WELCOME! We extend a warm welcome to everyone, particularly those who are visitors at our worship service this morning. We pray that you will receive a special blessing as we worship our Lord together. Join us in Friendship Hall immediately following the worship service for coffee and fellowship. This evening we will worship together at Cedar Hill CRC in Wyckoff at 6 PM.
In reverence and respect to God, please turn off all electronic devices prior to entering the sanctuary.
FAITH PROMISE MISSION EMPHASIS: Thank you to Pastor Rod and Gordy for their message to us today! Pledge cards may be placed in the regularly scheduled Faith Promise offering today. If you left yours at home, there are some available at the Welcome Center, and they may be placed in the general offering plate next week. Thank you again to everyone who joined us last Sunday for our pot-luck kickoff, and a very special thank you to Michelle Vriesema for her willingness to help with our set up on Saturday!
COVENANT BAPTISM TODAY--Thismorningwe will celebrate God's covenant love and promises with the baptism of Carla Grace, infant daughter of Chip and Emily Cathey (granddaughter of Rich & Kathy Vriesema; great granddaughter of Gladys Van Goor and Barbara Vriesema). Praise God for His claim upon Carla and His deep love for her and other little lambs in His flock!
ADULT Sunday School today will continue showing the short clips from "Shift" the film that examines why young people are leaving the CRC. It is intended for people of ALL AGES. Come join us today at 11:15 in the Friendship Hall as Howard Yeaton leads the discussion.
Community Thanksgiving service--our church will again host the Community Thanksgiving Service the Sunday evening prior to Thanksgiving--November 22, at 5:00 PM. As in past years, this will be followed by a potluck with people from the community in our Friendship Hall. Please sign up for the potluck in the narthex or call Pat in the church office (201-445-4260).
The special offerings for November & December are as follows:
November 15 - Faith Promise
November 27 - Thanksgiving - Area Food Banks
November 29 - Madison Ave.
December 6 - Eastern Christian Tuition Aid
December 13 - AM - New City CRC; PM - Midland Park Love Fund
December 20 - Faith Promise
December 25 - Christmas Day - Benevolence
December 27 - Eastern Christian Schools
REVERSE OFFERING: Today as you leave the sanctuary, the Deacons will be at the doors and you are encouraged to take 1 or 2 slips of paper from our reverse offering to support our Thanksgiving Food Drive. Please return the items that are on your slips of paper to the hallway outside the Deacons’ room by November 23rd. The food collected will be given to the Northside Community CRC Food Bank.
The next Renewal Lab meeting will take place tomorrow, November 16 at 7:30 PM in the MPCRC Youth House. (This meeting was postponed from the 9th). We will start promptly at 7:30PM and try to end at 8:30.
Hymn-Sing November 29 Kick-off the Advent season with another area-wide hymn sing at Ridgewood Christian Reformed Church (271 Lincoln Ave., Ridgewood). 5:00 PM on Sunday, November 29.
The Small Group that meets in the Library will meet next on Sunday, November 29 due to the Community Thanksgiving Service on November 22. We will continue to study lesson 3 in our book on Romans. New members are always welcome to join us.
The Gertrude Hawk Candy Fundraiser for the holidays is now under way!! Please check your church mailbox for this year’s catalog. Bring them as hostess gifts, use them as stocking stuffers, wrap them and put them under the tree or treat yourself! Sale Dates: 11/1 - 11/23 (all order-slips due by 11/23, online orders can be submitted until 11/27). Orders can be placed online. Our organization’s code is 113601. All proceeds to benefit MPCRC Booster Club tuition aid. If you have any questions please contact Sara Van Goor at
THE MIDLAND PARK SENIOR CRUSADERS will leave on Thursday, November 19th at 9:15 AM from the Faith Reformed Church for their trip to Hunterdon Hills Playhouse.
RUTH CIRCLE: Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 24th at 1:30 PM with Pastor Rod leading us in Lesson #5, Respect for Sabbath Rest. Marion Sybesma and Nancy Shea will be in charge of refreshments. Don’t miss our discussion about our Sundays today compared to our Sundays of our childhood years.
ATTENTION: There will be NO Administration Board meeting this Monday.
CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4 - All Midland Park members & guests invited – ages 21 to 91 – at Ossy’s in Hawthorne. Great food, fellowship & music. Call John, daytime 973-423-3300 and evening 201-891-5397. Specify veal, salmon, or chicken. Cost $43 all-inclusive.
LADIES: Come and join us as we celebrate Christmas together in Friendship Hall on Friday, December 11thfrom 7-9 PM. Pastor Scott Nichols from Faith Reformed Church will open our eyes to some largely unknown aspects of the Christmas story in his presentation, The Nativity You Never Knew. We have a few surprises waiting for you, too!Feel free to invite a friend for a fun and inspiring evening. Sign up sheet is in the narthex!
THANK YOU! - A big thank you to the lovely ladies (you know who you are) who assisted me in cutting, tying, fluffing, trimming and stapling 200+ Cadet bows forthis year'swreath sale. You are the best! Thank you! Bev Schaaf
LinC Youth Group, (9th thru 12th grades). Sunday, November 22, 6-8:30 PM, Faith Community Church in the Barn. This is our regular meeting. Hope you can join us for dinner, games, worship and a lesson called the Glass Half Full.
LinC NYC trip - Saturday, December 5th, 2-9:30 PM. We will meet at Cedar Hill CRC. We will go see the tree at Rockefeller Center, have dinner at 5 guys and skate at Bryant Park. If you don’t want to skate, there are lots of shops surrounding the rink and you can spend the time Christmas shopping, Cost: $15 dollars if you are not skating and $25 if you want to skate. Costs
include dinner and transportation. Please RSVP to Denise by November 15th. We need to buy skating tickets in advance and reserve a bus.
Heirborne Youth Group, (7th and 8th grades). Wednesday, November 25th, 7-9 PM @ Cedar Hill CRC. Join us as we worship God, have snack and some conversation. Plus, Human Hungry Hungry Hippo will be our game that night.
Go MAD - Friday, December 4th, 7-9:30 PM. Join us for a night of games, snack and a Christmas craft. Drop off is at Eastern Christian Middle School and pick up is at Faith Community Church in the barn.
Questions? Go to www.go2yq.org or call Denise Banaag at 862-221-2014 or email .
YouthQuest Leader Pot Luck Friday, December 11th, 6:30 PM - FaithCommunity Church in theBarn. Join us that night for a pot luck dinner with leaders to celebrate the holidays. Bring your favorite appetizer, entrée, side or dessert. Spouses and significant others are invited to join us. Please RSVP to Denise and let us know what you will bring.
THE CADET STILL HAVE 80 MORE WREATHS AVAILABLE. If you have not yet ordered your beautiful, fresh, 24 inch wreath, please contact any Cadet or call the church office. Thanks for your support of our Cadets!
IMPORTANT REMINDER: Please take your next Renewal Lab Scripture reading list (Ephesians-Colossians) from your mail slot across from the church office (salmon-colored). It would be great to have the whole congregation reading through these short letters of Paul in the next couple of months.
DEACONS’ NEWS - It’s that time of year again when the Deacons will be sponsoring the SHELTERING PROGRAM on Monday nights. The season began last Monday and will continue into March. The hospitality of the congregation is a source of light to these very needy men. As always, the support of the congregation is key to keeping the program running. We need your help in the form of prayer, meals, drivers, overnight hosts and donations of men’s clothing. Please look for the sign-up board in the Narthex and prayerfully consider how you can serve. The Deacons will be covering the first week. If you have any questions, please contact Art Hoogmoed, Peggy Keen or Mike Holmes.
ATTENTION CHOIR: The week of December 6, choir rehearsal will be on Monday December 7 instead of Thursday, December 10.Please make a note of it. There is an open invitation to anyone who can sight sing, but is not available to attend rehearsals in the week, to come to rehearsals at 8:45AM on the Sundays when the choir sings and rehearse and sing with the choir. If this is something that would work for you, please join us as often as you can. Congratulations to Dr. Desmond Moulton, our Director of Music. Desmond was awarded his doctorate on July 31, 2015.
Attention Deaconesses: your November/December deaconess list is ready to be picked up from your church mailbox.
