Surrey and Sussex Dental Local Professional Network (LPN)
10 September 2015 from 2pm to 5pm
Venue: The Surrey Room, York House, Horley, RH6 7DE
Present: / Brett Duane (BD) / Deputy LPN Chair/Acting ChairAnnie Godden (AG) / Senior Contract Manager
Paul Mellings (PM) / Dental Practice Adviser
Agi Tarnowski (AA) / Dentist, West Sussex LDC
Sarah Crosbie (SC) / Clinical Director, Special Care Dental Service
Jeremy Collyer (JC) / Consultant Maxillofacial Surgeon
John Derby / HEKSS, deputising for SLH
Geoff Thomas / Healthwatch, East Sussex
Apologies: Stephen Lambert-Humble
Minute Taker: Annie Godden, Janet Mitchelson (JM) on leave
1 / Welcome, introductions and apologies:Two very enthusiastic Dental Care Professionals (DCPs) were interviewed a few weeks ago. The position of DCP has been offered to Fay Eves. She has lots of experience as both a dental nurse and hygienist, and is interested in patient pathways and interaction with DCP colleagues. / Actions
2 / Update on Chair Recruitment:
The Local Professional Network (LPN) chair in Kent is retiring at the end of the year. The decision has been made to employ one chair to cover the two separate LPNs (Kent and SS) as this will avoid duplication. AG to clarify if the chair needs to be registered and if so does this need to be GDC or if it can be another professional body e.g the GMC
There is a planned interview at around the end of October for the new chair of the LPNs for both Surrey and Sussex and Kent and Medway. Clinical input on the interview panel needs to be confirmed before the interview can be arranged. / AG
3 / Action notes:
High Concentration fluoride toothpaste:
· Prescqipp (; BD updated the group. He has sent the minutes of the previous meeting of the LPN to the Medication Review Pharmacist (MRP). BD received email during meeting with an update on the approach. The MRP has received some feedback that some GPs have expressed concern that they won’t be insured if they prescribe high concentration fluoride toothpaste. The LPN thought this was unlikely- GPs already prescribe more serious medication to patients for oral health reasons e.g. antibiotics. BD to feed back.
· JC has written to the oncologists.
Oral surgery Managed Clinical Network (MCN)
JC has communicated with regard to the Oral Surgery MCN with Steve Walsh see 8.5 below.
Oral Health in Older Persons Initiative
BD has discussed with Lizzie Cradditch to establish number of care homes visited etc. see 10.2 below.
Recruitment of DCP member
DCP member recruited see 1 above.
Draft Orthodontic Needs Assessment
IOTN training arranged at no cost to practices – see 8.4.
Clarification sought by LDC about IMOS concerns in East Sussex
Outstanding action: AG needs to follow up this with Alan Lewis.
JC has been in discussion with BD and Andy Ezra- see DERS. / BD, AG
4 / Minutes:
Minutes were agreed with amendments made:
Agreement that all acronyms will be removed (e.g. IOHOPI), draft minutes would be circulated no later than 10 working days from the meeting, and all former minutes would be circulated by Janet. SC to check then if her changes from the March meeting had been completed. / JM, SC
5 / Standing items: plan on a page:
This was not circulated. However from previous circulated plan;
(Care Quality Commission) CQC have been invited to attend the challenges conference.
Commissioning guides- are still awaiting publication.
Index of Orthodontic Training Need (IOTN) training is being arranged.
6 / Dental Electronic Referral System (DERS):
Most Kent practices have signed up. Good communication with referring practitioners, need to firm up arrangements to forward secondary care referrals. JC asked if the system is HL7 compliant to ensure it is compliant with a new electronic patient record system that Kent Trusts are purchasing.
JC discussed his thoughts on the system- The system needs to ensure, if it is a referral vehicle that it is not too complex- JC discussed the 80: 20 rule, that often it requires 20% of the effort to get 80% of the information. What becomes challenging is acquiring the other 20% of the information- so try and keep it simple. Brett to feedback this information to Vantage.
The LPN discussed the need to evaluate and review the system, including focus groups where appropriate in December, to assess how the system is running.
BD to clarify with David Ezra and liaise with JC / BD, JC
7 / KSS sustainable Dentistry Programme Board and Working Group:
BD would like representation from each LPN to sit on the programme board. The board will meet to help give national direction to trainees working with the Centre for Sustainable Health care in order to try and improve the sustainability of dentistry. There is a potential representative from Kent. If anyone is interested from the LPN they will email BD by 20th September 2015. The time commitment is only 4 hours per year as more an advice and strategy group. / All
8 / MCN update and relationship with LPN:
MCNs need to invite Chairs to attend alternative meetings.
8.1 Special Care:
SC updated the LPN on the SC MCN meeting. There was not a particularly good turnout. Need input from NHSE (AG agreed she was already invited/confirmed for next meeting), and GDS (SC/Mark Johnstone were via SC to consider asking all four LDCS across KSS for a GDS representative. BD will formally write to Mark Johnstone to request special care representation although it is likely that SC will represent special care.
