Start Date
Job Title
Date appointed to this job
Date of last review
Date of review
Appraisee Guidance Note:
The objective of your review meeting is to assess your performance over the previous 12 months and to:
Ensure you have completed PHT Essential Training
- Collate your thoughts of your performance throughout the year
- Review your achievements throughout the year
Identify any additional training that could benefit you
Ensure that you continuously develop
Help you achieve your job and departmental goals
The purpose of completing this form is to help guide you through the performance review process. Before the meeting with your manager, you are required to complete the following pages and this information will be used as discussion points at the meeting. In particular, please give some thought to:
Your past performance since your last review, or since you started in your job
Assessing your current skills and knowledge
Consideration to your future development
At the end of the meeting your manager will summarise agreed actions and you will be asked to sign this summary as a fair record of what has been discussed.
Help us to help you achieve your goals!
This section is designed to help you evaluate your general performance since your last review (or start date if this is your first review) and to think through the areas you want to discuss. Try to supply actual examples of things that have happened (or should have happened and did not) to illustrate the points you want to make (you are only required to give brief answers).
What were the most significant achievements in the last 12 monthsWhat were the main contributing factors to the level of achievement
In which areas of the job have there been problems during the last 12 months
What factors contributed to the failure to achieve objectives and how could they be overcome
What have you enjoyed the most about your job in the last 12 months
What have you enjoyed the least about your job in the last 12 months
What suggestions to improve efficiency in the job/team/department should be discussed
What training have you received since your last review
Has it helped you in your job performance. If not, why not.
What other comments do you wish to make
In order to discuss your self-assessment of your current skills and knowledge against the specific KSF dimensions with your manager, please complete the following section. Your manager will complete this section also and both assessments will be used as discussion points and consequently action points will be agreed where necessary.
Please assess your technical skills/knowledge against the specific NHS KSF scale:
Level 1 - 4 / Level one is the most basic level. The levels increase to reflect more advanced levels of knowledge and skill.Comments/How Can I Improve
KSFCode / Level
Expected / Technical Skills/Knowledge / Employee / Manager /
e.g. example for a group of job titlesUnderstanding of departmental goals
e.g. example for a group of job titles
Keeping abreast of job specific standards e.g. SOP’s/Code of Conduct
e.g. example for a specific job title
Carrying out absence review meetings
In order to discuss your self-assessment of your KSF core/specific competencies with your manager, please complete the following section. Your manager will complete this section also and both assessments will be used as discussion points and consequently action points will be agreed where necessary.
Please assess your core competencies against this scale:
Level 1 - 4 / Level one is the most basic level. The levels increase to reflect more advanced levels of knowledge and skill.Comments/How Can I Improve
ResearchCompetency / KSF / Level expected / Employee / Manager /
Competency 1To demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the evolution of clinical research.
A broad understanding of the historical background, political influence and strategic developments relating to the evolution of clinical research / C1 C2 C3 C5
G5 Service & project
management / 4
Competency 2
To apply knowledge and skills in the clinical research environment. Understands the rationale behind research designs & methodologies. Understands implications for practice of the regulatory and legal frameworks related to the planning, undertaking & closure of clinical research studies. / C1 C2 C3 C5
G5 Service & project
management / 3
Financial management – understands issues related to the undertaking if clinical research. / C2
G5 / 4
Research process – coordinates the preparation, undertaking and closure of clinical research studies.
- an expert resource for staff & researchers within the clinical research environment / C1 C2 C3 C5
IK 2 Information collection & analysis
G5 services & project management
G6 People management / 3
Key personnel – has a comprehensive understanding of the roles and responsibilities of key personnel within the clinical research environment / C1 C2 C3 C5
G6 / 4
Collection of data and completion of study documentation – supervises the accurate & complete collection of data and insertion of data into CRF’s or other research storage formats / C1 C3 C5
HWB2 Assessment and care planning to meet health and wellbeing needs / 4
Data storage - ensures the safe and secure storage of data / C1 C3 C5 G5 / 3
Competency 3 To work within, and adhere to, the requirements of research ethics, research governance & legislation.
