior high/high school

° Public junior high/high school

° Vocational/technical

° College/university

° Adult education/training[go to 39]

38. What branch of military service?

° U.S. Army

° U.S. Navy/Marine Corps

° U.S. Air Force

° U.S. Coast Guard

° Other National Military (please specify country and service) ______[go to 39]

39. How well do you think your academic program prepared you for the job market?

° Very well

° Generally well

° Ambivalent

° Inadequate

° Very inadequate

40. Have you received any offers of employment after graduation?

° yes[next]

° no[go to section 6]

41. How many offers did you receive?

° 0

° 1

° 2

° 3

° 4

° 5

° more than 5

42. How important were university resources such as the Career Center in helping you to find a job?

° Essential

° Very important

° Ambivalent

° Somewhat important

° Not important

43. What was the salary range of the highest offer you received?

° $30,000/year or less

° $30,001 to $40,000/year

° $40,001 to $50,000/year

° $50,001 to $60,000/year

° more than $60,000/year

44. In what state will you be employed?

° Drop down list of states

45. How likely is it that your job will require travel or relocation outside the United States in the next five years?

° Very likely

° Likely

° Unlikely

° Definitely not

46. Is your prospective position related to your graduate field(s) of study?

° Yes, same field

° Yes, related field

° No, not related

° Not applicable (unemployed, etc.)

Section 6. Previous International Experience

47. Have you lived, studied, or worked outside of the United States since leaving high school?

° Yes[next]

° No[go to 50]

48. Which of the following describe your foreign experience? Please indicate all that apply.

° Internship or co-op

° Reciprocal exchange

° Study abroad

° Field trip

° Employment not affiliated with an academic institution

° Non-academic program

° Other (please specify) ______

49. How well do you think your international experience has prepared you for the next step in either starting a career or furthering your education?

° Very well

° Generally well

° Neither well nor inadequately (neutral)

° Inadequately

° Very inadequately [go to section 7]

50. Which of these are reasons why you have not gone abroad? Please indicate all that apply.

° Never thought about it

° No one encouraged me to do it

° It would delay my graduation

° Did not fit my degree plan

° Not beneficial to my career

° Too expensive

° My financial aid didn't cover costs

° Needed to work instead

° Family worried about my leaving the U.S.

° Political tensions/fear of terrorism

° Family obligations

° I don't speak any language but English

° Don't want to leave Texas or the U.S.

° Other (please specify) ______

Section 7. Overall Satisfaction

51. At the time you graduate, approximately what will be the total amount borrowed to finance your undergraduate or graduate education that you are personally responsible for repaying?

° none

° $1 to 9,999

° $10,000 to 19,999

° $20,000 to 29,999

° $30,000 to 39,999

° $40,000 to 49,999

° $50,000 or more

° Unable to estimate

52. Reflecting back, do you now think that the benefits you have received from attending Texas A&M were worth the financial costs to you and your family?

° Yes, definitely

° Maybe, but not sure

° No, definitely not

53. How confident are you of success in your future?

° Bring it on!

° I think I'll do well.

° Uncertain

° Not quite ready

° Not ready at all

54. Please give us your thoughts on how well Texas A&M prepared you for the future.




55. Please provide an e-mail address that will be valid after graduation. This will be used by your college and department to keep you up to date on what's happening to your teachers and fellow students in you major department. Your address will not be sold or used for any other commercial purposes. Texas A&M respects your privacy.

° E-mail ______