8.2 Paediatric Dentistry:
BD will formally write to Mark Johnstone to clarify if the Special Care MCN will also represent paediatric dentistry in the short term/long term
8.3 Restorative dentistry: BD to email Andrew for a representative
8.4 Orthodontics: BD to email current chairs to ask for a representative- but to agree draft for Annie first. Orthodontic training meetings with respect to IOTN have now been organised with HEEKSS.
8.5 Oral Surgery: BD to formally ask Stephen Walsh for a representative
8.6 Oral Health Promotion (OHP): Within Kent there is a newly established Oral Health Promotion group. The SS LPN needs to consider if SS has its own group or could ask the Kent one to become KSS (if it considers this acceptable). The group discussed the possible challenges of so many local authorities being involved if it is just KSS wide. There is already a South-east and London group of oral health promoters (including an SDO), but this doesn’t include Clinical Directors or Local Authorities. It was agreed that it would be good to have a forum to engage with local authorities, and it is imperative to have clinical leadership within this group. The SS LPN agreed that we should have a separate OHP group for SS, rather than asking for a combined Kent group. BD to write to all Clinical Directors and LA representatives to enquire for a potential chair of this new group.
BD to work with Annie to re-draft TOR (Terms of Reference) into a proposed two committee structure to discuss at the next meeting. / BD
9 / NHS England Update:
The regions/geography is now known as Local Offices. No further update.
10 / Health Education England Kent Surrey and Sussex (HEEKSS):
10.1 As previously discussed HEEKSS is going to collaborate with the London office. The HEEKSS staff will relocate to Stuart House in Russell Square shortly. Training programmes will remain separate. The structure is not anticipated to change at the current time.
10.2 Improving the oral health in older persons initiative:
As the Older Person project update was being carried out at the same time as the LPN no update was available at present. At the end of the meeting JD informed the LPN that 520 carers had now received training from 205 care homes, with a possible 6461 residents now being cared by carers who have received training.
BD to send a list of care homes visited to the LPN once Lizzie sends this to him (if she is allowed to do so by the IOHOPI project chair)
Foundation dentists are having induction now. Trainees in Dental Public Health are being interviewed. It is believed that there is 0.5 WTE posts to start in Kent, and possibly 2 X 0.5 WTE posts in SS. / BD
11 / Public Health England (PHE) update:
PHE is undergoing organisational change. The South East region of PHE has a different geography than the NHS England SE local office. During the organisational change all Consultants in Dental Public Health were required to re-apply for their positions. During this process there has been one appointment to Thames Valley and one to Wessex, with one consultant not successful in securing their chosen post. BD was not involved in this process as by this time had resigned. With the departure of BD there are now 2 vacancies to fill in KSS. BD leaves on October 23rd, but will continue as interim chair in a separate contractual arrangement with NHS England until chair post is filled. There is discussion between PHE and NHS England on short/medium/long term cover for the Consultant role within KSS, including the supervision of trainees. There is concern that there may not be immediate short term cover which will have significant impact on dental commissioning. This concern (over limited capacity) will be escalated from NHS England to PHE if it is felt appropriate to do so. The LPN raised significant concern about the possible lack of PHE/Consultant input as they felt this would considerably hamper developments within dentistry in KSS.
12 / Website:
BD has not had a response to the request to update our website. He will chase this.
/ BD
13 / Challenges Conference:
On 7th October this has been organised. There is a good programme planned with information on overseas dentists, CQC inspections, dental and pharmacy management, collaborative health checks, looked after children, DERS update, and out of hours /urgent dental care.
14 / Any Other Business:
Oral Health Survey of Older People:
SC expressed concern that this will involve a lot of work for contracted trusts. SC asked what will happen to the information. Her concerns included the fact that it may not provide value for the money it will cost commissioning Local Authorities, as the survey sample will be so small. Many trusts may lack capacity to deliver this type of programme.
GT to enquire if Healthwatch have been involved as it is not clear as to the patient input this has received. SC to write to BD to take forward with the Local Authority.
GT gave update on Healthwatch
GT asked who patient feedback should be directed to. This will depend on the circumstance- he was advised to direct critique/compliments to the email address;
GT advised that Queens Nursing Institute have launched an Oral Health and Homelessness Guide for Community Nurses. PHE or NHS E was not aware of the launch. The LPN felt that it is likely that the Community Trusts will have been sent this to circulate to community nurses.
The community bus has been in East Sussex to promote Healthwatch. Healthwatch were recently not well received in a dental practice. Discussion was held as to how we can help dental practices become more aware of Healthwatch. BD discussed he had advised a colleague of Healthwatch East Sussex recently by email that we can support Healthwatch through email communication, but no further email correspondence has come from Healthwatch on this matter.
Concern was raised by the LPN at the managerial support given to this meeting. Minutes are late in circulation and the website has not been updated. This was acknowledge and administration will improve when the new administrator is
In post. BD advised whilst he was chair he will ensure the group receives minutes no later than 2 weeks after the meeting to confirm. Updating websites is a national issue and has been raised at the national steering group; to be taken forward but BD will continue to progress locally. / GT, SC, BD
Date of next meeting
29th October, 2-5 pm
Board Room
York House
Horley, RH6 7DE
Ratified Minutes 29th October 2015