Forums Equalities Survey - 2009

Male/Female/TransgenderDo you consider yourself to have a disability? Yes/No

Age: 12 and Under 13-1920 – 2526-59 60 and over

Do you belong to a Forum or Community Group ? Yes/No

If yes please tell us which one(s) e.g. Forum, resident association, faith group etc

To help meet the needs of ALL its customers, an Equalities Scheme has commitments about how Northampton Borough Council works and things it aims to improve.

To help update this, we’d like your help to tell us what you think is done well, what could be improved and any ideas for solutions or improvements to specific issues.

Were you aware that Council services have plans/policies for equality?

Yes Not SureNo

Please circle which of the following council services you have heard about:

ForumsNeighbourhood ManagementNeighbourhood Partnerships

Anne Frank awardsMoney 4 youthCommunity Grants

Sports/Play officersNeighbourhood Wardens Events Team

Housing OfficersCommunity Safety officers Tenant Participation

Would you ever consider being employed by the Council?

Yes Not Sure NoI already work for the Council

Would you be prepared to work as a partner or volunteer with Council services?

e.g. at events, project groups, attend meetings, making decisions

Yes Not Sure No

How the Council communicates with people:

- Language is clear and easy to understand Often Sometimes Never Don’t Know

- I feel able to get documents in other formatsYesNo Not applicable to me

- I feel able to get documents in other languages Yes No Not applicable to me

- The website provides helpful informationYesNo Never visited

- Council newsletters help me keep informedYesNoI would like to get a newsletter

Have you ever taken part in a council consultation?YesNo

(e.g. through focus groups, surveys, meetings)

If yes can you give us any examples e.g. budget, Money 4 Youth, Overview & Scrutiny work?

If yes, did you get to find out what happened as a result of the consultation?

e.g. updates in Forum newsletters, letters, web pages, press articles Yes No

How did you feel about this communication? Satisfied Not bothered Disappointed

Have you been involved personally in helping council services to improve e.g. through project groups, discussions at meetings? Yes No

When the Council makes decisions, consults people etc it has to look at the impacts on different groups of people e.g. older people, disabled people, diverse communities to ensure it acts fairly.

Are you aware of this? YesNo

Have you heard of equality impact assessments? YesNo

If yes would you know how to get hold of a copy if you wanted to see one? YesNo

How important is it to you that they are done? Very Not Very Not at all

What 2 things do you think NBC does well to make its services accessible to and inclusive of the different people it serves?

1 ______


What 2 things would you most like to see improved about how the Council provides services to be accessible to and inclusive of the different people it serves?



Do you think that overall the Council is getting better at taking account of people’s needs?

Not at AllA bitA lot

Are there any community groups you feel should be getting involved or information but who are not doing so? If so please tell us who they are (giving contact details if possible)

Are there any people or groups of people in the community who you feel the Council should particularly do more to help e.g. elderly, disabled, youth etc? If so please tell us.