School Sport SAsurfingchampionships

Dates and venue

Round 1: Friday 2 MarchRound 2: Friday 18 MayRound 3: Monday 4 June

Teams event and presentations: Friday 10 August

Girls surf coaching: Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12 April – see separate information on the website.

Various locations on the mid and south coast.

Nominations due: Friday 9 February

Championship details

Welcome to another year of school surfing. It is hoped that your school does well and gets the opportunity to represent SA at the nationals at the end of the year. See the interstate section on the surfing page of the website for more information on the nationals.

Entry fee

Teams competition: $55.00 inc GST per team.

Under 16 girls $27.50 per student.

Fees are waived for non-metro schools except Fleurieu Peninsula.

Due to the need to fund qualified judges, fees have increased.

All payments to be sent to the School Sport SA office. Please make cheques payable to Secondary School Sport SA or via EFT.


Open boys and open girls (up to 19 years of age in the year of competition)

Under 16 boys and under 16 girls (must not be turning 16 during the year of competition)

Schools may enter one team only per division. This may be subject to discussion with the contest director. Teams to consist of two surfers with the exception of under 16 girls who compete as individuals and girls white-water where a team consists of up to 6 girls.


Though water cover will be provided during competition the safety of students rests with their supervising teacher at all times. It is strongly recommended that all surfers be enrolled in a surf survival/ safety course. Contact any Aquatic Centre or Surf Life Saving SA for courses available. Aquatic consent and medical information forms for participating students are the responsibility of individual teachers.

Event and venue details

All teams will have judging commitments. Schools must supply at least 3 student judges who are not competitors. Staff from schools will also be rostered onto duties.

The venue will be announced at 7.30am by calling 0411 862 514 for a recorded message. All competitors and officials must be at the venue by 8.30am for a pre-contest meeting where the draw, judging responsibilities and staff duties will be given out. First head can be expected to start at 9.00am

Further information

For more information on the surfing championships, please contact Ian McGregor, Seaford Secondary College on 8327 2222 or 0411 862 514.

School Sport SA surfing championships

Sports Coordinator: / Mobile:
Teacher/ parent to accompany team: / Mobile:
Teacher/ parent to accompany team: / Mobile:

I declare that by completing this form that all students have approval from the Principal to compete at this event under the duty care of the school. Permission has also been granted the School Sport Team to use all students’ name, school, photographs, video and/or audio recordings in printed publications, on the website and on social media accounts. Students without permission must be identified to the event convenor prior to the start of the event.

Conditions of entry

  • Teams consist of two surfers with the exceptions of under 16 girls
  • Schools may only enter one team per division (may be subject to discussion with contest director)
  • Nomination is conditional to abiding by School Sport SA rules and regulations
  • Each competitor holds or intends to hold a Surf Survival Certificate
  • Teams will meet at a designated venue by 8.30am. Venue will be announced at 7.30am. Call 0411 862 514 for a recorded message
  • Teams must be accompanied by a teacher or parent who has been authorised by the school principal
  • Nomination fee is $55.00 inc GST. Under 16 girls is $27.50 inc GST per surfer. Fees are waivered for non-metro except Fleurieu Peninsula


Category / Number of teams / Price per team / Total cost
Teams entries
Under 16 boys / $55.00
Open boys / $55.00
Open girls / $55.00
Whitewater girls / $55.00
Individual entries
Under 16 girls / $27.50
Total inc GST

Return form to School Sport SA by Friday 9 February.

Email: x: 8354 2325

The information collected by Secondary School Sport SA is for the purpose of facilitating the participation of students in its events. The information provided will not be used or disclosed for any other purpose and will be held securely and protected against unauthorised access to the extent that is reasonably within our control. The information provided will only be used by staff on a “needs to know” basis and the privacy of the individuals whose information is provided will be respected and will not knowingly be used for any other purpose. Upon entry, you are giving the School Sport Unit permission to take photographs and use them for School Sport Promotional and Media material, unless a written request is submitted to the School Sport Unit.