Research ethics Committees – knowledge and understanding of structure, roles and functions of REC’s and R&D . Knowledge of local R&D policies and procedures. Familiarity with legislative requirements relevant to research ethics, function of RECs and R&D. / C1 C2 C3 C5 G5 / 3
Seeking ethical opinion and governance approval:preparation of documentation and submissions throughout research study – Contributes to the preparation of paperwork and submission of application to REC and R&D, as agreed with research team / C1 C2 C3 C5 G5 HWB2 / 3
Participant confidentiality – ensures protection of a research participant’s confidentiality / C1 C2 C3 C5 / 4
Competency 4
To understand the principals and practice of obtaining and maintaining valid informed consent
To understand an dapply in practice the legal and regulatory requirements related to gaining & maintaining valid informed consent including where appropariate children, young people and vulnerable adults. / C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
HWB2 / 4
In order for us to assist you in identifying your particular training and development needs, please complete the following
What are your career expectations?What additional training and/or support would benefit you in your current role or for future development?
How will the training and/or support needs be met?
List below, with your manager, action/s agreed during the review, making sure any agreed actions are SMART objectives
S = Specific M = Measurable A = Agreed R = Realistic T - Timely
Agreed action/objective / How will it be achieved / How measured by Manager / Target Datee.g. meet deadlines regularly / Input deadlines on calendar and use reminder system / Check progress at monthly meetings / Continuously
We agree this is a fair and accurate performance review and an agreed action plan (as above) has been drawn up.
DateDate of next review (this will be confirmed nearer the time)
Countersigned (Senior Manager)Date
Annual Performance Review – Management Guidance Notes
A performance review is a formal annual event that enables both managers and their staff to review past performance, assess current skills and knowledge against job requirements, agree actions, identify areas for development, as well as discuss an individual’s career aspirations.
The success of any performance review will only be achieved if both parties adequately prepare. Both the appraisee and the appraiser, prior to any formal review, should complete the appropriate review forms. For the appraisee this will be a self- assessment of the last 12 months and for the appraiser this will be a review of job performance over the last 12 months. The forms will then be used as a discussion point at the review meeting. There should be no surprises at the review and any under performance issues should be dealt with as they occur with support from Human Resources.
The Performance Review Forms
There are 5 sections in total (A-E).
Section ATo be completed by the appraisee (optional for appraisers) and is a general assessment applicable to all job titles that evaluates general performance
Section BTo be completed by appraisee and appraiser to assess job specific skills and knowledge required by the jobholder to successfully carry out their role and should reflect the specific NHS KSF dimensions. Some generic information can also be used that may apply to a group of job titles
Section CTo be completed by the appraisee and appraiser to assess KSF core/specific competencies that are applicable to all job titles
Section DTo be completed by the appraisee and is a general assessment of training needs that an individual may wish to undertake to develop in their role or future career
Section ETo becompleted by the appraiser at the end of the review with the appraisee to agree objectives and actions for the next 12 months. Agreed actions can be confirmed in writing, if required
The Performance Review Cycle
- Determine assessment criteria in Section B from the employees job description or job they are performing if no job description exists or does not reflect current role. If reviewing those who manage others, ensure you assess an individual’s leadership skills and their ability to set clear objectives, delegate effectively, coach and mentor subordinates and encourage individual development. Human Resources can provide assistance if required.
- Meet the individual to agree a formal review date and distribute Sections A-E and the covering explanatory note. It may be necessary to talk through the forms if this is the employee’s 1st review. Ask employees that they should complete all the forms A-D prior to the review, reminding them that the review is a 2-way assessment that gives appraisee’s the opportunity to have their say on their work and development. Failure to adequately prepare may delay the review and subsequent development opportunities.
- At the review, each discusses their individual assessment against the criteria in each section. Use this discussion to identify training needs and actions for the forthcoming year.
- Agree training needs, set SMART objectives and actions for the next 12 months and, if required, confirm the action plan in writing. Guidance on setting SMART objectives is listed below. Human Resources can provide further guidance on this.
Setting SMART objectives
SpecificSpecify what you want the individual to achieve
MeasurableYou should be able to measure whether the objectives can be met
AchievableAre the objectives you set achievable and attainable?
RealisticCan you realistically achieve the objectives with the resources you have?
TimeWhen do you want to achieve the set objectives?
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