GREETERS: TODAY: Roger & Jayne Spoelstra (North), Sam & Lorraine Steen (Center), Pete & Judy Van Grouw (South). NEXT WEEK: Barb Vriesema & Betty Dykhouse (North), Al & Jan Laauwe (Center), Earl & Joan Schlossman (South).
POWERPOINT: THIS WEEK: BUILD – Steve Wisse. PROJECT – Aaron De Rosa. NEXT WEEK: BUILD - William Golden. PROJECT - Calvin Gorter.
USHERS: TODAY: 9:30 AM - John Steen, Jerry Bandstra, Jeff Streelman. (Alternate: Bill Sytsma).
NEXT WEEK: Mark Wisse, Kevin Shea, Keith Spoelstra. (Alternate: Al Laauwe).
CHILDREN’S WORSHIP - Teacher - Laura Gorter. Helper - Katie Hefty. NEXT WEEK - Teacher - Laura Gorter. Helper - Kristin Golden.
CHILDREN’S MESSAGE: THIS WEEK: Pastor Rod & Gordie. NEXT WEEK: Vicki Holst.
NURSERY ATTENDANTS: TODAY: 9:30 AM - Michele Van Olden and Kristen Holmes. NEXT WEEK: 9:30 AM - Kathy Sonderfan and Jamie Bosgra.
9:30 AM – Morning Worship Service
11:15 AM - Sunday School, Catechism, and Adult Education
2:30 PM - Cathedral Choir Rehearsal in the Sanctuary
6:00 PM - Evening Worship Service
9:15 AM - Community Bible Study Leaders
1:30 PM - Sr. Crusaders’ Planning Meeting
7:00 PM - Deacons’ Sheltering Program
6:15 PM - Cadet Supper
7:00 PM - Cadets
9:15 AM - Community Bible Study
7:00 PM - Youth Hangout Night at the Youth House
7:30 PM - Bell Choir Rehearsal
8:00 AM - Quilters
7:30 PM - Senior Choir Rehearsal
7:30 PM - Friendship Ministries
6:30 AM - Men’s Prayer Fellowship in the Library
7:00 PM - Heirborne Activity in the Youth House
CONGRATULATIONS to the following people celebrating “special” birthdays in November. November 1 - Kay Sweetman, Holland Christian Home Room 231, 151 Graham Ave., North Haledon, NJ 07508. November 13 - John Van Lenten, 131 Franklin Ave., Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604. November 22 - Trina Borst, 19 Heights Rd., Midland Park, NJ 07432. November 29 - Alice Spoelstra, 1804 Ocean Dr., Apt. 114, Boynton Beach, Florida 33426.
Processional on “Lift High the Cross"” Busarow
Baptized in Water Wood
Moment to Focus Our Hearts…“Be still and know that I am God.”
(Psalm 46:10)
Choral Call to Worship
Church Without Walls Pepper Choplin
*The Lord’s Greeting~~We Greet Each Other
*Mission Emphasis Hymn: CH 439: 1, 2, 5
Song for the Nations
(This song is a special request of Great-Grandma Barb Vriesema)
Ministry of Music
Song of Mission Pepper Choplin
Children's Message
Pastor Rod and Gordy
Baptism of Carla Grace Cathey
(Children may then leave for Children's Worship)
*Prayer for the Savior’s Leading:
Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us
Prayer for the Spirit’s Leading
Scripture Reading: Luke 18: 1-8 (p. 1628)
Prayer and Christ's Mission
*Song of Response: PH 555
Lead On, O King Eternal
Congregational Prayer
1st for the General Ministries of MPCRC
2nd for Faith Promise
(While the offering is received, please sign the maroon fellowship booklet)
Jesus Shall Reign Where'er the Sun Ore
Offertory Prayer
*Closing Song: PH 539: 1, 4
Shout, for the Blessed Jesus Reigns
I Will Sing the Wondrous Story Held
*Please stand as you are able.
Need prayer or encouragement? Elders are available to talk or pray
with you, by the piano, after the service.
Minister: Pastor Rod Gorter
Organist: Carolyn Steen
Music: Senior Choir
Directed by Desmond Moulton
Children's Message: Pastor Rod and Gordy
Scripture: Bernie Kuipers
Congregational Prayer: Sam Steen