Surrey City Council

Regular Council Meeting

September 7, 2010


Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm.

Present were Mayor Fennewald, Council members: Johnson, Larsen, Klein, Storkson, and Nelsen. Also in attendance were Chief Seideman, PWS Peterson, and City Auditor Jason Vaagen.

Mayor Fennewald read the additions: revised bills in the amount of $27,901.21, Court Report for August Scott Brobst wanting to address Council regarding gaming at Bottom’s Up, and a letter from Rod Hjelden.

Mayor Fennewald read the consent agenda: Review and approval of meeting minutes from 8/9/10, 8/17/10, and 8/24/10; Financial Reports and Other reports: Bills in the amount of $27901.21,Payroll in the amount of $ 16934.27, employee hours report, Auditor’s report, Public Work report, and Police report and the Municipal Court Report.

Klein/Johnson made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Roll Call: Johnson-aye, Klein-aye, Nelsen-aye, Larsen-aye and Storkson-aye.

Jeremy from Diversified Carpentry addressed the Council regarding his bid to repair the city hall roof as he understood there were questions on the bid. Discussion ensued on what he intended to do and questions that the Council had. Mayor Fennewald asked if this is the only bid that we have received back. Auditor Vaagen stated the other companies that were called have not returned bids. Discussion also ensued on the option of colored metal. Discussion also ensued on when the project could be completed.

Larsen/Nelsen made a motion to award the project to Diversified Carpentry for $36,000 and an additional $1000 to allow for colored sheeting. Roll Call: Larsen-aye, Nelsen-aye, Storkson-aye, Johnson-aye, and Klein-aye. Jeremy was instructed to get with Auditor Vaagen regarding the colors and the contract.

Auditor Vaagen wanted to remind the council of the District 29 protest meeting on Monday September 13th at 6:30 pm.

Scott Brobst approached the Council to request adding blackjack to the gaming at the Bottom's Up. Storkson left room.

Klein/Nelsen made a motion to approve the request. Roll Call: Klein-aye, Johnson-aye, Nelsen-aye, and Larsen-aye.

Auditor Vaagen requested clarification of the ordinances regarding septic tanks within City limits as the subdivision regulations in Chapter 12 require new developers to provide city sewer and water in new subdivisions; whereas the Chapter 9 sanitation regulations provides an exception if the public sewer is 200' from the property line. Discussion ensued. Auditor Vaagen was instructed to write up a proposed change to the sewer ordinance.

Motion by Klein/Storkson to pass the 2nd reading of the proposed change to 9.0102. Roll Call: Klein-aye, Storkson aye, Larsen-aye, Nelsen-aye, and Johnson-aye.

Discussion ensued on the proposed water rate change received from North Prairie. Auditor Vaagen disclosed what North Prairie has been charged by the city of Minot over the past three year. Council concurred to have Auditor Vaagen talk to the City of Minot, North Prairie, or the State Water Commission to get an explanation on why there is a difference in the water rate NAWS has and what North Prairie is getting charged for water. If possible Council would like a meeting with the City of Minot and NAWS and North Prairie.

Discussion ensued on homes moving into town. Auditor Vaagen was instructed to create a building permit application addition having the person applying for the permit to map their route and contact the city on when they are planning to bring the house in.

Council discussed the letter received from Mr. Hjelden. Mayor Fennewald asked that Auditor Vaagen send Mr. Hjelden a letter thanking him for his time and service.

Discussion ensued regarding the NDLC annual conference on September 23-24 and how Council wanted to handle the office hours. Council concurred to set Office Hours at 9am-1pm those days and have the Public Works employees cover them.

Auditor Vaagen stated that the revisions Council made at the Preliminary budget meeting had been made and put into their packets. Discussion ensued on the budget.

Engineer Strand presented his findings for Pine Dr. to the Council regarding the drainage problems. Auditor Vaagen explained that the residents that live on Pine drive wanted to pay to have their road fixed but was concerned with the drainage and wanted to know what could be done before the road was fixed. Discussion ensued. The Council concurred that if they wanted to fix the road that would be fine, but they would need to deal with the drainage issues themselves.

PWS Peterson presented costs for the generator for the North East Lift Station. Discussion ensued on the bids. Auditor Vaagen was instructed to see if an engineer needs to present the report and estimate of probable cost. Auditor Vaagen was also instructed to check the minimum time period allowed for a Special Assessment District and to see if work performed by city employees can be included in the costs.

Larsen introduced Resolution 2010 -12 creating a Sewer District by reason of necessity to purchase a generator for the NE lift station using Interstate Power for the generator and Main Electric for the wiring. The resolution was duly seconded by Johnson. Roll Call: Klein-nay, Nelsen-aye, Johnson-aye, Larsen aye, and Storkson-aye.

PWS Peterson addressed the Council regarding training in Sawyer on the 16th regarding how to fix a break, proper maintenance of gate valves, check valves, and stop boxes. Council concurred Peterson should attend.

Peterson also addressed the Council regarding the Annual Water and Wastewater Convention in Fargo Oct. 12-14. Council concurred Peterson should attend.

PWS Peterson also requested that rates for work billable to residents be increased because of increasing costs including rental of a tractor for mowing lots. Discussion ensued on the issue. Auditor Vaagen was instructed to check if this is in the ordinances.

PWS Peterson disclosed to the Council that the tower maintenance contract has expired. Discussion ensued on the new proposed contract.

Klein/Johnson made a motion to approve the new contract at $2150 per inspection for the next three inspections with inspections being every two years. Roll Call: Klein-aye, Johnson-aye, Nelsen-aye, Larsen-aye, and Storkson-aye.

PWS Peterson also addressed Council regarding the use of the 2" pumps by residents. Discussion ensued on the use of the pumps. Council concurred that they are for emergency flooding situations.

Chief Seideman addressed the Council regarding training Oct. 7th and 8th put on by Minot PD. Council concurred that Seideman should attend.

Discussion ensued on the squad car bids that were received. Nelsen/Storkson made a motion to accept the highest bid of $1887 that was received from Dustin and Natasha Volechenko. Roll Call: Nelsen-aye, Storkson-aye, Larsen-aye, Johnson-aye, and Klein-aye.

Mayor Fennewald addressed Chief Seideman's schedule for the month. Discussion ensued on Police coverage.

Councilman Larsen discussed the county having the aerial mapping of the county complete and that the cities in the county can use the maps and programming but what the county is asking is that the cities purchase at least 1TB external hard drives for this. Discussion ensued.

Larsen/Storkson made a motion for adjournment. Meeting adjourned at 9:52 pm.

September 9, 2010

Jason Vaagen, Auditor Date Submitted

Steve Fennewald, Mayor Date Approved