Central Bank of The Bahamas

Survey of Economic Activity

Survey of Economic Activity

Research Department
Administration District / Telephone: (242) 302-2655

Facsimile: (242) 356-4324

Rec’d: ______
Checked ______

Period Ended: January - June 2005

Please read this first

Who Should Participate in this Survey: This version of the Survey of Economic Activity is to be filled out by Family Island Local Administrators. A different version of this survey is available from The Central Bank of The Bahamas Research Department for businesses that wish to communicate a more detailed response.

Purpose of Collection: This survey collects information on local administrators’ assessment of the state of the business operations in their districts, including the anticipated outlook for the operations and future intentions concerning employment and investments.

Confidentiality: The Bank guarantees the confidentiality of your completed form; only consolidated statistics are published.

Due Date: Please return the completed form to the Research Department by July 29 2005.

Estimates acceptable: Please answer the following questions based on your best estimate of the business activity on your District.

Some Responses Optional: Respondents may elect not to provide responses to some of the follow-up questions in the shaded portions of this form.

Help is Available: For any assistance, please contact the following persons in the Research Department, either via email or at the telephone numbers shown above:

Mrs. Shaniska Adderley, Sr. Research Assistant ()

Please keep a copy of this form: This will help us to resolve any queries that we might have.

Thank you: Accurate statistics rely on your cooperation.

Person who should be contacted if queries arise regarding this form.

Name / Telephone
Title: / Facsimile

A. General Information

A1. Date

A2. Accounting Period January - June 2005

A3. Location

i) Administration District:

ii) Island:

A4. Estimated Population

B.  Employment Conditions

B1. Based on your knowledge, please rank the following industries in the District by number of employees, 1 being the most important, and 7 being the least:

Rank Estimated Number of Employees


Agriculture & Fisheries


Hotels & Restaurants

Retail (Distribution)



(Please specify)

Please give your assessment of the following business conditions within your district by checking the appropriate response:

B2. Current employment conditions in your District, relative to the availability and ability to find jobs.

Favorable Not so favorable Unfavorable

B3. Forecast of expected employment conditions for the next 12 months:

Favorable Not so favorable Unfavorable

B3. Average skills level of labor force, relative to the needs of businesses in the District :

Adequate Not Adequate

C. Market Conditions

Please give your assessment of the following regarding the top 3 most important industries in the district:

C1. Current market conditions: i.e. ability to generate sales or attract customers

Favorable Not so favorable Unfavorable

C2. Forecast of expected market conditions for the next 12 months

Favorable Not so favorable Unfavorable

C3. Current or available production/sales capacity in your district

Excessive capacity Adequate capacity Insufficient capacity

C4. Forecast of expected production capacity in your district for the next 12 months

Excessive capacity Adequate capacity Insufficient capacity

C5. Please explain your reason for C4

Higher Lower Investment in infrastructure

Higher Lower Private investment

Higher Lower Human Capital & Expertise

Higher Lower Productivity

Higher Lower Other ……..

C6. Average incomes earned in the district compared to same period last year

Higher Unchanged Lower

C7. Forecast of average net incomes in the district over the next 12 months

Higher Unchanged Lower

D. Business Problems and Concerns

Using the list below please indicate your understanding of the most important private sector business concerns and problems in the district. Please rank in order of importance, 1 being the most important and 12 the least.


Interest Rates/Access to Finance

Exchange Rates


Marketing Problems

Lack of Skilled Employees

General Economic Climate

Lack of Time/Production Capacity

Competition from Big Business

Cash Flow/Debtors


Other (Please specify)

E. Additional Comments

Please provide any additional comments you might have in the space provided below:

F.  Contact Information

Completed survey responses may be returned to the Manager, Research Department, The Central Bank of The Bahamas, Box N-4868, Nassau, Bahamas (email: , fax: +1 (242) 356-4324).

Thank you for your cooperation.